#BTC☀ #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 #SolanaUSTD Jak se chránit před FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) v kryptoměně:1. *Stanovte si jasné cíle*: Definujte své investiční cíle, toleranci rizika a časový horizont.
2. *Vzdělávejte se*: Neustále se seznamujte s kryptoměnami, blockchainem a tržními trendy.
3. *Zůstaňte informováni, ne posedlí*: Sledujte renomované zdroje, ale vyhněte se nadměrné konzumaci sociálních médií a zpráv.
4. *Diverzifikujte*: Rozložte investice mezi třídy aktiv, sektory a úrovně rizika.
5. *Průměrné náklady v dolarech*: Pravidelně investujte pevné částky bez ohledu na trh podmínky.
6. *Vyhýbejte se emocionálním rozhodnutím*: Zakládejte rozhodnutí na svých cílech a strategii, nikoli na emocích.
7. *Používejte stop-loss příkazy*: Omezte potenciální ztráty nastavením automatických příkazů k prodeji. 8. *Procvičujte si trpělivost*: Zaměřte se na dlouhodobý růst, ne na krátkodobé zisky.
9. *Rebalance*: Pravidelně kontrolujte a upravujte své portfolio, aby bylo v souladu s vašimi cíli.
10. *Vyhledejte podporu*: Připojte se ke komunitě nebo se poraďte s finančním poradcem a požádejte o radu a podporu.
Pamatujte, že FOMO může vést k impulzivním rozhodnutím. Zůstaňte klidní, racionální a oddaní své strategii k dosažení úspěchu na trhu s kryptoměnami.
$BTC $ETH $BNB Německo 12. července 2024 konečně prodalo poslední zásoby bitcoinů. Podle Arkham Intelligence konečný prodej zahrnoval 3 846 bitcoinů převedených na „Flow Traders“ a „139Po“, které jsou popsány jako institucionální vklad a OTC služba. končí několik intenzivních týdnů, kdy německá vláda prodala desítky tisíc bitcoinů v několika transakcích. Německá vláda za poslední tři týdny vyhazovala bitcoiny. Zdroj: Arkham Tento velký prodej hrál velkou roli v udržení bitcoinového trhu pod cenou 60 000 $ a pod jeho 200denním exponenciálním klouzavým průměrem. prodejní tlak může pokračovat kvůli plánu úhrad Mt. Gox ve výši 9 miliard dolarů, který by mohl v nadcházejících týdnech udržet ceny bitcoinů nízko. trh se již nějakou dobu potýká se strachem, nejistotou a pochybnostmi. Navzdory prodejnímu šílenství to někteří institucionální investoři viděli jako nákupní příležitost. z CoinShares ukazuje, že americké fondy obchodované na burze (ETF) měly za týden od 8. července příliv 295 milionů dolarů. Tím se zvrátily týdny nízkého přílivu do těchto investičních fondů. Je zřejmé, že instituce rychle získaly bitcoiny za nižší ceny. Série postupných převodů bitcoinů v Německu na různé burzy začala minulý měsíc. Ne každý však tuto strategii podporuje. Cryptopolitan oznámil, že Joana Cotar, členka federálního parlamentu, kritizovala rozhodnutí vlády prodat bitcoiny. je přesvědčen, že tento krok zvýšil volatilitu trhu a mohl by mít dlouhodobé negativní dopady na trh s kryptoměnami. Cotar ve svém dopise pozvala čtyři německé politiky na říjnovou akci „Bitcoinové strategie pro národní státy“. Doufá, že změní jejich názory na bitcoiny. Vzhledem k Cotarově kritice německá vláda pokračovala ve svém plánu. Ale bitcoin se také vzepřel přesile a dokázal se tváří v tvář tomu všemu udržet. V době tisku měla kryptodiva hodnotu 57 800 $.
Bojíte se ztráty? No nejsem. Podívejte se na mou současnou situaci s 10+ letou zkušeností. Viděl jsem tuto situaci téměř 70krát za posledních 10 let a nebudete věřit, můj celkový zisk po haváriích.
Ale chápu, že se snažíte vydělávat denně peníze, týdenní nebo měsíční, proto skončíte u panického prodeje a nemáte trpělivost.
Věřte nebo ne, ale realita je taková, že každý zkušený obchodník nebo odborník opravdu neví o trhu stejně jako vy, ale Klíčem je trpělivost, mají trpělivost, získají ji po mnoha neúspěších a ztrátách v letech,
Takže je pravda, že experti jsou stejní jako vy, ale když plánují strategii, neplánují jen zisky, ale za prvé mají plán propadů kvůli haváriím, to je důvod, proč jsou v bezpečí.
Nemusíte se tedy učit nic zvláštního, stačí dodržovat některá základní pravidla
1. Staňte se investorem, nikoli obchodníkem 2. Pouze spotové obchodování bez pákového efektu 3. investujte do Only Top Coins 4. Investujte pouze do částí jako denně + do poklesů dovol mi, abych ti to usnadnil.
Pokud máte 1000$ a žádné další peníze na příštích 6 měsíců. tak rozdělit na 3 části. Pokud je situace Crash:- 20 % investujte v tu dobu, 40 % investujte na denní bázi po dobu příštích 6 měsíců a zbývajících 40 % si ponechte v usdt nebo nastavte Binance spot DCA bota, který bude nakupovat pouze po poklesech, pouze pokud trh půjde dolů. jako investovat 5 % z každých minus -5 % až -40 % Tímto způsobem tedy riskujete pouze svých 20 %, dalších 40 % bude investovat za nejlepší průměrnou cenu z důvodu denního (Binance AutoInvest) A stále máte zálohu pro minus -40% pád.
To je důvod, proč experti vydělávají více na haváriích a vy jen brečíte a děláte více chyb. Jeho dlouhodobá jeho investice. není to obchodování. cíl Zisk by mohl být dosažen za 3-6-12 měsíců ne denně. odborníci jsou investoři, ne obchodníci.
Poslední, pokud nedojde k žádnému krachu, trhu nebo normálnímu stavu, tak není potřeba investovat 20 % na 1. den, vydělte celých 60 % na dny, například 150 dní. a 40 % pouze za ztráty na každých -5 % Slyšel jsem, že pokud se vám líbí, sdílejte, příspěvek se dostane ke každému uživateli, který to opravdu potřebuje.
Nepotřebujete tipy, jen to chcete sdílet se všemi, abyste je pozdravili.
In the ever-changing landscape of cryptocurrency, Solana Token (SOL) has been making waves with its fast transaction times and low fees. However, in the past 24 hours, Solana has experienced a significant decline of 8% in value, leaving investors wondering what's next for this promising token.
*What is Solana Token?*
Solana is a decentralized blockchain platform that uses a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus algorithm to secure its network. SOL, the native cryptocurrency of the Solana ecosystem, enables users to pay for transactions, participate in governance, and earn rewards for validating transactions.
*Key Features:*
- Fast transaction times: Solana boasts an impressive 1,000 transactions per block, making it one of the fastest blockchain platforms. - Low fees: Transaction fees on Solana are significantly lower compared to other cryptocurrencies. - Scalability: Solana's architecture allows for horizontal scaling, making it an attractive option for high-traffic applications.
*Recent Price Drop:*
Despite its promising features, Solana Token has experienced a significant price drop of 8% in the past 24 hours. This decline may be attributed to various market factors, including investor sentiment, global economic conditions, and competition from other cryptocurrencies.
While the recent price drop may have raised concerns, Solana Token remains a promising cryptocurrency with a strong foundation and dedicated community. As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, Solana's focus on scalability, speed, and low fees positions it for long-term success. Whether you're a seasoned investor or new to cryptocurrency, Solana Token is definitely worth keeping an eye on.
Remember, cryptocurrency investments carry risks, and thorough research is essential before making any investment decisions. *Solana Token: A Promising Cryptocurrency Facing Volatility*
In crypto trading, short-term and long-term refer to the duration of time a trader holds a position or invests in a cryptocurrency. Here's a breakdown of both:
- Holding a position for a brief period, usually minutes, hours, or days. - Focus on short-term price movements and market fluctuations. - Trading strategies include: - Day trading: Buying and selling within a single trading day. - Swing trading: Holding for a few days to a week. - Scalping: Making multiple trades in quick succession.
- Holding a position for an extended period, often weeks, months, or years. - Focus on the underlying fundamentals and long-term potential of a cryptocurrency. - Trading strategies include: - Buy and hold: Holding a position for an extended period. - Investing in ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) or cryptocurrencies with long-term potential. - Dollar-cost averaging: Investing a fixed amount of money at regular intervals, regardless of the price.
Keep in mind that crypto markets are highly volatile, and prices can fluctuate rapidly. It's essential to have a clear trading plan, risk management strategies, and a deep understanding of the market before engaging in short-term or long-term trading.
I made a simple $SAGA Buying Strategy to buy right after launch, very easy very simple and almost lowest Risk
I hope after reading this you will surely like this post ☺️
Lets take example of 100$ , you can calculate according to your balance, it is $10 or 1000
Now divide your amount into 3 parts
30% + 30% + 40%
$30 + $30 + $40
Invest 1st 30$ in first 30 hours but hourly, like 1$ every hour, use Binance Convert Option for this, if amount is bigger than 5$ per hour then use Trade Option.
After 30 hours stop it. And then invest 1$ daily for 2nd $30 , so your other 30$ will be invest in 30 days.
And the rest 40$ will be used as backup, but after launch set buy limit orders for every -5% Drop
For example, if price is $5 , set buy limit on price 4.75$ for 5$ amount, next is on 4.50$ , for 5$
So in this way you will set all buy limit orders of $40 to buy Saga till -40% Drop
Profit target should not be less than 50%
And try to withdraw your initial amount after getting profit and keep playing with Profit.
This strategy is slow, bored but very safe , if you understands you can clearly feel how safe it is,
Like n share would approach me and also share your thoughts ,
SOGO Currency, an emerging digital asset, is gaining traction for its unique approach to decentralized finance. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies, SOGO operates on a community-driven model, aiming to create a sustainable ecosystem of value exchange and collaboration.
At the heart of SOGO is its commitment to inclusivity and community governance. By leveraging blockchain technology, SOGO enables peer-to-peer transactions with minimal fees, fostering financial empowerment for users worldwide. Moreover, its decentralized governance model ensures that decision-making power rests with the community, promoting transparency and accountability.
One of the standout features of SOGO is its focus on sustainability and social impact. A portion of transaction fees is allocated to environmental and social initiatives, aligning economic incentives with positive societal outcomes. This innovative approach attracts socially-conscious users and investors, contributing to the growth and stability of the SOGO ecosystem.
Furthermore, SOGO prioritizes scalability and interoperability, allowing for seamless integration with existing financial systems and decentralized applications. Through partnerships and collaborations, SOGO aims to expand its utility and accessibility, driving mainstream adoption and usage.
Despite its promising potential, SOGO faces challenges typical of emerging cryptocurrencies, including regulatory scrutiny and market volatility. However, its robust community support and commitment to innovation position it favorably for long-term success.
In conclusion, SOGO Currency represents a paradigm shift in decentralized finance, combining community-driven governance with sustainability and social impact. As it continues to evolve and mature, SOGO has the potential to redefine the way we perceive and interact with digital currencies, ushering in a new era of financial inclusivity and empowerment.
Ready to turn your crypto dreams into reality? Dive into the world of earning with Binance and unlock a treasure trove of opportunities waiting for you! 💰✨
1. Trade Smarter, Not Harder: Learn the insider secrets of trading on Binance and transform market insights into profits. From spot trading to futures contracts, discover the strategies that will skyrocket your earnings!
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Are you ready to embark on your earning journey with Binance? Don't miss out on the chance to unlock your financial potential – join the revolution today! 💪 💼 #EarnWithBinance
"2024 Bitcoin Crypto Bull Run: Top 5 Predictions Unveiled!
1. **Bitcoin's Triumph**: Bitcoin will reclaim its throne as the undisputed king of cryptocurrency, spearheading the bull run with renewed vigor. Institutional adoption, scarcity narrative, and global recognition will propel BTC to new all-time highs.
2. **Institutional Onslaught**: Institutional investors will flood into the market, driven by growing acceptance of Bitcoin as a store of value and hedge against inflation. Wall Street giants and corporations will allocate significant capital to BTC, driving unprecedented demand.
3. **Halving Hype**: The Bitcoin halving event in 2024 will ignite a frenzy of speculation, as supply reduction triggers a supply-demand imbalance. With fewer coins entering circulation, scarcity will intensify, fueling upward price pressure and investor enthusiasm.
4. **Macro Economic Turbulence**: Economic uncertainty and geopolitical tensions will serve as catalysts for Bitcoin's ascent. As traditional markets face volatility and fiat currencies grapple with inflationary pressures, Bitcoin will emerge as a safe haven asset and digital gold.
5. **Technological Evolution**: Bitcoin's technological advancements, including Lightning Network integration and Taproot upgrade, will enhance scalability, privacy, and usability. These improvements will bolster confidence in Bitcoin's long-term viability and utility, driving adoption and price appreciation.
Don't miss out on the excitement of the 2024 Bitcoin crypto bull run! Join the action on Binance, where you can trade BTC and other cryptocurrencies with ease and security. Seize the moment and ride the wave of Bitcoin's resurgence to financial success!" #btc #BTCHalvingApril2024 #EARN2WRITE
The advantages of using the Binance platform include:
1. **Wide Range of Products and Services**: Binance offers a diverse array of products and services, including spot and futures trading, staking, lending, savings, decentralized finance (DeFi) products, and more, catering to the needs of various types of users.
2. **Global Reach**: With a presence in over 180 countries and regions, Binance provides access to cryptocurrency markets worldwide, allowing users to trade and invest in digital assets regardless of their location.
3. **Liquidity**: Binance is one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in terms of trading volume, ensuring high liquidity for a wide range of trading pairs, which helps to minimize slippage and maximize trading efficiency.
4. **Security**: Binance employs industry-leading security measures, including two-factor authentication (2FA), cold storage for the majority of funds, and regular security audits, to safeguard users' assets and personal information.
5. **Low Fees**: Binance offers competitive trading fees, with discounts available for users who hold its native cryptocurrency, BNB. Additionally, Binance regularly runs promotions and offers fee discounts to further reduce trading costs for its users.
6. **User-Friendly Interface**: Binance provides an intuitive and user-friendly trading interface, suitable for both novice and experienced traders. The platform also offers advanced trading features, such as charting tools, order types, and trading APIs, for more sophisticated trading strategies.
7. **Mobile Accessibility**: Binance offers mobile apps for iOS and Android devices, allowing users to trade and manage their accounts on the go, providing flexibility and convenience.
8. **Educational Resources**: Binance provides a wealth of educational resources, including articles, tutorials, and webinars, to help users learn about cryptocurrency trading, blockchain technology, and various investment strategies.
SOGO is a next-generation token built on the Ethereum blockchain, leveraging the power of smart contracts to facilitate secure, transparent, and efficient transactions within the digital commerce ecosystem. Developed by a team of seasoned professionals with a passion for innovation, SOGO aims to bridge the gap between traditional e-commerce platforms and decentralized finance (DeFi) solutions, offering users unparalleled convenience, flexibility, and financial empowerment.
**Key Features and Benefits**
1. Decentralized Marketplace:
SOGO introduces a decentralized marketplace where users can buy, sell, and trade goods and services directly, without the need for intermediaries or centralized authorities. By leveraging blockchain technology, SOGO ensures transparency, security, and trust in every transaction, fostering a more inclusive and equitable digital economy.
2. Reward Mechanisms:
Incentivizing user participation and engagement, SOGO implements robust reward mechanisms, including staking, liquidity mining, and referral programs. Users can earn SOGO tokens by contributing to the network's growth and liquidity, fostering a vibrant and dynamic ecosystem of buyers, sellers, and investors.
3. Interoperability:
Recognizing the importance of interoperability in the rapidly expanding blockchain ecosystem, SOGO is designed to seamlessly integrate with existing DeFi protocols, decentralized exchanges (DEXs), and digital wallets. This interoperable framework enables users to access a wide range of financial services and opportunities, enhancing the utility and value proposition of the SOGO token. #earn2win #LaunchDay #BinanceLaunchPool🔥 #BinanceLaunhcpool
Profiting from Bitcoin halving involves understanding market dynamics and potentially taking advantage of price movements before and after the event. Here are a few strategies:
1. **Investment**: Many investors buy Bitcoin in anticipation of the halving event, believing that it will lead to increased demand and, subsequently, higher prices. Buying Bitcoin well in advance of the halving and holding onto it for the long term can potentially yield profits if the price appreciates over time.
2. **Trading**: Some traders actively participate in the cryptocurrency market, attempting to profit from short-term price fluctuations before and after the halving event. This strategy involves buying Bitcoin when prices are low and selling when prices are high, or engaging in derivatives trading such as futures or options contracts.
3. **Mining**: While Bitcoin mining can be profitable, it requires significant upfront investment in specialized hardware and consumes a lot of electricity. However, some miners may choose to increase their mining efforts leading up to the halving event, anticipating higher prices and potential profitability from mining newly halved rewards.
4. **Staking and Yield Farming**: Some blockchain platforms offer staking or yield farming opportunities related to Bitcoin or other crypto-currencies. Participants can earn rewards by locking up their assets and contributing to the security or liquidity of the network.
5. **Research and Analysis**: Regardless of the chosen strategy, it's crucial to conduct thorough research and analysis to understand the potential risks and rewards associated with Bitcoin halving. Stay informed about market trends, technical developments, and regulatory changes that could impact the price of Bitcoin and the broader cryptocurrency market.
Remember that investing in crypto-currencies carries inherent risks, and it's essential to only invest what you can afford to lose.
Bitcoin halving is an event that occurs approximately every four years, where the reward for mining new blocks on the Bitcoin network is halved. This process is built into Bitcoin's protocol to control its inflation rate and ensure a finite supply of bitcoins.
Here's how it works: 1. **Mining Reward Halving**: Initially, when Bitcoin was launched in 2009, miners received 50 bitcoins as a reward for every block they successfully mined. This reward is halved approximately every four years, or after every 210,000 blocks are mined.
2. **Reduced Supply**: As the mining reward decreases, the rate at which new bitcoins are created slows down. This reduces the rate of inflation and gradually limits the total supply of bitcoins. The maximum supply of bitcoins that can ever be created is capped at 21 million.
3. **Market Impact**: Bitcoin halving events are closely watched by the cryptocurrency community because they often lead to increased speculation and can impact the price of Bitcoin. Historically, the price of Bitcoin has experienced significant volatility around halving events, with some observers speculating that the reduction in the rate of new supply issuance could contribute to increased demand and upward price pressure over time.
Overall, Bitcoin halving is a key mechanism designed to ensure the scarcity and value of Bitcoin over time, and it plays a significant role in shaping the economics and dynamics of the Bitcoin network. #btc #btchalving2024 #BTCDumpingByUS #BTchalvingdrama