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Dobré ráno všem. Poslouchejte mě pozorně... chlap, který předpovídá další akci jakékoli mince, je jen normální člověk z nás, který má trochu více znalostí o technice Důvěřujte si v to, co chcete, následujte akce na řetězu a přijímejte názory, ale vše je ve vaší kontrole, co chcete dělat a jak chcete strategie. Šťastný obchod.. #TrendingTopic: #HotTrends #sol #SHIBA🔥
Dobré ráno všem.

Poslouchejte mě pozorně... chlap, který předpovídá další akci jakékoli mince, je jen normální člověk z nás, který má trochu více znalostí o technice

Důvěřujte si v to, co chcete, následujte akce na řetězu a přijímejte názory, ale vše je ve vaší kontrole, co chcete dělat a jak chcete strategie.

Šťastný obchod..

#TrendingTopic: #HotTrends #sol #SHIBA🔥
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$BTC tvrdě čerpá zprávy, že blackrock podal žádost o globální nabídku etf…. Pojďme, jsme tam. Brzy bude náš čas.. pojďme si užít jízdu.. #TrendingTopic #latestupdate
$BTC tvrdě čerpá zprávy, že blackrock podal žádost o globální nabídku etf….
Pojďme, jsme tam.

Brzy bude náš čas.. pojďme si užít jízdu..
#TrendingTopic #latestupdate
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@btc dosáhl po mnoha letech boomu
@btc dosáhl po mnoha letech boomu
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Are Billionaires Preparing for the Apocalypse? 💰💥

Recent trends suggest a surprising surge in billionaires investing heavily in preparing for potential apocalyptic scenarios. Americans alone spent a staggering $11 billion on survival supplies between April 2022 and April 2023, signaling a heightened awareness of the need for preparation.

Leading this trend are notable figures like Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos. Zuckerberg's $100 million fortress beneath his Hawaiian estate boasts resilient doors and self-sustaining resources. Meanwhile, Bezos secured a $79 million mansion on 'Indian Creek Island,' dubbed the "Billionaire Bunker."

This phenomenon extends beyond the U.S., as seen with Chinese billionaire Frank VanderSloot investing $51 million in a 2,000-acre farm near Zuckerberg's property, highlighting the global scale of this trend. CEOs like Sam Altman and Peter Thiel have even made strategic alliances, planning potential hideouts in the face of global catastrophe.

Motivations for bunker construction vary, ranging from protection against doomsday scenarios to avoiding social and political unrest. The desire to distance oneself from media and public scrutiny and preparing for environmental disasters with self-sufficient systems also plays a role.

In conclusion, the rise of billionaire bunkers offers a glimpse into the unique lifestyle choices of the ultra-wealthy in an uncertain world. Stay tuned for more updates on this intriguing trend.

#Billionaire #SamAltman #MarkZuckerberg #Apocalypse
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To je pro dnešek skvělá zpráva, děkujeme za sdílení
To je pro dnešek skvělá zpráva, děkujeme za sdílení
Shiba Inu Team Announces Potential 9.25 Trillion Token Burn

🐕🔥 The development team has just unveiled plans to burn a staggering 9.25 trillion SHIB coins this month, marking a monumental shift in strategy to reduce circulating supply. 🌐💥

🔥 In addition to consistent smaller burns, this initiative dwarfs previous efforts, including the conversion of $1 million worth of BONE tokens into over 101 trillion SHIB. The team is now set to automate the burn process, ushering in a new era for SHIB with increased frequency and volume.

🛠️ But that's not all! The Shiba Inu team is gearing up for the transition of Puppynet from Ethereum's Goerli network to Sepolia, showcasing advancements in the platform's infrastructure. 🌐✨

💬 The SHIB community is buzzing with anticipation, wondering how this massive burn will impact the coin's value and scarcity. Lucie and the marketing team are actively engaging, unveiling opportunities for SHIB and LEASH token earnings through the ShibaPunkz dApp. 🎉💰

🚀 Join us as we embark on this thrilling journey of growth and development! 🌟🐾
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Zajímavé... 💪🏻
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SHIB Team Teases Big Developments and Game- Changing Stuff in New Year.

SHIB Discord admin known to the SHIB community as DaVinci took to the "Shibarium Tech" channel on Telegram to make a New Year statement to the SHIB army and tease plans for 2024.

"Rolling into 2024, there's buzz in the air" - "game- changing stuff" coming.

DaVinci addressed the global community of Shiba Inu, praising them for being "the real MVPs" ("most valuable players"), since despite various troubles during the recent hard times, the community continues to stick together. He also stressed that the support of the community has been "the backbone of the Shibarium journey."

DaVinci then switched onto what the developer team has been preparing for 2024.

He stated that 2024 is coming with a "buzz in the air" and said that the SHIB team is planning to roll out "serious developments, game-changing stuff. The Shibarium Team's got your back, and we're gearing up for a wild ride together."

The year 2024 will be "another year of pushing the boundaries and making memories," DaVinci said, urging the SHIB army to help make the new year unforgettable — "let's make it epic!"

Tens of billions of SHIB burned in 2023.

Shibburn crypto wallet tracker has sent its greetings to the Shiba Inu community as well, sharing the news that an amazing 76,403,022,296 SHIB meme coins were transferred to unspendable blockchain addresses throughout the year 2023.

As for the burn progress reached within the past 24 hours, the SHIB burn rate has jumped by a whopping 2,552.66%, according to the aforementioned source. Within this time span, a total of 129,716,497 Shiba Inu tokens have been destroyed in "inferno wallets."

This amount of SHIB was burned mostly in a few transactions, which carried 50,422,597, 66,339,884 and 3,507,765 SHIB.

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