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BTC upozornění
BTC upozornění
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Odolnost ceny Etherea dosahuje 3 000 $, ale data v současné době upřednostňují ETH Bulls
Ether (ETH) v současné době zápasí s úrovní odporu 3 000 USD, po pozoruhodném 29,7% nárůstu od 6. února do 20. února. Analytici připisují nedávné zisky ETH poklesu nabídky, tažené rostoucí poptávkou po stakingu, decentralizovaném financování (DeFi ) aplikací a zmenšující se zásoba způsobená mechanismem vypalování proof-of-stake v síti.

Zatímco nárůst Etheru k 3 000 $ je působivý, skutečnou otázkou je, zda altcoin nashromáždí dostatek síly, aby znovu získal hledanou úroveň 3 300 $, která byla naposledy zaznamenána v březnu 2022?
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Giant Whale Dumps 33K Ethereum to Binance, ETH crashed?
Obrovská velryba uvolní kolem 33 000 Etherea na Binance, což podnítí obavy trhu z potenciálního pádu ceny ETH.HLAVNÍ PŘÍBĚHYVelryba 'czsamsunsb.eth' ukládá 33K ETH do Binance.Přechod Whale na Binance je v souladu s předchozími poklesy trhu ETH.Krypto komunita je ve vysoké pohotovosti, protože obchodníci sledují potenciální další pohyby velryb.Agiant crypto velryba, identifikovaná on-chain analytickou firmou Spot On Chain jako „czsamsunsb.eth“, uložila na Binance ohromujících 33 000 Ethereum (ETH), v hodnotě 75,74 milionů dolarů. Tento krok, pozorovaný právě ve chvíli, kdy cena ETH zaznamenala oživení, zvedá obočí v rámci krypto komunity, vzhledem k historickému vzoru velryby převodu ETH na Binance před poklesem trhu.
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Shaheen Mk
#bitcoinové upozornění 🚨
$BTC tc přerušil kanál!
Tohle nevypadá vůbec dobře, doufejme v fake out..

#sanor016CommUNITY #Write2Earn #PYTH #link #TrendingTopic
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$ETH Ethereum udržuje stabilní cenu

Nad hranicí 2 450 USD má cena Etherea silnou podporu. Poté, co Ethereum prolomilo hranici 2 500 USD, zahájilo nový vzestupný trend a překonalo bitcoin.

100hodinový jednoduchý klouzavý průměr a úroveň odporu 2 550 USD byly prolomeny. Před příchodem medvědů cena dokonce překonala hranici 2600 dolarů. V blízkosti 2 614 USD bylo dosaženo nového maxima a cena se nyní vrací ke svým ziskům. Během vzestupu z $2,471 swing low na $2,614 high došlo k malému poklesu pod 23,6% Fibonacciho retracementovou linii.

100hodinový jednoduchý klouzavý průměr ani 2 520 $ zatím Ethereum nezlomilo. Hodinový graf ETH/USD navíc ukazuje pozitivní trendovou linii spojenou s podporou ve výši 2 540 USD. Cena se velmi blíží maximu 2 614 USD, což znamená 50% úroveň Fibonacciho retracementu při vzestupu z minima 2 471 USD.

Úroveň 2 600 $ je potenciální překážkou pro vzestup. V blízkosti $2,620 vidíme další velkou překážku. Solidní vzestup může začít prolomením hranice 2 620 USD. Vzhledem k okolnostem je možné, že se cena vyšplhá až k hranici 2 665 USD.
#TrendingTopic #ETH #TradeNTell
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To je pravda?
To je pravda?
Bitcoin Spot ETF Očekává se, že bude schválen americkými regulátory: Bude následovat Ethereum?
Američtí regulátoři konečně schválili netrpělivě očekávaný spotový bitcoinový burzovní fond (ETF) a analytici se domnívají, že tento krok vytváří další příležitosti pro sektor kryptoměn. Po tomto schválení se pozornost obrátila na Ethereum. Zda bude schválen Spot ETF pro Ethereum, je již předmětem spekulací. Co si o tom myslí nejslavnější světový AI bot ChatGPT a jaké jsou jeho předpovědi cen?
Býčí očekávání ETH
Podle ChatGPT by potenciální schválení spotového Ethereum ETF mohlo zahájit velmi kritický proces. Schválení by mohlo zvýšit institucionální zájem a přijetí do hlavního proudu a oslovit investory, kteří nechtějí nakupovat přímo, ale mají zájem investovat do Etherea.
Autor knihy „Bohatý táta, chudý táta“ přináší nový úžasný důvod pro nákup bitcoinů (BTC)
Populární spisovatel, podnikatel a příznivec Bitcoinu vidí tento důležitý důvod pro nákup BitcoinuRobert Kiyosaki, autor populární knihy o finančním sebevzdělávání „Bohatý táta, chudý táta“ a finanční pedagog, se vydal na sociální síť Twitter/X, aby vydal důležité prohlášení k bitcoinu a vyzval komunitu, aby začala nakupovat. to.Nedávno Kiyosaki sdílel, že také nakoupil více BTC poté, co hlavní regulátor USA vydal souhlas se spotovým bitcoinovým ETF.Zde je Kiyosakiho prohlášení o bitcoinech pro komunitu
ETH🔹 analytika

Začínáme s opravou?
Globálně: maximum bylo aktualizováno, ale co nás čeká dál – klesá nebo stoupá?
Po tak rychlém vzestupu musí éter sestoupit do podpůrné zóny (2420), kde může převzít hybnou sílu pro pohyb nahoru, nebo alternativně jít ještě níže.
Lokálně: budeme sledovat éterovou korekci na 2410, kde dojde k malému odrazu a dalšímu pohybu dolů
Odpory: 2690
Potvrzení: 2440, 2400, 2345
#etf #Ethereum2024 #EthereumVsSolana #Ethereum!
Největší bitcoinová ETF hrozba, o které nikdo nemluví
Když jsem se zbytkem světa čekal na schválení prvního bitcoinového ETF, hlodala mě jedna věc: S hrstkou výjimek včetně Fidelity a VanEck hodlá téměř každý žadatel o spotové bitcoinové ETF použít Coinbase jako svůj opatrovník.

David Schwed je provozní ředitel společnosti Halborn.

Jako lídra v oblasti kybernetické bezpečnosti zaměřeného na blockchainy mě tato koncentrace rizika spolu s neodmyslitelně vysoce rizikovou povahou úschovy kryptoměn a stále se vyvíjející povahou osvědčených bezpečnostních postupů pozastavuje.

Most people are reporting that $4,5BN was traded , they are not analyzing the data.

If you look at the numbers you will notice that;

- Total trade was $4,6bn
- GBTC was 50% of that $2,3bn

The GBTC numbers were majority SALES/OUTFLOWS due to the higher fees and the old Bitcoin being locked up.

🚀Therefore the real numbers were close approximately ZERO new inflows.

Disclaimer:This data is taken from Internal sources just for information not any advised from us

Crypto Predattor

👉BTC Still Moving In Range between 47405-44674 AREA

👉 Exactly Yesterday AFTER Manipulation of Range btc DUMP HARD After TRAP Retailers

👉 Now Next Possible Scenario :

I Am expecting Again Manipulation Of Range SUPPORT As Showed in CHART

My Targets Area:


🔥 Bitcoin Spot ETF Approved: DUMP ALARM 🚨

After yesterday's false start, Bitcoin's long anticipated ETF is finally here. However, it remains to be seen whether this ETF approval will be bullish or not.

In the long-term, definitely. Price action over the next few weeks/months is likely bearish. As mentioned before, I'm expecting a short swift pump towards 48,000$ before hitting two major resistances and dump.

Strong pump into news. Buy the rumor, sell the news?

Top yellow resistance of the channel

48k resistance, last major resistance before the ATH.

The ETF approval is a perfect bull-trap for retail traders. Whales have already bought their Bitcoin's in the last year.

The bottom support of the channel seems like a decent bearish target. Potentially even 30k.

I will switch from bear to bull if we can get a weekly close above 50k. This indicates that the 48k resistance has been broken and will decrease the probability of a fake out. Happy to be proven wrong. Be careful for high volatility.
I think all like this$ETH
I think all like this$ETH
Binance News
Ethereum Foundation Transfers 1,000 ETH to Funding Distribution Address
According to Foresight News, the Ethereum Foundation has transferred 1,000 ETH, worth approximately $2.38 million, to an address (0x4e6) primarily used for funding distribution. This transfer occurred two hours ago from an Ethereum Foundation address (0xde0). Since May 2021, the 0x4e6 address has received and distributed a total of 40,900 ETH from the Ethereum Foundation.
🚀 Crypto Market Buzz! Big Waves as 14,629.63 $ETH (33.43M USD) Surges to Coinbase!

💸 Just 12 minutes ago, a significant transfer of 14,629.63 #ETH (valued at 33.43M USD) occurred! 📈💼

From the wallet address 0xF1B to the platform #Coinbase , this substantial movement has caught the attention of the crypto community! 🚀🔍

🔗 Transaction Hash: 👇

🌐 Address: 👇

It's noteworthy that all these #Ethereum were received from Coinbase between December 31, 2023, and January 4, 2024. 🗓️📊

Stay tuned for more updates on crypto transactions and market dynamics! 🌐📰

😍 A small LIKE and FOLLOW, Motivates me a lot 😍
As Crypto World Watches SEC, Chair Gensler Says (Again) That Sector Is Dangerous
The entire crypto world and much of the U.S. financial sector is anxiously awaiting word from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on whether it will approve a spot bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF). SEC Chair Gary Gensler has chosen this moment to issue a broad warning about the hazards to investors of getting into digital assets.

Gensler – as he's done many times – posted on X to warn people that the crypto sector is beset by scams and fraud, and that many companies in the space aren't following securities laws.

"Those offering crypto asset investments/services may not be complying w/ applicable law, including federal securities laws," Gensler posted, advising his followers that there are a number of things to keep in mind about cryptocurrencies. "Fraudsters continue to exploit the rising popularity of crypto assets to lure retail investors into scams," he added in another post.

Read More: Solana Meme Coins See 80% Price Drop After December Frenzy

It's unclear whether Gensler's words represent a final dig before the agency – as many expect – approves ETF applications that are approaching key deadlines. That moment is widely seen as a major turning point, because fully regulated spot ETFs would allow much easier trading of digital assets for even the most casual investor, and some estimates suggest that could mean tens of billions of dollars flowing into the industry.

Of course, whether or not cryptocurrency businesses are properly approaching securities law is a matter still being worked out in a long list of court cases. Gensler's agency has been found by some judges to be on the wrong side of the argument, though the SEC has also chalked up a few wins, including a recent ruling in the Terraform Labs case that the regulator was right about the company improperly pushing unregistered crypto securities.

Read More: SEC Chair Gary Gensler: 'Far Too Many Frauds and Bankruptcies'
Men In Crypto MIC
📍50MA and 200MA convergence on $ETH

👉Alts will react the same way how $ETH reacts.

✅So calmly waiting for this move to get completed.

🎯Will place ourselves after this!
Arthur Hayes Foresees 30% Bitcoin Crash Amid 'Vicious Washout.' Here's Why
Depletion of the Fed's reverse repo program and expiry of a crucial funding facility for troubled banks may trigger a market crash in March and force the Fed to cut interest rates, Maelstrom CIO Arthur Hayes said.

Bitcoin could plunge 20%-30% in the rout but would quickly rebound, Hayes predicted.

While crypto investors are fixated on an imminent spot bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) decision that could propel BTC's price even higher, Arthur Hayes, the chief investment officer of family office Maelstrom and the ex-CEO of BitMex, warned about a potential 20-30% plunge in the next few months.

In a Friday blog post, Hayes outlined looming risks for U.S. banks and markets potentially colliding in March and triggering a "liquidity rug pull" event akin to the banking crisis last March.

"I am preparing for a vicious washout of all the crypto tourists in March of this year," he wrote. "I loaded up on crypto in the second half of 2023, and I believe now until April is a no-trade zone in terms of the addition of risk."

Crypto liquidity rug pull

The drawdown of the Federal Reserve's reverse repo program (RRP), where qualified banks and investment firms may park cash and earn interest on it, served as a tailwind for risky assets through last year, injecting capital into markets as participants took out cash from the facility and invested.

However, the RRP balance is quickly declining, dropping to $700 billion from a record high of $2.5 trillion at the end of 2022, and Hayes is projecting it to reach its historical average of $200 billion by around March.

"When this number gets close to zero..., the market will wonder what is next," he said. "Without any other new sources of dollar liquidity, bonds, stocks, and I believe crypto will also get the stick."

Second, a crucial Fed facility called the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) that helped stave off last year's regional banking crisis is set to expire on March 12, with the potential to create turbulence in the banking system.

The BTFP provided banks with funding to fulfill deposit withdrawals by lending them money at the notional value of their U.S. government bond holdings, at much better conditions than selling bonds on the open market at a loss due to the Fed's aggressive rate hikes.

Hayes expects that the facility won't be extended during this U.S. presidential election year, which could bankrupt some banks who sit on massive unrealized losses on their bond holdings.

"The combination of a lack of liquidity gushing from the RRP and the lack of printed money to cover the bond losses on the non-TBTF [too big to fail] banks’ balance sheets will decimate the financial markets globally," he said.

As the market rout ensues, Hayes predicted the Fed will cut rates on its March 20 meeting and resume the BTFP funding line.

What's next for bitcoin's price

If this scenario plays out as Hayes outlined, bitcoin [BTC] will correct a "healthy" 20% to 30% from early March prices, according to the blog post. The decline could be as much as 40% if BTC rallies to $60,000-$70,000 in the coming weeks, he wrote.

"Bitcoin initially will decline sharply with the broader financial markets but will rebound before the Fed meeting," Hayes said. "That is because bitcoin is the only neutral reserve hard currency that is not a liability of the banking system and is traded globally."

Hayes joined a roster of crypto analysts who recently forecasted a correction for crypto markets.

CryptoQuant said that a spot-based ETF approval would be a "sell the news" event and BTC could drop to $32,000, while K33 Research suggested reducing exposure as the market became overheated. Bitcoin is currently above $43,000.

Matrixport head of research Markus Thielen warned about a bitcoin correction based on technical indicators with the SEC potentially putting off ETF decisions due to shortcomings in the filings. The report may have contributed to a near-10% decline in bitcoin's price earlier this week.
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