Binance Square
cryptocurrency trader
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Hodina pravdy Jsme na dně krabice! Víš co dělat.. $SOL #SOL
Hodina pravdy
Jsme na dně krabice!
Víš co dělat..
Zobrazit originál
Trh dnes dává obrovské příležitosti k nákupu velmi blízko dna krabice! Za pár týdnů budou lidé litovat, že zde nenakoupili.
Trh dnes dává obrovské příležitosti k nákupu velmi blízko dna krabice! Za pár týdnů budou lidé litovat, že zde nenakoupili.
Zobrazit originál
Tento trh je nepříjemný, v okamžiku, kdy dosáhneme jakékoli dynamiky nebo úlevy, vidíme pokles
Tento trh je nepříjemný, v okamžiku, kdy dosáhneme jakékoli dynamiky nebo úlevy, vidíme pokles
Zobrazit originál
Nic takového jako „nudná cenová akce“ neexistuje. Namísto toho je to stranová cenová akce, což znamená příležitost. Trh, který vám nedá pokoj, vám nedává šanci připravit se na další krok. Proto byste měli využít těchto okamžiků, abyste: - Analyzujte vše podrobněji - Najděte nové příležitosti - Umístěte se správně, s neplatností a cíli - Užijte si svůj skutečný život (ten mimo žebříčky) Pokud se trh nehýbe a vy se nudíte, postupujte takto: 1. Zkontroloval jsem vše, co jsem chtěl zkontrolovat, abych měl podklad pro rozhodování? Ano 2. Jsem umístěn podle analýzy? Ano 3. Definoval jsem svá zneplatnění a cíle? Ano 4. Nastavil jsem upozornění? Ano Pokud je jedna z odpovědí ne, udělejte to. Pokud jsou všechny odpovědi ano, tak... proč se nudím? Trávím příliš mnoho času a energie něčím, co je nyní mimo moji kontrolu? Příliš velký důraz na výsledek, který částečně závisí na kvalitě naší analýzy, ale v konečném důsledku zůstává nejistý a závisí na trhu, znamená, že pro naši pohodu a štěstí spoléháme na vnější faktory. Pocit nudy, když se trh nehýbe, proto signalizuje problém, něco, co je třeba napravit. Je to probuzení, abyste přeorganizovali své priority a začali si více užívat svůj život.
Nic takového jako „nudná cenová akce“ neexistuje. Namísto toho je to stranová cenová akce, což znamená příležitost. Trh, který vám nedá pokoj, vám nedává šanci připravit se na další krok. Proto byste měli využít těchto okamžiků, abyste:
- Analyzujte vše podrobněji
- Najděte nové příležitosti
- Umístěte se správně, s neplatností a cíli
- Užijte si svůj skutečný život (ten mimo žebříčky)
Pokud se trh nehýbe a vy se nudíte, postupujte takto:
1. Zkontroloval jsem vše, co jsem chtěl zkontrolovat, abych měl podklad pro rozhodování? Ano
2. Jsem umístěn podle analýzy? Ano
3. Definoval jsem svá zneplatnění a cíle? Ano
4. Nastavil jsem upozornění? Ano
Pokud je jedna z odpovědí ne, udělejte to. Pokud jsou všechny odpovědi ano, tak... proč se nudím? Trávím příliš mnoho času a energie něčím, co je nyní mimo moji kontrolu? Příliš velký důraz na výsledek, který částečně závisí na kvalitě naší analýzy, ale v konečném důsledku zůstává nejistý a závisí na trhu, znamená, že pro naši pohodu a štěstí spoléháme na vnější faktory.
Pocit nudy, když se trh nehýbe, proto signalizuje problém, něco, co je třeba napravit. Je to probuzení, abyste přeorganizovali své priority a začali si více užívat svůj život.
Zobrazit originál
Boční od března do července je velmi dlouhá doba. Čím déle v krabici, tím vyšší je akumulace, tím vyšší je další pohyb vzhůru.
Boční od března do července je velmi dlouhá doba. Čím déle v krabici, tím vyšší je akumulace, tím vyšší je další pohyb vzhůru.
⚫️ #INJ/USDT We have a positive retest of the Weekly Supply Zone - 4th Correction Wave is over🧐 Get ready for another bullish round✈️ 🚀 #INJ #INJ/USDT📈
We have a positive retest of the Weekly Supply Zone - 4th Correction Wave is over🧐
Get ready for another bullish round✈️ 🚀
💭 The reason why $DOT made just a slight higher high in the second half of 2021 and then entered the bear market was the $BTC dominance already sitting at the floor -> the upside was limited. 👉 The altseason was behind us, not ahead! Right now with $SEI it's quite the opposite, which means $SEI will go much higher than $DOT did in Q3-Q4 2021 and meet some of my macro targets (maybe even all of them)
The reason why $DOT made just a slight higher high in the second half of 2021 and then entered the bear market was the $BTC dominance already sitting at the floor -> the upside was limited.
👉 The altseason was behind us, not ahead!
Right now with $SEI it's quite the opposite, which means $SEI will go much higher than $DOT did in Q3-Q4 2021 and meet some of my macro targets (maybe even all of them)
$DOT vs $SEI comparison Some people think right now we’re in June-July 2021 It’s grossly incorrect! You know what’s missing? The $BTC dominance chart 💡 Copy/Pasting Fractals doesn’t always work. Context matters! 👉 By June 2021 the $BTC Dominance had already reached the bottom, the main phase of the Altcoin growth was done 👉 This time around $BTC Dominance is hovering around the cycle top. The main pumping phase is ahead of us!
$DOT vs $SEI comparison
Some people think right now we’re in June-July 2021
It’s grossly incorrect!
You know what’s missing? The $BTC dominance chart 💡
Copy/Pasting Fractals doesn’t always work. Context matters!
👉 By June 2021 the $BTC Dominance had already reached the bottom, the main phase of the Altcoin growth was done
👉 This time around $BTC Dominance is hovering around the cycle top. The main pumping phase is ahead of us!
Zobrazit originál
Začnou mluvit o krabici Dokonce začnou kreslit krabici Dokonce začnou využívat stejné regiony podpory a odporu A teď vám něco povím. Vykreslil jsem krabici v polovině března, v době, kdy byli všichni býčí, ale varoval jsem a říkal jsem vám, že návrat ze 72 000 $ na 57 000 $ je velmi pravděpodobný a stalo se přesně tak, jak se předpovídalo. Abych byl přesnější, dokonce jsem vám řekl přesné dno rozsahu a během íránsko-izraelského konfliktu jsme dosáhli slíbeného rozsahu. Poté jsme napumpovali z 57 000 USD na region 72 000 USD, což je vrchol krabice. Od té doby jsme se posunuli zpět ke dnu krabice a brzy uvidíte, jak pokračujeme v této boční párty, ale tentokrát myslím, že jakmile dosáhneme necelých 70 000 $, při dalším pokusu se z krabice vymaníme. Toto a všechny ty vedlejší sliby od března se hrají s naprostou dokonalostí. Podívejte se, jak se box hraje, uvidíme, jak brzy budeme pumpovat.
Začnou mluvit o krabici
Dokonce začnou kreslit krabici
Dokonce začnou využívat stejné regiony podpory a odporu
A teď vám něco povím. Vykreslil jsem krabici v polovině března, v době, kdy byli všichni býčí, ale varoval jsem a říkal jsem vám, že návrat ze 72 000 $ na 57 000 $ je velmi pravděpodobný a stalo se přesně tak, jak se předpovídalo. Abych byl přesnější, dokonce jsem vám řekl přesné dno rozsahu a během íránsko-izraelského konfliktu jsme dosáhli slíbeného rozsahu.
Poté jsme napumpovali z 57 000 USD na region 72 000 USD, což je vrchol krabice. Od té doby jsme se posunuli zpět ke dnu krabice a brzy uvidíte, jak pokračujeme v této boční párty, ale tentokrát myslím, že jakmile dosáhneme necelých 70 000 $, při dalším pokusu se z krabice vymaníme.
Toto a všechny ty vedlejší sliby od března se hrají s naprostou dokonalostí. Podívejte se, jak se box hraje, uvidíme, jak brzy budeme pumpovat.
Seems like a lot of politi-fi coins based on contender for VP can run in the next few days - what will be the edge is: - Good teams - Narratives - Execution All in all - pretty fun to be speculating on who willl win - good for all of us as its a pro-crypto campaign with us all wanting TRUMP to be elected 😁
Seems like a lot of politi-fi coins based on contender for VP can run in the next few days - what will be the edge is:
- Good teams
- Narratives
- Execution
All in all - pretty fun to be speculating on who willl win - good for all of us as its a pro-crypto campaign with us all wanting TRUMP to be elected 😁
SOL/BTC It keeps looking very good. #SOL $SOL $BTC
It keeps looking very good.
I hope you used the opportunity the market gave you yesterday for several hours. Now you can only pray that market gives you a second & same opportunity to buy more if you missed to buy yesterday !
I hope you used the opportunity the market gave you yesterday for several hours. Now you can only pray that market gives you a second & same opportunity to buy more if you missed to buy yesterday !
58k is my point of bounce for $BTC 200 EMA on the daily, hasnt reached this since OCT 2023
58k is my point of bounce for $BTC
200 EMA on the daily, hasnt reached this since OCT 2023
Summer is starting, and everything points to a potential altcoin run. Very good opportunities here, in my opinion. Have a nice Sunday!
Summer is starting, and everything points to a potential altcoin run.
Very good opportunities here, in my opinion.
Have a nice Sunday!
At the beginning of the year I told you that Iam adding more ETH between $2000 - $2500! This was on top of the ETH that was bought in 2021 bear market below $1000, the big bet ! Now I tell you, very very soon $ETH will climb towards 5k and more, its only a matter of time!
At the beginning of the year I told you that Iam adding more ETH between $2000 - $2500! This was on top of the ETH that was bought in 2021 bear market below $1000, the big bet !
Now I tell you, very very soon $ETH will climb towards 5k and more, its only a matter of time!
I hope you added and bought #LDO at the mentioned regions Right now its up 20% from entry! In my opinion, LDO prepares for a run towards a new ATH! Especially with the incoming ETH hype. Few understand.. but LDO will play a key role in ETH staking! $#LDO/USDT📈 $BTC $LDO {future}(LDOUSDT)
I hope you added and bought #LDO at the mentioned regions
Right now its up 20% from entry!
In my opinion, LDO prepares for a run towards a new ATH! Especially with the incoming ETH hype. Few understand.. but LDO will play a key role in ETH staking!
Some people need daily motivation to hold, and thats fine! Emotions are hard to control, and with the amount of informations and FUD this market is witnessing right now at 63k its hard to act, not relying on emotions, especially for people that are new in the market
Some people need daily motivation to hold, and thats fine!
Emotions are hard to control, and with the amount of informations and FUD this market is witnessing right now at 63k its hard to act, not relying on emotions, especially for people that are new in the market
No TitleI've witnessed many lose their minds recently. The box I'm talking about has a volatility zone of 20% from the top to the bottom of the box. The closer you are to the bottom of this box, the better your entry. However, few have the guts to seize this opportunity and buy the fear. At the same time, as the price reaches the top of the box, more people rush in, only to whine about short-term losses later. No matter where people accumulate within the box, everyone who does will be profitable in time. This is a certainty, and time will prove it, and thats fully my opinion that market will do crazy things after breakout after the box.. I've repeated my insights tons of times because the market hasn't changed in the last four months. This extended period of sideways movement is huge, and 4 months is a very long time. The only change is in the portfolios of gamblers trying to outperform the best traders. The market dynamic shifted after the ETF introduction. You're no longer just trading against exchange bots and whales; now, Wall Street and BlackRock's Aladdin—the most powerful AI tool in history of mankind are now counter trading you. If you don't understand this and prefer to complain about the sideways market, I have nothing but empty words for you. Regarding shitcoins, my stance is clear: they cause more harm than good. However, during periods of boring market movements, hype and adoption drive shitcoins to outperform other altcoins in terms of adoption and volume. As a trader, I've observed this shift from traditional altcoins to shitcoins over the past 24 months and identified several advantages and profit opportunities, def a no brainer if wasting this opp. , especially when people will dream about this opp. once again in a few years, as most of shitcoins will be banned and become illegal due to regulations. No one is obligated to follow my shitcoin picks, and you should never assume I invest significant amounts of money in them. Remember, 99% of shitcoins will eventually result in rug pulls. The key is whether you can exit in time or not. This bull market is tougher than the one in 2021 but is similar of the 2016-2017 bull market. Patience will pay off. Trust the box as I've advised countless times. The charts PROOF my analysis, whether at the top or the bottom of the box. These are the zones to trade. Everything else is gambling, and that's where most people have lost their money over the past four months. In gambling, panic selling, high leverage trading, buying high selling low. This is a message to the community of this group, especially those who have lost their minds recently during this boring sideway market movement.

No Title

I've witnessed many lose their minds recently. The box I'm talking about has a volatility zone of 20% from the top to the bottom of the box. The closer you are to the bottom of this box, the better your entry. However, few have the guts to seize this opportunity and buy the fear. At the same time, as the price reaches the top of the box, more people rush in, only to whine about short-term losses later.
No matter where people accumulate within the box, everyone who does will be profitable in time. This is a certainty, and time will prove it, and thats fully my opinion that market will do crazy things after breakout after the box..
I've repeated my insights tons of times because the market hasn't changed in the last four months. This extended period of sideways movement is huge, and 4 months is a very long time. The only change is in the portfolios of gamblers trying to outperform the best traders. The market dynamic shifted after the ETF introduction. You're no longer just trading against exchange bots and whales; now, Wall Street and BlackRock's Aladdin—the most powerful AI tool in history of mankind are now counter trading you. If you don't understand this and prefer to complain about the sideways market, I have nothing but empty words for you. Regarding shitcoins, my stance is clear: they cause more harm than good. However, during periods of boring market movements, hype and adoption drive shitcoins to outperform other altcoins in terms of adoption and volume. As a trader, I've observed this shift from traditional altcoins to shitcoins over the past 24 months and identified several advantages and profit opportunities, def a no brainer if wasting this opp. , especially when people will dream about this opp. once again in a few years, as most of shitcoins will be banned and become illegal due to regulations.
No one is obligated to follow my shitcoin picks, and you should never assume I invest significant amounts of money in them. Remember, 99% of shitcoins will eventually result in rug pulls. The key is whether you can exit in time or not.
This bull market is tougher than the one in 2021 but is similar of the 2016-2017 bull market. Patience will pay off. Trust the box as I've advised countless times. The charts PROOF my analysis, whether at the top or the bottom of the box. These are the zones to trade. Everything else is gambling, and that's where most people have lost their money over the past four months. In gambling, panic selling, high leverage trading, buying high selling low.
This is a message to the community of this group, especially those who have lost their minds recently during this boring sideway market movement.
Buying more RWA and AI altcoins here. Buying more RWA and AI altcoins here.
Buying more RWA and AI altcoins here.
Buying more RWA and AI altcoins here.
Good Morning to everyone who Honestly believes this is just a Pullback and not the end of the Bull Market.
Good Morning to everyone who Honestly believes this is just a Pullback and not the end of the Bull Market.
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