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Transakce Shiba Inu na úrovni velryb byly důležitým ukazatelem pro zdraví aktiva a tržní aktivitu. Jak však nyní vidíme, objem 24hodinových velkých transakcí klesl pod 1 bilion tokenů, zatímco na začátku tohoto týdne vykazoval 7,49 bilionu. Množství velkých transakcí zahrnujících Shiba Inu prudce kleslo, podle nedávných údajů o řetězci od IntoTheBlock. Za posledních 24 hodin bylo provedeno pouze 45 velkých transakcí, což je dramatický pokles ze sedmidenního maxima 285 transakcí z 18. června. Souběžně s tímto poklesem celkového počtu transakcí dochází k prudkému poklesu objemu transakcí z vrcholu 7,68 bilionů SHIB na začátku tohoto týdne na pouhých 747,97 miliard SHIB za posledních 24 hodin. Velký objem transakcí udává celkovou částku SHIB přesunutou v těchto transakcích. Tento pokles je znepokojivý, protože poukazuje na významný pokles aktivity velrybářských investorů, kteří jsou často považováni za primární hnací sílu pozoruhodných pohybů na trhu. Tento pokles může být důsledkem více faktorů. Za prvé, velcí investoři mohou mít menší zájem o Shiba Inu v důsledku obecného poklesu nálady na trhu. Jak ukazuje graf Shiba Inu, cena aktiva klesá pod klíčové klouzavé průměry a vypadá to jako trend směřující k tokenu. Špatná obchodní aktivita se projevuje poklesem RSI v oblasti "přeprodanosti" na relativně nízkém objemu. Navíc se sazba posouvá pod dlouhodobými pohyblivými průměry jako 200 a 100, což je známkou silného medvědího sentimentu. V důsledku snížení velkého objemu transakcí může pro trh Shiba Inu vzniknout mnoho důsledků. Likvidita SHIB může utrpět menším počtem velkých transakcí, což by zvýšilo její citlivost na volatilitu cen. Další pokles ceny SHIB by mohl být důsledkem nedostatku podstatné nákupní aktivity ze strany velrybářských investorů, protože bude menší prodejní tlak. {spot}(SHIBUSDT) #shiba⚡
Transakce Shiba Inu na úrovni velryb byly důležitým ukazatelem pro zdraví aktiva a tržní aktivitu. Jak však nyní vidíme, objem 24hodinových velkých transakcí klesl pod 1 bilion tokenů, zatímco na začátku tohoto týdne vykazoval 7,49 bilionu.
Množství velkých transakcí zahrnujících Shiba Inu prudce kleslo, podle nedávných údajů o řetězci od IntoTheBlock. Za posledních 24 hodin bylo provedeno pouze 45 velkých transakcí, což je dramatický pokles ze sedmidenního maxima 285 transakcí z 18. června.
Souběžně s tímto poklesem celkového počtu transakcí dochází k prudkému poklesu objemu transakcí z vrcholu 7,68 bilionů SHIB na začátku tohoto týdne na pouhých 747,97 miliard SHIB za posledních 24 hodin. Velký objem transakcí udává celkovou částku SHIB přesunutou v těchto transakcích.
Tento pokles je znepokojivý, protože poukazuje na významný pokles aktivity velrybářských investorů, kteří jsou často považováni za primární hnací sílu pozoruhodných pohybů na trhu. Tento pokles může být důsledkem více faktorů. Za prvé, velcí investoři mohou mít menší zájem o Shiba Inu v důsledku obecného poklesu nálady na trhu.
Jak ukazuje graf Shiba Inu, cena aktiva klesá pod klíčové klouzavé průměry a vypadá to jako trend směřující k tokenu. Špatná obchodní aktivita se projevuje poklesem RSI v oblasti "přeprodanosti" na relativně nízkém objemu. Navíc se sazba posouvá pod dlouhodobými pohyblivými průměry jako 200 a 100, což je známkou silného medvědího sentimentu.
V důsledku snížení velkého objemu transakcí může pro trh Shiba Inu vzniknout mnoho důsledků. Likvidita SHIB může utrpět menším počtem velkých transakcí, což by zvýšilo její citlivost na volatilitu cen. Další pokles ceny SHIB by mohl být důsledkem nedostatku podstatné nákupní aktivity ze strany velrybářských investorů, protože bude menší prodejní tlak.
Zobrazit originál
udělal další průlomový pohyb. Potvrdila místní podporu ve výši 15 $. Pokud bitcoin zůstane býčí, vystřelí znovu směrem k našemu dalšímu cíli 39$ v kratším časovém rámci. Na tohle si dejte pozor. Do tohoto bodu jsme sledovali 190% zisky#CryptoTradingGuide #DSR
udělal další průlomový pohyb. Potvrdila místní podporu ve výši 15 $. Pokud bitcoin zůstane býčí, vystřelí znovu směrem k našemu dalšímu cíli 39$ v kratším časovém rámci. Na tohle si dejte pozor.
Do tohoto bodu jsme sledovali 190% zisky#CryptoTradingGuide #DSR
Zobrazit originál
Výzkumník kryptoměn nedávno nastínil, jak může bitcoin pokračovat ve svém býčím běhu. Vlajková loď coin klesá od dosažení ATH ve výši 73 750 $ v březnu tohoto roku. Bitcoin se oživí, když „umřou slabí těžaři a obnoví se hash rate“. Řekl, že „neefektivní těžaři provozující starý hardware a vysoké náklady jdou do bankrotu“, protože BTC vrhá slabé ruce. Někteří jsou nuceni přejít na efektivnější hardware.“ Tržby těžařů se po snížení bitcoinu na polovinu obvykle sníží na polovinu. Přesto platí po rozpůlení stejné výdaje. Willy Woo řekl, že to vede těžaře k prodeji BTC za ztráty nebo upgrady hardwaru. Obviňuje souhlas těchto těžařů z poklesu ceny BTC. Předpokládá se, že bitcoin výrazně vzroste, pokud tito těžaři zlikvidují své držby. Kryptoexpert řekl, že kapitulace těžařů je tentokrát rekordní, protože to trvalo tak dlouho po snížení na polovinu. Měl podezření, že řádové nápisy zvýšily příjem těchto horníků. Willy Woo také poznamenal, že obnova bitcoinu hash rate byla v tomto cyklu pomalejší. Řekl, že hash rate BTC se zotavil za 24 a 8 dní v roce 2017 a 2020. Tentokrát se hash rate bitcoinu po 61 dnech nezotavil. Rekt Capital tvrdí, že bitcoin se brzy odrazí. Dříve řekl, že konsolidace bitcoinu v tomto rozmezí je normální, protože trh zaznamenal podobné rozpětí po polovičním rozpětí. Expert také uvedl, že BTC se nyní znovu hromadí po polovičním snížení bitcoinu. BTC po této fázi vstoupí do fáze „parabolického uptrendu“, což jej vyžene na jeho tržní vrchol pro tento cyklus. Rekt Capital předpověděl zářijový začátek parabolického vzestupu. Podle minulých tržních cyklů by vrchol trhu BTC mohl nastat v září nebo říjnu příštího roku. Investoři bitcoinů by se podle Rekt Capital neměli bát. Řekl, že bitcoin může klesnout natolik, aby všechny přesvědčil, že bull run byl pryč, a pak bude pokračovat v růstu. {spot}(BTCUSDT) #BTCFOMCWatch #BitcoinTherapist
Výzkumník kryptoměn nedávno nastínil, jak může bitcoin pokračovat ve svém býčím běhu. Vlajková loď coin klesá od dosažení ATH ve výši 73 750 $ v březnu tohoto roku.
Bitcoin se oživí, když „umřou slabí těžaři a obnoví se hash rate“. Řekl, že „neefektivní těžaři provozující starý hardware a vysoké náklady jdou do bankrotu“, protože BTC vrhá slabé ruce. Někteří jsou nuceni přejít na efektivnější hardware.“
Tržby těžařů se po snížení bitcoinu na polovinu obvykle sníží na polovinu. Přesto platí po rozpůlení stejné výdaje. Willy Woo řekl, že to vede těžaře k prodeji BTC za ztráty nebo upgrady hardwaru. Obviňuje souhlas těchto těžařů z poklesu ceny BTC.
Předpokládá se, že bitcoin výrazně vzroste, pokud tito těžaři zlikvidují své držby. Kryptoexpert řekl, že kapitulace těžařů je tentokrát rekordní, protože to trvalo tak dlouho po snížení na polovinu. Měl podezření, že řádové nápisy zvýšily příjem těchto horníků.
Willy Woo také poznamenal, že obnova bitcoinu hash rate byla v tomto cyklu pomalejší. Řekl, že hash rate BTC se zotavil za 24 a 8 dní v roce 2017 a 2020. Tentokrát se hash rate bitcoinu po 61 dnech nezotavil.
Rekt Capital tvrdí, že bitcoin se brzy odrazí. Dříve řekl, že konsolidace bitcoinu v tomto rozmezí je normální, protože trh zaznamenal podobné rozpětí po polovičním rozpětí. Expert také uvedl, že BTC se nyní znovu hromadí po polovičním snížení bitcoinu.
BTC po této fázi vstoupí do fáze „parabolického uptrendu“, což jej vyžene na jeho tržní vrchol pro tento cyklus. Rekt Capital předpověděl zářijový začátek parabolického vzestupu. Podle minulých tržních cyklů by vrchol trhu BTC mohl nastat v září nebo říjnu příštího roku.
Investoři bitcoinů by se podle Rekt Capital neměli bát. Řekl, že bitcoin může klesnout natolik, aby všechny přesvědčil, že bull run byl pryč, a pak bude pokračovat v růstu.
#BTCFOMCWatch #BitcoinTherapist
Zobrazit originál
Zobrazit originál
$DXY - potvrdil flip z minulého týdne a podle očekávání posunul výše Tento týden můžeme zaznamenat pokles nebo nějaký pohyb do stran. Větší změny pravděpodobně příští týden 🦾 #CertiKvsKraken #MicroStrategy
$DXY - potvrdil flip z minulého týdne a podle očekávání posunul výše
Tento týden můžeme zaznamenat pokles nebo nějaký pohyb do stran. Větší změny pravděpodobně příští týden 🦾
#CertiKvsKraken #MicroStrategy
Zobrazit originál
#PAPE {spot}(PEPEUSDT) #PEPEUSDT#PEPE $PEPE Zde je další aktivum pro intradenní obchodování. Za 4 dny poskytl indikátor 7 signálů a přinesl zisk přes 33 %. Toto je jen začátek, protože můžete obchodovat s 5, 10 nebo více aktivy, protože netrávíte čas analýzou – indikátor to udělá za vás analýzou 27 parametrů a my jej neustále vylepšujeme. Dokonalosti se meze nekladou. Chcete takový obchodní nástroj? Napiš mi. Z technických důvodů nemohu odpovídat na komentáře, tak se prosím podívejte na můj profil a napište mi.
#PEPEUSDT#PEPE $PEPE Zde je další aktivum pro intradenní obchodování. Za 4 dny poskytl indikátor 7 signálů a přinesl zisk přes 33 %. Toto je jen začátek, protože můžete obchodovat s 5, 10 nebo více aktivy, protože netrávíte čas analýzou – indikátor to udělá za vás analýzou 27 parametrů a my jej neustále vylepšujeme. Dokonalosti se meze nekladou. Chcete takový obchodní nástroj? Napiš mi. Z technických důvodů nemohu odpovídat na komentáře, tak se prosím podívejte na můj profil a napište mi.
The manner in which $ZRO confirms its 2.8$ support and progresses with substantial volume suggests we'll surpass our 5.3$ target much earlier than anticipated if Bitcoin remains bullish alongside. Beforehand, we've monitored a 60% profit surge on it.#BinanceTournament #CryptoTradingGuide
The manner in which $ZRO confirms its 2.8$ support and progresses with substantial volume suggests we'll surpass our 5.3$ target much earlier than anticipated if Bitcoin remains bullish alongside.
Beforehand, we've monitored a 60% profit surge on it.#BinanceTournament #CryptoTradingGuide
Zobrazit originál
Impulzy, které následují, by měly být ještě agresivnější a obchodujeme za 64k. Náš další impuls by nás mohl poslat na 100 000 do 30 dnů a do EOY nám zbývá ještě asi 6 měsíců.“ – Důvěryhodné krypto Prognóza Credible Crypto je založena na teorii Elliottových vln, která je oblíbená mezi technickými analytiky v analýzách trendů. Teorie říká, že býčí trh se skládá z pěti vln, z nichž tři jsou „impulzní“ vlny. Obvykle je třetí vlna nejagresivnější, což vede k vyšším ziskům v kratším časovém rámci. S bitcoinem obchodovaným za 64 260 USD by nárůst na 100 000 USD vedl k 55% ziskům, což je méně, než se očekávalo. Úroveň „100 000 $“ však představuje důležitou psychologickou odolnost a cíl, na jehož dosažení se mnoho investorů těší. To by mohlo vytvořit prodejní tlak v tomto cenovém pásmu a zpomalit třetí vlnu. Je zajímavé, že konkurenční obchodníci již naplánovali svou výstupní strategii a jako počáteční cíl sledovali úroveň 130 000 USD. Jiní, jako Alan Santana, věří v pokračování vzestupného trendu na 150 000 $ za BTC. Na druhou stranu bitcoin ukázal signály slabosti ze základního hlediska. Kapitulovali například těžaři, kteří po letech provozu pod vodou prodávali ve vyšším tempu. Proto budou projekce těchto analytiků záviset na pozitivním vývoji a zásadních zlepšeních pro přední kryptoměnu, která čelí silné konkurenci. {spot}(BTCUSDT) #BinanceTournament #CryptoTradingGuide #BTCFOMCWatch
Impulzy, které následují, by měly být ještě agresivnější a obchodujeme za 64k. Náš další impuls by nás mohl poslat na 100 000 do 30 dnů a do EOY nám zbývá ještě asi 6 měsíců.“ – Důvěryhodné krypto

Prognóza Credible Crypto je založena na teorii Elliottových vln, která je oblíbená mezi technickými analytiky v analýzách trendů. Teorie říká, že býčí trh se skládá z pěti vln, z nichž tři jsou „impulzní“ vlny. Obvykle je třetí vlna nejagresivnější, což vede k vyšším ziskům v kratším časovém rámci.

S bitcoinem obchodovaným za 64 260 USD by nárůst na 100 000 USD vedl k 55% ziskům, což je méně, než se očekávalo. Úroveň „100 000 $“ však představuje důležitou psychologickou odolnost a cíl, na jehož dosažení se mnoho investorů těší. To by mohlo vytvořit prodejní tlak v tomto cenovém pásmu a zpomalit třetí vlnu.

Je zajímavé, že konkurenční obchodníci již naplánovali svou výstupní strategii a jako počáteční cíl sledovali úroveň 130 000 USD. Jiní, jako Alan Santana, věří v pokračování vzestupného trendu na 150 000 $ za BTC.

Na druhou stranu bitcoin ukázal signály slabosti ze základního hlediska. Kapitulovali například těžaři, kteří po letech provozu pod vodou prodávali ve vyšším tempu. Proto budou projekce těchto analytiků záviset na pozitivním vývoji a zásadních zlepšeních pro přední kryptoměnu, která čelí silné konkurenci.

#BinanceTournament #CryptoTradingGuide #BTCFOMCWatch
The official marketing expert of the Shiba Inu developer team, who prefers to be called Lucie, took to the social media platform X (formerly widely known as Twitter) to make an important warning to those who has been around in the crypto space for a long time already and to newbies as well. After making a small introduction, Lucie warned everyone in the crypto space to stay cautious and alert against possible scammers and fraudsters that the crypto industry is full of. These cybercriminals target both experienced traders and investors and novices in the cryptocurrency space. “Be careful and not naive in the crypto space—always exercise caution and due diligence,” Lucie’s warning says. 💬 Every time I give, I get it back from somewhere else. 🙏🏼 Remember, do good and good will come to you. There is never enough kindness and generosity in the world. However, be careful and not naive in the crypto space—always exercise caution and due diligence. Stay SAFE and. — 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐄 🔸 Major scam warning comes from Ledger Earlier this week, major cryptocurrency hardware wallet producer Ledger addressed the crypto community with a warning against a brand new type of scam called “address poisoning.” This new scam has been hitting TRX, MATIC and ETH wallets recently. The mechanism of this scam was explained by the Ledger team in a short thread. One day a user comes across some unknown coins or NFTs which mysteriously entered their wallet. Ledger warns that these coins/NFTs must not be interacted with and it is best to hide them from view. Fraudsters send a small amount of coins/non-fungible tokens to a wallet of their choice. The address records the sender’s (scammer’s) wallet into the transaction list and then the scammers hope that the user may mistakenly pick that wallet to make a crypto transfer. This is why it is vitally important to always check the address where one plans to send one’s coins to and not just copy it blindly, the Ledger team says. {spot}(USDCUSDT) #BinanceTournament #BinanceTournament #CPIAlert
The official marketing expert of the Shiba Inu developer team, who prefers to be called Lucie, took to the social media platform X (formerly widely known as Twitter) to make an important warning to those who has been around in the crypto space for a long time already and to newbies as well.

After making a small introduction, Lucie warned everyone in the crypto space to stay cautious and alert against possible scammers and fraudsters that the crypto industry is full of. These cybercriminals target both experienced traders and investors and novices in the cryptocurrency space. “Be careful and not naive in the crypto space—always exercise caution and due diligence,” Lucie’s warning says.

💬 Every time I give, I get it back from somewhere else. 🙏🏼
Remember, do good and good will come to you. There is never enough kindness and generosity in the world.
However, be careful and not naive in the crypto space—always exercise caution and due diligence.
Stay SAFE and. — 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐄

🔸 Major scam warning comes from Ledger

Earlier this week, major cryptocurrency hardware wallet producer Ledger addressed the crypto community with a warning against a brand new type of scam called “address poisoning.”

This new scam has been hitting TRX, MATIC and ETH wallets recently. The mechanism of this scam was explained by the Ledger team in a short thread. One day a user comes across some unknown coins or NFTs which mysteriously entered their wallet. Ledger warns that these coins/NFTs must not be interacted with and it is best to hide them from view.

Fraudsters send a small amount of coins/non-fungible tokens to a wallet of their choice. The address records the sender’s (scammer’s) wallet into the transaction list and then the scammers hope that the user may mistakenly pick that wallet to make a crypto transfer.

This is why it is vitally important to always check the address where one plans to send one’s coins to and not just copy it blindly, the Ledger team says.

#BinanceTournament #BinanceTournament #CPIAlert
Spot Bitcoin ETFs saw withdrawals amounting to $105.96 million as of yesterday. These withdrawals continued the trend observed in previous days. One of the main reasons for the withdrawals is the volatile movements in Bitcoin’s price. Since Bitcoin fell below $63,500 yesterday, the market considered the withdrawals natural. What are the details of these withdrawals? 🔸 Yesterday’s Data on Spot Bitcoin ETFs Yesterday, three Bitcoin ETFs experienced withdrawals while only one ETF saw inflows. Other ETFs recorded zero activity. The largest withdrawal was $45 million from Fidelity’s spot Bitcoin ETF. The total asset value of the Bitcoin ETF named FBTC is currently at $10.72 billion. The second largest withdrawal was $34 million from Grayscale. The total asset value of GBTC is at $17.84 billion. The third Bitcoin ETF that experienced withdrawals was ArkInvest with $29 million. The total asset value of ArkInvest is at $2.92 billion. The only spot Bitcoin ETF that saw inflows was Franklin’s Bitcoin ETF with $2 million. The remaining Bitcoin ETFs recorded zero activity. 🔸 Where Could Bitcoin’s Price Be Heading? As we experience the hot days of summer, expectations for Bitcoin are starting to take shape. At this stage, BTC continues its range-bound movement. Yesterday evening, Bitcoin fell below $63,500, and at the time of writing, it was trading above $64,000. For BTC to see a price increase, levels around $70,000 need to be reached. This situation will also resonate in the altcoin sector. Especially for altcoins that have experienced sharp declines recently, everyone is expecting a recovery. However, Bitcoin has not yet allowed for this recovery. This situation deeply affects investor psychology, leaving many in a state of weariness. ● Spot Bitcoin ETFs saw $105.96 million in withdrawals yesterday. ● The largest withdrawal was $45 million from Fidelity’s ETF. ● Bitcoin needs to reach $70,000 for a price increase. #BitcoinTherapist
Spot Bitcoin ETFs saw withdrawals amounting to $105.96 million as of yesterday. These withdrawals continued the trend observed in previous days. One of the main reasons for the withdrawals is the volatile movements in Bitcoin’s price. Since Bitcoin fell below $63,500 yesterday, the market considered the withdrawals natural. What are the details of these withdrawals?

🔸 Yesterday’s Data on Spot Bitcoin ETFs

Yesterday, three Bitcoin ETFs experienced withdrawals while only one ETF saw inflows. Other ETFs recorded zero activity. The largest withdrawal was $45 million from Fidelity’s spot Bitcoin ETF. The total asset value of the Bitcoin ETF named FBTC is currently at $10.72 billion.

The second largest withdrawal was $34 million from Grayscale. The total asset value of GBTC is at $17.84 billion. The third Bitcoin ETF that experienced withdrawals was ArkInvest with $29 million. The total asset value of ArkInvest is at $2.92 billion.

The only spot Bitcoin ETF that saw inflows was Franklin’s Bitcoin ETF with $2 million. The remaining Bitcoin ETFs recorded zero activity.

🔸 Where Could Bitcoin’s Price Be Heading?

As we experience the hot days of summer, expectations for Bitcoin are starting to take shape. At this stage, BTC continues its range-bound movement. Yesterday evening, Bitcoin fell below $63,500, and at the time of writing, it was trading above $64,000.

For BTC to see a price increase, levels around $70,000 need to be reached. This situation will also resonate in the altcoin sector. Especially for altcoins that have experienced sharp declines recently, everyone is expecting a recovery. However, Bitcoin has not yet allowed for this recovery. This situation deeply affects investor psychology, leaving many in a state of weariness.

● Spot Bitcoin ETFs saw $105.96 million in withdrawals yesterday.

● The largest withdrawal was $45 million from Fidelity’s ETF.

● Bitcoin needs to reach $70,000 for a price increase.
TopCryptoNews 📣 Ripple CEO and Chief Legal Officer Issues Statement on XRP Case Rumors Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse and Chief Legal Officer Stuart Alderoty released statements addressing misinformation surrounding a recently filed class-action lawsuit about XRP. “As many have noticed, and some have already noted, there are a number of misleading and some factual headlines describing the decision made yesterday by a judge in California in a class-action lawsuit over XRP,” Garlinghouse said. said. He noted that the decision was a significant victory for Ripple, as all class action claims in the case were dismissed. The decision did not eliminate or change the fact that XRP is not a security according to the New York Court decision. The California ruling rejected all claims that Ripple violated federal securities law by selling XRP. Regarding the sole state law claim scheduled for trial, Garlinghouse clarified that the sole plaintiff did not purchase XRP directly from Ripple and could not confirm whether he had even heard of the disclosure before making the transaction. The plaintiff only had a few hundred XRP. Garlinghouse called this case a clear example of trolls failing by trying to take advantage of the U.S. legal system and twist testimony for class-action settlements worth hundreds of millions of dollars. “With respect to the ‘misleading statements,’ I stand by what I said and look forward to shedding light on this issue during the hearing,” Garlinghouse concluded. Stuart Alderoty also commented on the issue, reiterating that the California judge rejected all claims that Ripple violated federal securities law. He confirmed that New York's ruling that XRP is not a security has not been overturned. Alderoty said a state law claim based on a 2017 statement will go to trial. The plaintiff, who did not buy directly from Ripple and was unable to say whether he even heard the statement before trading, allegedly lost several hundred dollars. #BinanceTournament #CryptoTradingGuide #BTCFOMCWatch {spot}(BTCUSDT)

📣 Ripple CEO and Chief Legal Officer Issues Statement on XRP Case Rumors

Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse and Chief Legal Officer Stuart Alderoty released statements addressing misinformation surrounding a recently filed class-action lawsuit about XRP.

“As many have noticed, and some have already noted, there are a number of misleading and some factual headlines describing the decision made yesterday by a judge in California in a class-action lawsuit over XRP,” Garlinghouse said. said.

He noted that the decision was a significant victory for Ripple, as all class action claims in the case were dismissed. The decision did not eliminate or change the fact that XRP is not a security according to the New York Court decision. The California ruling rejected all claims that Ripple violated federal securities law by selling XRP.

Regarding the sole state law claim scheduled for trial, Garlinghouse clarified that the sole plaintiff did not purchase XRP directly from Ripple and could not confirm whether he had even heard of the disclosure before making the transaction. The plaintiff only had a few hundred XRP. Garlinghouse called this case a clear example of trolls failing by trying to take advantage of the U.S. legal system and twist testimony for class-action settlements worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

“With respect to the ‘misleading statements,’ I stand by what I said and look forward to shedding light on this issue during the hearing,” Garlinghouse concluded.

Stuart Alderoty also commented on the issue, reiterating that the California judge rejected all claims that Ripple violated federal securities law. He confirmed that New York's ruling that XRP is not a security has not been overturned.

Alderoty said a state law claim based on a 2017 statement will go to trial. The plaintiff, who did not buy directly from Ripple and was unable to say whether he even heard the statement before trading, allegedly lost several hundred dollars.

#BinanceTournament #CryptoTradingGuide #BTCFOMCWatch
BREAKING NEWS: Bitcoin Exchange BtcTurk Announced It Was Hacked! Here is the Amount of Stolen Assets… According to recent information, the giant Turkish cryptocurrency exchange BtcTurk faced an attack from hackers. As a result of this cyber attack, it is claimed that a total of $55 million worth of crypto assets were stolen from the BtcTurk exchange. Although the exact amount of stolen assets is currently unknown (claims are $55 million), the popular cryptocurrency exchange shared an announcement text about this cyber attack and included the following information: “Dear user, Our teams have detected that there was a cyber attack on our platform on June 22, 2024, which caused uncontrolled footage. Only some of the balances in the hot wallets of 10 cryptocurrencies were affected by the cyber attack in question, and our cold wallets, where most of the assets are kept, are safe. BtcTurk's financial strength is well above the amounts affected by this attack, and user assets will not be affected by these losses. Our teams are carrying out detailed research on the subject. At the same time, official authorities were contacted. As a precaution, cryptocurrency deposits and withdrawals have been stopped and will be opened for use as soon as our work is completed.”#CryptoTradingGuide #BinanceTournament #BTCFOMCWatch
BREAKING NEWS: Bitcoin Exchange BtcTurk Announced It Was Hacked! Here is the Amount of Stolen Assets…
According to recent information, the giant Turkish cryptocurrency exchange BtcTurk faced an attack from hackers. As a result of this cyber attack, it is claimed that a total of $55 million worth of crypto assets were stolen from the BtcTurk exchange.
Although the exact amount of stolen assets is currently unknown (claims are $55 million), the popular cryptocurrency exchange shared an announcement text about this cyber attack and included the following information:
“Dear user, Our teams have detected that there was a cyber attack on our platform on June 22, 2024, which caused uncontrolled footage. Only some of the balances in the hot wallets of 10 cryptocurrencies were affected by the cyber attack in question, and our cold wallets, where most of the assets are kept, are safe.
BtcTurk's financial strength is well above the amounts affected by this attack, and user assets will not be affected by these losses. Our teams are carrying out detailed research on the subject. At the same time, official authorities were contacted. As a precaution, cryptocurrency deposits and withdrawals have been stopped and will be opened for use as soon as our work is completed.”#CryptoTradingGuide #BinanceTournament #BTCFOMCWatch
Billionaire Michael Dell suggests Bitcoin Adoption After sharing Michael Saylor's statement, billionaire Michael Dell garnered crypto attention. After Saylor's statement, Michael Dell posted a cookie monster devouring Bitcoin joke. Following his statements with Saylor, Dell may be hinting at Bitcoin acceptance. After X postings on Friday suggested an interest in Bitcoin, numerous crypto community members theorized that Michael Dell and his business may use the MicroStrategy Bitcoin playbook. After a series of X postings with Michael Saylor on Friday, Dell Technologies (DELL) founder and CEO Michael Dell became interested in Bitcoin. The two caught crypto community attention when Dell published Saylor's reply on his first article. Dell posted Thursday, "Scarcity creates value." Saylor said, "Bitcoin is digital scarcity." Many have predicted that Dell may buy the digital asset based on both sides' remarks. A few hours later, Dell published an X poll asking what tech innovation will come next. From AI, Quantum Computing, and Space Tech, Blockchain swiftly garnered the most votes. Dell also uploaded a meme of Cookie Monster swallowing Bitcoin. This prompted further queries from crypto community members who were reading between the lines. Speculators wonder whether Dell will add Bitcoin to his balance sheet like Saylor at MicroStrategy. Michael Dell owns 58.9% of Dell Technologies, which is worth over $100 billion. His latest Bitcoin postings may be following MicroStrategy's lead. After buying 11,931 Bitcoin, MicroStrategy shares increased 3% on Thursday. Bitcoin is down 1.5% in the previous 24 hours as Michael Dell's move hasn't boosted its price as expected.#CertiKvsKraken #BTCFOMCWatch {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Billionaire Michael Dell suggests Bitcoin Adoption
After sharing Michael Saylor's statement, billionaire Michael Dell garnered crypto attention.
After Saylor's statement, Michael Dell posted a cookie monster devouring Bitcoin joke.
Following his statements with Saylor, Dell may be hinting at Bitcoin acceptance.
After X postings on Friday suggested an interest in Bitcoin, numerous crypto community members theorized that Michael Dell and his business may use the MicroStrategy Bitcoin playbook.
After a series of X postings with Michael Saylor on Friday, Dell Technologies (DELL) founder and CEO Michael Dell became interested in Bitcoin.
The two caught crypto community attention when Dell published Saylor's reply on his first article. Dell posted Thursday, "Scarcity creates value." Saylor said, "Bitcoin is digital scarcity."
Many have predicted that Dell may buy the digital asset based on both sides' remarks.
A few hours later, Dell published an X poll asking what tech innovation will come next. From AI, Quantum Computing, and Space Tech, Blockchain swiftly garnered the most votes.
Dell also uploaded a meme of Cookie Monster swallowing Bitcoin. This prompted further queries from crypto community members who were reading between the lines.
Speculators wonder whether Dell will add Bitcoin to his balance sheet like Saylor at MicroStrategy.
Michael Dell owns 58.9% of Dell Technologies, which is worth over $100 billion.
His latest Bitcoin postings may be following MicroStrategy's lead. After buying 11,931 Bitcoin, MicroStrategy shares increased 3% on Thursday.
Bitcoin is down 1.5% in the previous 24 hours as Michael Dell's move hasn't boosted its price as expected.#CertiKvsKraken #BTCFOMCWatch
With so celebrities launching their own meme coins in recent weeks, it seemed absolutely plausible that rapper 50 Cent (aka Curtis Jackson) would take to Twitter to shill his own Solana token with a flurry of posts Friday afternoon. But within minutes, after millions of dollars’ worth of crypto was already spent, the truth emerged: His account had been hacked for a pump-and-dump scam. In a rapid-fire string of tweets, 50 Cent’s Twitter account began making promotional posts on Friday for a new Solana token called GUNIT, launched via The posts were elaborate. Some referenced the rap icon’s cognac brand; others called out recent celebrity-related crypto narratives including Martin Shkreli’s creation of an allegedly official Donald Trump Solana token, and controversial influencer Andrew Tate’s promotion of the DADDY coin. One even featured a Solana-themed meme with 50 Cent at center. 💬 If you bought $GUNIT, then your $5,000 investment just turned into 50 cent — SphynxLabs While some crypto users were cautiously suspicious of the posts, it wasn’t immediately certain the posts were a fake, either. In the meantime, money poured into GUNIT’s coffers. Most of the token’s $18.6 million in total trading volume came within barely 40 minutes as it rocketed upwards some 8,000%, then plunged just as rapidly as liquidity disappeared. Despite warning signs, the rush of investment sadly made some sense. Recently, celebrity meme coins created via have skyrocketed in value with little more to them than a prominent personality’s endorsement. The Tate-promoted DADDY token rose from worthlessness to a $340 million market capitalization last week; Iggy Azalea’s earlier MOTHER token crossed $200 million around the same time. 50 Cent’s Twitter account was also locked by the platform; all posts on the account are inaccessible at writing. GUNIT continued to plummet on the revelation—though not yet to worthlessness. #CertiKvsKraken #CryptoTradingGuide #BinanceTournament
With so celebrities launching their own meme coins in recent weeks, it seemed absolutely plausible that rapper 50 Cent (aka Curtis Jackson) would take to Twitter to shill his own Solana token with a flurry of posts Friday afternoon.

But within minutes, after millions of dollars’ worth of crypto was already spent, the truth emerged: His account had been hacked for a pump-and-dump scam.

In a rapid-fire string of tweets, 50 Cent’s Twitter account began making promotional posts on Friday for a new Solana token called GUNIT, launched via

The posts were elaborate. Some referenced the rap icon’s cognac brand; others called out recent celebrity-related crypto narratives including Martin Shkreli’s creation of an allegedly official Donald Trump Solana token, and controversial influencer Andrew Tate’s promotion of the DADDY coin. One even featured a Solana-themed meme with 50 Cent at center.

💬 If you bought $GUNIT, then your $5,000 investment just turned into 50 cent — SphynxLabs

While some crypto users were cautiously suspicious of the posts, it wasn’t immediately certain the posts were a fake, either.

In the meantime, money poured into GUNIT’s coffers. Most of the token’s $18.6 million in total trading volume came within barely 40 minutes as it rocketed upwards some 8,000%, then plunged just as rapidly as liquidity disappeared.

Despite warning signs, the rush of investment sadly made some sense. Recently, celebrity meme coins created via have skyrocketed in value with little more to them than a prominent personality’s endorsement. The Tate-promoted DADDY token rose from worthlessness to a $340 million market capitalization last week; Iggy Azalea’s earlier MOTHER token crossed $200 million around the same time.

50 Cent’s Twitter account was also locked by the platform; all posts on the account are inaccessible at writing.

GUNIT continued to plummet on the revelation—though not yet to worthlessness.

#CertiKvsKraken #CryptoTradingGuide #BinanceTournament
is not performing well in the current market conditions, moving towards the next 1.75$ support amid prevailing bearish trends. An expected reversal hints at Highstreet taking charge alongside $BTC in the forthcoming bull rally. The last rally resulted in 260% gains. #BTCFOMCWatch #CryptoTradingGuide {spot}(BTCUSDT)
is not performing well in the current market conditions, moving towards the next 1.75$ support amid prevailing bearish trends. An expected reversal hints at Highstreet taking charge alongside $BTC in the forthcoming bull rally.
The last rally resulted in 260% gains. #BTCFOMCWatch #CryptoTradingGuide
WAVES is struggling to maintain momentum in the market and approaches the crucial 0.85$ support amidst bearish conditions. An anticipated reversal suggests its potential to dominate alongside $BTC in the next bull cycle. Our tracking record shows 340% gains in the last rally. #CertiKvsKraken #LayerZero
WAVES is struggling to maintain momentum in the market and approaches the crucial 0.85$ support amidst bearish conditions. An anticipated reversal suggests its potential to dominate alongside $BTC in the next bull cycle.
Our tracking record shows 340% gains in the last rally. #CertiKvsKraken #LayerZero
Why Did Worldcoin's (WLD) Price Soar 15% in a Single Day, Reaching $3? As of right now, Worldcoin (WLD) is on an ascent, with the crypto token's value increasing by $3, a 15% increase in only one day. The Worldcoin team has recently made great progress towards achieving the project's objectives, which is the reason for this development. Gaining Support from Worldcoin's World ID Expansion In a recent announcement, the Worldcoin team revealed that World ID, the worldwide identification network of the project, would be expanding into Ecuador. In order to join Worldcoin's identification network, locals in the nation may use the Orb to be verified. The group said that six sites in two cities in Ecuador would be accessible for verifications. The port city of Guayaquil will be the first to undergo verification on June 26, with the capital city of Quito setting up the remaining sites on June 27. According to Worldcoin, each of those two locations offers Orb verification for anyone above the age of 18 who wants to join the more than 5 million users already using the Worldcoin network. Since the Worldcoin token is essential to the team's goal of creating a universal identity, this news must be good for the price of the crypto token. In addition, the regulatory scrutiny and bad press that has engulfed Worldcoin's environment is somewhat alleviated by the company's arrival into Ecuador. Ahead of its debut in Ecuador, Worldcoin said that it would be investing directly in Argentina and launching more Orb verification sites, both of which will allow the project to grow even further in the nation. Contributors to Worldcoin, like Tools for Humanity (TFH), will provide educational opportunities for fifty software engineers, data analysts, operations experts, and developers in the nation as a component of the investment. In addition, 50 World ID orb verification sites, including 2 experience shops, will be established in more than 10 cities around Argentina, according to Worldcoin. #CertiKvsKraken #CertiKvsKraken #CryptoTradingGuide
Why Did Worldcoin's (WLD) Price Soar 15% in a Single Day, Reaching $3?
As of right now, Worldcoin (WLD) is on an ascent, with the crypto token's value increasing by $3, a 15% increase in only one day. The Worldcoin team has recently made great progress towards achieving the project's objectives, which is the reason for this development.
Gaining Support from Worldcoin's World ID Expansion
In a recent announcement, the Worldcoin team revealed that World ID, the worldwide identification network of the project, would be expanding into Ecuador. In order to join Worldcoin's identification network, locals in the nation may use the Orb to be verified. The group said that six sites in two cities in Ecuador would be accessible for verifications.
The port city of Guayaquil will be the first to undergo verification on June 26, with the capital city of Quito setting up the remaining sites on June 27. According to Worldcoin, each of those two locations offers Orb verification for anyone above the age of 18 who wants to join the more than 5 million users already using the Worldcoin network.
Since the Worldcoin token is essential to the team's goal of creating a universal identity, this news must be good for the price of the crypto token. In addition, the regulatory scrutiny and bad press that has engulfed Worldcoin's environment is somewhat alleviated by the company's arrival into Ecuador.
Ahead of its debut in Ecuador, Worldcoin said that it would be investing directly in Argentina and launching more Orb verification sites, both of which will allow the project to grow even further in the nation. Contributors to Worldcoin, like Tools for Humanity (TFH), will provide educational opportunities for fifty software engineers, data analysts, operations experts, and developers in the nation as a component of the investment.
In addition, 50 World ID orb verification sites, including 2 experience shops, will be established in more than 10 cities around Argentina, according to Worldcoin.
#CertiKvsKraken #CertiKvsKraken #CryptoTradingGuide
$AKT is experiencing a downturn in trading activity, nearing the next 2.8$ support as bearish trends persist. An anticipated reversal suggests Akash Network could lead alongside $BTC in the next cycle's bull rally. In the past rally, we've noted 17x gains. #MicroStrategy #CertiKvsKraken #BTCFOMCWatch
$AKT is experiencing a downturn in trading activity, nearing the next 2.8$ support as bearish trends persist. An anticipated reversal suggests Akash Network could lead alongside $BTC in the next cycle's bull rally.
In the past rally, we've noted 17x gains. #MicroStrategy #CertiKvsKraken #BTCFOMCWatch
$APEX is standing strong today, maintaining the 2.5$ level. Once it resumes its upward journey, the next target will be 3.5$. If it loses momentum, 2$ will provide the next support. Let's hope for the bullish sentiment in Bitcoin. A 370% rise was tracked in the recent rally#AirdropGuide #BinanceTournament
$APEX is standing strong today, maintaining the 2.5$ level. Once it resumes its upward journey, the next target will be 3.5$. If it loses momentum, 2$ will provide the next support. Let's hope for the bullish sentiment in Bitcoin.
A 370% rise was tracked in the recent rally#AirdropGuide #BinanceTournament
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