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💰 První těžař se rozhodl sloučit všechny své staré odměny z roku 2010 na jednu adresu. Skončili s 2000 BTC (139 milionů dolarů). Některé z jejich mincí jim daly 1 milionkrát více než jejich počáteční investice v dolarovém vyjádření! 🤯 #icryptobob #BTC☀ ☀️#Crypto_Jobs🎯
💰 První těžař se rozhodl sloučit všechny své staré odměny z roku 2010 na jednu adresu.

Skončili s 2000 BTC (139 milionů dolarů).

Některé z jejich mincí jim daly 1 milionkrát více než jejich počáteční investice v dolarovém vyjádření! 🤯

#icryptobob #BTC☀ ☀️#Crypto_Jobs🎯
Zobrazit originál
Polkadot (DOT): 🚀 Aktualizace cen a technická analýza 📊📈 Polkadot (DOT) konsoliduje zisky nad zónou 7,40 USD vůči americkému dolaru. Mohl by odstartovat další nárůst, pokud by odstranil rezistenci 7,70 USD. 🚀 - DOT nabral tempo a otestoval úroveň odporu 7,70 USD. - Cena se obchoduje nad zónou 7,20 USD a 100hodinovým jednoduchým klouzavým průměrem. 📊 - Na hodinovém grafu páru DOT/USD (údaje z Krakenu) se tvoří klíčová býčí trendová linie s podporou 7,40 USD. - Pár by mohl pokračovat v růstu, pokud zůstane nad podporou 7,20 USD.

Polkadot (DOT): 🚀 Aktualizace cen a technická analýza 📊

📈 Polkadot (DOT) konsoliduje zisky nad zónou 7,40 USD vůči americkému dolaru. Mohl by odstartovat další nárůst, pokud by odstranil rezistenci 7,70 USD. 🚀

- DOT nabral tempo a otestoval úroveň odporu 7,70 USD.
- Cena se obchoduje nad zónou 7,20 USD a 100hodinovým jednoduchým klouzavým průměrem. 📊
- Na hodinovém grafu páru DOT/USD (údaje z Krakenu) se tvoří klíčová býčí trendová linie s podporou 7,40 USD.
- Pár by mohl pokračovat v růstu, pokud zůstane nad podporou 7,20 USD.
Zobrazit originál
Na trhu bitcoinových ETF bylo v pondělí nakoupeno 3 700 BTC a v úterý 4 400 BTC, což představuje nové historické maximum pro akumulaci BTC fondy. 📈🚀 #Bitcoin❗ #BTCETFSPOT #icryptobob
Na trhu bitcoinových ETF bylo v pondělí nakoupeno 3 700 BTC a v úterý 4 400 BTC, což představuje nové historické maximum pro akumulaci BTC fondy. 📈🚀

#Bitcoin❗ #BTCETFSPOT #icryptobob
Zobrazit originál
Trh kryptoměn prudce vzrostl, protože údaje o inflaci v USA podnítily býčí dynamiku 🚀💼V elektrizujícím obratu událostí byl trh s kryptoměnami svědkem impozantního nárůstu poháněného zveřejněním měkčích údajů o inflaci v USA, než se očekávalo. Do centra pozornosti se dostal bitcoin (BTC), který poprvé od 24. dubna překonal hranici 66 000 USD a zaznamenal působivý 7% nárůst během 24 hodin. Mezitím se Ether (ETH) pohyboval blízko hranice 3 000 $, i když zaostával s mírným 4% ziskem. Dynamika trhu: Solana (SOL) a NEAR Protocol (NEAR) se ukázaly jako průkopníci mezi hlavními kryptoměnami a zaznamenaly pozoruhodné zisky 8 % a 12 %. Širší trh, reprezentovaný indexem CoinDesk 20 (CD20), se také shromáždil a předvedl silný 6% nárůst.

Trh kryptoměn prudce vzrostl, protože údaje o inflaci v USA podnítily býčí dynamiku 🚀💼

V elektrizujícím obratu událostí byl trh s kryptoměnami svědkem impozantního nárůstu poháněného zveřejněním měkčích údajů o inflaci v USA, než se očekávalo. Do centra pozornosti se dostal bitcoin (BTC), který poprvé od 24. dubna překonal hranici 66 000 USD a zaznamenal působivý 7% nárůst během 24 hodin. Mezitím se Ether (ETH) pohyboval blízko hranice 3 000 $, i když zaostával s mírným 4% ziskem.
Dynamika trhu:
Solana (SOL) a NEAR Protocol (NEAR) se ukázaly jako průkopníci mezi hlavními kryptoměnami a zaznamenaly pozoruhodné zisky 8 % a 12 %. Širší trh, reprezentovaný indexem CoinDesk 20 (CD20), se také shromáždil a předvedl silný 6% nárůst.
Zobrazit originál
📈💥 Bitcoin (BTC) vyletěl na 66 000 $ za 24 hodin, což je o 7 % více! 🚀 Poháněni klesající jádrovou inflací v USA se investoři hrnou do bitcoinu. 🇺🇸💰 Údaje o CPI v USA odhalují jádrovou inflaci na 3letém minimu 3,4 %, což spouští prudký nárůst bitcoinů. 💼📈 Pozitivní inflace naznačuje potenciální snížení sazeb v USA, což zvyšuje přitažlivost bitcoinu. ⏳📉 Institucionální zájem o bitcoinové ETF s investicemi velkých bank zvyšuje hodnotu bitcoinu. 💼💪 Vzhledem k tomu, že instituce jako State of Wisconsin Investment Board nalévají miliony do bitcoinových ETF, vzestup bitcoinu je nezastavitelný! 🌟 #ETFvsBTC #icryptobob #CryptoWatchMay2024 $BTC
📈💥 Bitcoin (BTC) vyletěl na 66 000 $ za 24 hodin, což je o 7 % více! 🚀 Poháněni klesající jádrovou inflací v USA se investoři hrnou do bitcoinu. 🇺🇸💰

Údaje o CPI v USA odhalují jádrovou inflaci na 3letém minimu 3,4 %, což spouští prudký nárůst bitcoinů. 💼📈

Pozitivní inflace naznačuje potenciální snížení sazeb v USA, což zvyšuje přitažlivost bitcoinu. ⏳📉

Institucionální zájem o bitcoinové ETF s investicemi velkých bank zvyšuje hodnotu bitcoinu. 💼💪

Vzhledem k tomu, že instituce jako State of Wisconsin Investment Board nalévají miliony do bitcoinových ETF, vzestup bitcoinu je nezastavitelný! 🌟
#ETFvsBTC #icryptobob #CryptoWatchMay2024
Zobrazit originál
Zvýšení ceny bitcoinů na 66 000 $: Proč je BTC dnes na vzestupu?📈💥 Za posledních 24 hodin se bitcoin (BTC) vyšplhal na 66 000 $, což představuje působivý 7% nárůst během jednoho dne. Tento raketový nárůst hodnoty je poháněn soutokem makroekonomických faktorů, zejména nejnovějšími údaji o inflaci v USA. Rally cen bitcoinu uprostřed klesající americké jádrové inflace Nedávná data amerického indexu spotřebitelských cen (CPI) naznačují pokles jádrové inflace na tříleté minimum 3,4 %. Tento pokles podnítil významnou aktivitu na trhu s bitcoiny a vyvolal velký zájem ze strany velkých světových finančních institucí. Pozorovaná korelace mezi sníženou inflací a zvýšenými investicemi do digitálních aktiv naznačuje, že investoři vnímají bitcoiny jako zajištění proti ekonomické nejistotě.

Zvýšení ceny bitcoinů na 66 000 $: Proč je BTC dnes na vzestupu?

📈💥 Za posledních 24 hodin se bitcoin (BTC) vyšplhal na 66 000 $, což představuje působivý 7% nárůst během jednoho dne. Tento raketový nárůst hodnoty je poháněn soutokem makroekonomických faktorů, zejména nejnovějšími údaji o inflaci v USA.
Rally cen bitcoinu uprostřed klesající americké jádrové inflace
Nedávná data amerického indexu spotřebitelských cen (CPI) naznačují pokles jádrové inflace na tříleté minimum 3,4 %. Tento pokles podnítil významnou aktivitu na trhu s bitcoiny a vyvolal velký zájem ze strany velkých světových finančních institucí. Pozorovaná korelace mezi sníženou inflací a zvýšenými investicemi do digitálních aktiv naznačuje, že investoři vnímají bitcoiny jako zajištění proti ekonomické nejistotě.
​🚀📊 BOOM! Grayscale's spot Bitcoin ETF, GBTC, defied expectations AGAIN with ZERO outflows yesterday! 🌟 This marks only the second time in history! 💥 And the trend is looking UP with decreasing outflows (check out that purple trend line)! 📈 Keep your eyes peeled for more exciting updates! 🚀🔥 #ETFvsBTC
​🚀📊 BOOM! Grayscale's spot Bitcoin ETF, GBTC, defied expectations AGAIN with ZERO outflows yesterday!

🌟 This marks only the second time in history!

💥 And the trend is looking UP with decreasing outflows (check out that purple trend line)!

📈 Keep your eyes peeled for more exciting updates! 🚀🔥

📊 Yesterday's net outflow from Hong Kong ETFs amounted to a whopping $32.7 million, marking the highest in their entire history! 💸 #ETFvsBTC
📊 Yesterday's net outflow from Hong Kong ETFs amounted to a whopping $32.7 million, marking the highest in their entire history! 💸

🔎 The Total Value Locked (TVL) in DeFi protocols is at the same level as over 3 years ago (and almost half of what it was at the end of 2021, excluding liquidity staking). Analyst Circle Patrick Hansen believes this signals the need for a new wave of innovations and applications for the DeFi sector, although he acknowledges that the TVL metric is flawed overall. 📉🔄 #icryptobob #CryptoWatchMay2024
🔎 The Total Value Locked (TVL) in DeFi protocols is at the same level as over 3 years ago (and almost half of what it was at the end of 2021, excluding liquidity staking).

Analyst Circle Patrick Hansen believes this signals the need for a new wave of innovations and applications for the DeFi sector, although he acknowledges that the TVL metric is flawed overall. 📉🔄

#icryptobob #CryptoWatchMay2024
Zobrazit originál
🚀🎉 Trumpova šance na vítězství ve volbách na Polymarketu raketově vzrostla na 49 %! 🤠 Vypadá to, že Trump je opět na koni s 5% náskokem před Bidenem! #Trump's #icryptobob #Memecoins
🚀🎉 Trumpova šance na vítězství ve volbách na Polymarketu raketově vzrostla na 49 %!

🤠 Vypadá to, že Trump je opět na koni s 5% náskokem před Bidenem!

#Trump's #icryptobob #Memecoins
🚀💥 XRP Rockets Towards $10-$20: Analyst Unveils Explosive Timing!📈🔥🚀📈 XRP Set For Major Upswing: Top Analyst Reveals Timing For $10-$20 Price Milestone 💰🔥 XRP, the cryptocurrency synonymous with Ripple, has been ensnared in an extensive period of consolidation, oscillating between $0.300 and $0.600 over the past seven years. Despite a fleeting surge during the 2021 bull run that propelled XRP to a three-year pinnacle of $1.9 in April, the token has since reverted to its familiar range, lacking the bullish impetus needed to breach upper resistance levels. However, amidst this apparent stagnation, a chorus of crypto analysts now heralds an imminent uptrend for XRP, foreseeing a potential ascent to unprecedented altitudes. 🔍 Analysts Anticipate XRP Breakout Enter U-COPY, a technical analyst distinguished on the social media landscape (formerly Twitter), whose projections offer a glimmer of hope for XRP enthusiasts. U-COPY asserts that XRP may soon embark on a momentous journey between May 15 and August, propelled by several key indicators. Notably, XRP has been gradually ascending from its recent low at $0.46, edging closer to the culmination of a protracted triangle formation that has been gathering momentum since 2018. U-COPY contends that the true potential of XRP awaits unveiling during the forthcoming bull cycle, hinting at the prospect of substantial growth by year's end. With anticipation building and the crypto community abuzz, all eyes remain fixed on XRP as it navigates this pivotal juncture, poised on the brink of a potential breakthrough to $10-$20 price milestones. 🌟📈 #Xrp🔥🔥 #altcoins #icryptobob $XRP

🚀💥 XRP Rockets Towards $10-$20: Analyst Unveils Explosive Timing!📈🔥

🚀📈 XRP Set For Major Upswing: Top Analyst Reveals Timing For $10-$20 Price Milestone 💰🔥

XRP, the cryptocurrency synonymous with Ripple, has been ensnared in an extensive period of consolidation, oscillating between $0.300 and $0.600 over the past seven years. Despite a fleeting surge during the 2021 bull run that propelled XRP to a three-year pinnacle of $1.9 in April, the token has since reverted to its familiar range, lacking the bullish impetus needed to breach upper resistance levels.
However, amidst this apparent stagnation, a chorus of crypto analysts now heralds an imminent uptrend for XRP, foreseeing a potential ascent to unprecedented altitudes.
🔍 Analysts Anticipate XRP Breakout
Enter U-COPY, a technical analyst distinguished on the social media landscape (formerly Twitter), whose projections offer a glimmer of hope for XRP enthusiasts. U-COPY asserts that XRP may soon embark on a momentous journey between May 15 and August, propelled by several key indicators.
Notably, XRP has been gradually ascending from its recent low at $0.46, edging closer to the culmination of a protracted triangle formation that has been gathering momentum since 2018. U-COPY contends that the true potential of XRP awaits unveiling during the forthcoming bull cycle, hinting at the prospect of substantial growth by year's end.
With anticipation building and the crypto community abuzz, all eyes remain fixed on XRP as it navigates this pivotal juncture, poised on the brink of a potential breakthrough to $10-$20 price milestones. 🌟📈
#Xrp🔥🔥 #altcoins #icryptobob
🦐📈 King Shrimp Dives: $23K Shifted from SHIB to Mollars ICO!🚀🌊🦐📈 Shiba Inu (SHIB) Token Holder Swaps $23,000 Into Mollars ICO — DCA’ing, King Shrimp Passed Whales 🚀🌊 In the realm of crypto, one particular shrimp, aptly dubbed the King Shrimp, previously monitored by Crypto.News, has significantly bolstered their holdings in the Mollars token presale 'bag.' Through frequent purchases or dollar-cost averaging (DCA) into the presale, this trader's consistent acquisitions have catapulted them into what's believed to be the foremost holder of Ethereum blockchain's forthcoming store-of-value token. 📈 Investor's Successful Track Record with Memecoins Evidence suggests that this trader possesses a knack for memecoin ICO investing, as transactions involving Shiba Inu (SHIB), Volt Inu (VOLT), and Robo Inu (ROBO) tokens indicate. While acquisitions of Mollars overshadow all other investments this year, this holder is purportedly a significant figure within the Shiba Inu token community, perhaps hailing from SHIB's golden era. 💼 Noteworthy Investment Strategy While the individual purchases by this 'King Shrimp' may not individually rank as the largest, their cumulative effect is substantial. The 12 acquisitions made in the Mollars token presale amount to a total value of approximately $23,080.73 at the time of writing, translating to an estimated 57,700 Mollars tokens. 🔍 Forecasted Profits and Projected Growth With Mollars tokens set to debut on Bitmart and LBank around June 1st, and a projected listing day price of $0.62 per token, this 'King Shrimp' stands to see their investment surge to $35,775.09 on June 2nd if the hard cap is met. Forecasts even suggest that Mollars could potentially reach ~$15 before year-end, signaling a promising future for investors. 💰 Strategic Shifts and Forward-Looking Expectations The migration of funds from Shiba Inu to Mollars by the 'King Shrimp' hints at higher growth expectations for the $MOLLARS token compared to SHIB in 2024. With the Mollars token presale already raising $1.31 million, this investor's $23,000 allocation positions them as a prominent figure in the pre-listing landscape. 📊 Conclusion As Shiba Inu token holders grapple with modest gains, the emergence of Mollars as a potential contender in the crypto space signals a paradigm shift. With investors like the 'King Shrimp' leading the charge, Mollars could potentially yield far greater returns than its predecessors, ushering in a new era of value in the crypto market. $SHIB #Shibalnu #Memecoins #icryptobob

🦐📈 King Shrimp Dives: $23K Shifted from SHIB to Mollars ICO!🚀🌊

🦐📈 Shiba Inu (SHIB) Token Holder Swaps $23,000 Into Mollars ICO — DCA’ing, King Shrimp Passed Whales 🚀🌊

In the realm of crypto, one particular shrimp, aptly dubbed the King Shrimp, previously monitored by Crypto.News, has significantly bolstered their holdings in the Mollars token presale 'bag.' Through frequent purchases or dollar-cost averaging (DCA) into the presale, this trader's consistent acquisitions have catapulted them into what's believed to be the foremost holder of Ethereum blockchain's forthcoming store-of-value token.
📈 Investor's Successful Track Record with Memecoins
Evidence suggests that this trader possesses a knack for memecoin ICO investing, as transactions involving Shiba Inu (SHIB), Volt Inu (VOLT), and Robo Inu (ROBO) tokens indicate. While acquisitions of Mollars overshadow all other investments this year, this holder is purportedly a significant figure within the Shiba Inu token community, perhaps hailing from SHIB's golden era.
💼 Noteworthy Investment Strategy
While the individual purchases by this 'King Shrimp' may not individually rank as the largest, their cumulative effect is substantial. The 12 acquisitions made in the Mollars token presale amount to a total value of approximately $23,080.73 at the time of writing, translating to an estimated 57,700 Mollars tokens.
🔍 Forecasted Profits and Projected Growth
With Mollars tokens set to debut on Bitmart and LBank around June 1st, and a projected listing day price of $0.62 per token, this 'King Shrimp' stands to see their investment surge to $35,775.09 on June 2nd if the hard cap is met. Forecasts even suggest that Mollars could potentially reach ~$15 before year-end, signaling a promising future for investors.
💰 Strategic Shifts and Forward-Looking Expectations
The migration of funds from Shiba Inu to Mollars by the 'King Shrimp' hints at higher growth expectations for the $MOLLARS token compared to SHIB in 2024. With the Mollars token presale already raising $1.31 million, this investor's $23,000 allocation positions them as a prominent figure in the pre-listing landscape.
📊 Conclusion
As Shiba Inu token holders grapple with modest gains, the emergence of Mollars as a potential contender in the crypto space signals a paradigm shift. With investors like the 'King Shrimp' leading the charge, Mollars could potentially yield far greater returns than its predecessors, ushering in a new era of value in the crypto market.

#Shibalnu #Memecoins #icryptobob
Vanguard Hires Former BlackRock iShares Exec Salim Ramji as CEOBlackRock’s former global head of iShares and index investments, Salim Ramji, is joining Vanguard as its new CEOand board of directors from July 8. In an announcement, Vanguard said Ramji will take over from the current CEO Tim Buckley, who announced he would retire and step down from the firm in February this year. Ramji departed from his position at BlackRock in January 2024 where he was responsible for managing the majority of the firm’s client assets and overseeing the iShares platform. He joined BlackRock over a decade ago and under his tenure, the asset management firm launched the first spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund for retail investors. Vanguard is the second largest asset management firm after BlackRock. BlackRock’s Spot Bitcoin ETF ‘IBIT’ Commenting on Ramji’s appointment, Bloomberg Intelligence senior ETF analyst Eric Balchunas said the former BlackRock executive oversaw the filing and logistics of the IBIT ETF and he is known to have an interest in the digital assets space. Vanguard on the other hand is anti-crypto. Before joining BlackRock Ramji held the position of senior partner at McKinsey and was responsible for the firm’s asset and wealth management practice. Ramji started his career as a lawyer at Clifford Chance in London and Hong Kong. “He [Ramji] cares about advancing the interests of individual investors, has a strong fiduciary ethos, and thinks strategically about solutions,” said Buckley, in a press release.  “Salim understands our organization’s deep sense of purpose and commitment to put clients first, which is a hallmark of Vanguard’s leadership team and culture,” added Buckley. “The current investor landscape is changing, and that presents opportunities for Vanguard to further its mission of giving people the best chance for investment success, which is more relevant today than at any time in the firm’s five-decade history,” said Ramji. Vanguard’s Anti Crypto Stance  In January, Vanguard said it had no immediate plans to add spot Bitcoin ETF to its platforms despite the introduction of such ETFs generating headlines and buzz in the industry. “Given the current state of crypto as an asset class, Vanguard does not have plans to launch its own bitcoin ETF or any crypto-related products. When deciding what investment products to offer, we consider a range of factors, including whether we believe they have enduring investment merit and meet our client’s needs,” wrote Janel Jackson, Vanguard’s head of ETF Capital Markets and Broker and Index Relations in a note. “While the discussion about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, in general, has increased recently, we do not currently believe that there is an appropriate role for them to play in long-term portfolios,” adds Jackson. #BlackRocks #CryptoNews🚀🔥V #icryptobob

Vanguard Hires Former BlackRock iShares Exec Salim Ramji as CEO

BlackRock’s former global head of iShares and index investments, Salim Ramji, is joining Vanguard as its new CEOand board of directors from July 8.

In an announcement, Vanguard said Ramji will take over from the current CEO Tim Buckley, who announced he would retire and step down from the firm in February this year.
Ramji departed from his position at BlackRock in January 2024 where he was responsible for managing the majority of the firm’s client assets and overseeing the iShares platform. He joined BlackRock over a decade ago and under his tenure, the asset management firm launched the first spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund for retail investors.
Vanguard is the second largest asset management firm after BlackRock.
BlackRock’s Spot Bitcoin ETF ‘IBIT’
Commenting on Ramji’s appointment, Bloomberg Intelligence senior ETF analyst Eric Balchunas said the former BlackRock executive oversaw the filing and logistics of the IBIT ETF and he is known to have an interest in the digital assets space. Vanguard on the other hand is anti-crypto.

Before joining BlackRock Ramji held the position of senior partner at McKinsey and was responsible for the firm’s asset and wealth management practice. Ramji started his career as a lawyer at Clifford Chance in London and Hong Kong.
“He [Ramji] cares about advancing the interests of individual investors, has a strong fiduciary ethos, and thinks strategically about solutions,” said Buckley, in a press release.  “Salim understands our organization’s deep sense of purpose and commitment to put clients first, which is a hallmark of Vanguard’s leadership team and culture,” added Buckley.
“The current investor landscape is changing, and that presents opportunities for Vanguard to further its mission of giving people the best chance for investment success, which is more relevant today than at any time in the firm’s five-decade history,” said Ramji.
Vanguard’s Anti Crypto Stance 
In January, Vanguard said it had no immediate plans to add spot Bitcoin ETF to its platforms despite the introduction of such ETFs generating headlines and buzz in the industry.
“Given the current state of crypto as an asset class, Vanguard does not have plans to launch its own bitcoin ETF or any crypto-related products. When deciding what investment products to offer, we consider a range of factors, including whether we believe they have enduring investment merit and meet our client’s needs,” wrote Janel Jackson, Vanguard’s head of ETF Capital Markets and Broker and Index Relations in a note.
“While the discussion about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, in general, has increased recently, we do not currently believe that there is an appropriate role for them to play in long-term portfolios,” adds Jackson.
#BlackRocks #CryptoNews🚀🔥V #icryptobob
Ethereum Price Anticipates Explosive Upside Breakout, Shifting Sentiment Towards Bullish Territory! 📈💰 Ethereum is on the cusp of a potential breakthrough above the $2,900 threshold, with further upward momentum hinging on its ability to surmount key resistance barriers at $2,940 and $2,950. 🔍 Ethereum has solidified its support foundation above the $2,860 mark, signaling a potential reversal in its bullish trajectory. 📉 However, the current price action finds Ethereum trading below the $2,950 level and the 100-hourly Simple Moving Average, indicating the presence of notable resistance levels. 📉 An evident bearish trend line is emerging, posing a hurdle near the $2,905 mark on the hourly chart of ETH/USD (data sourced via Kraken). 📈👀 Ethereum Price Analysis: Ethereum encountered obstacles in the vicinity of $3,000 and underwent a corrective downturn, mirroring the movement of Bitcoin. The ETH price retreated below critical support thresholds at $2,950 and $2,940. 💪 Nonetheless, buyers intervened near the $2,860 support zone, thwarting further downward pressure. The price found support and is presently consolidating losses, inching upward past the $2,885 level. 🎯 Immediate resistance looms at $2,950, a breakout above which could propel Ethereum towards the pivotal $3,000 mark. Beyond $3,000, subsequent resistance levels to monitor include $3,050 and $3,150. 📉🔜 Conversely, failure to breach the $2,925 resistance barrier could trigger a resumption of downward momentum. Initial support is situated at $2,880, followed by major support zones near $2,860 and $2,810. 💼💼 Technical Analysis: Hourly MACD: The MACD indicator for ETH/USD is displaying indications of a waning bearish trend. Hourly RSI: The Relative Strength Index (RSI) for ETH/USD has dipped below the 50 level, suggesting a slight tilt towards bearish sentiment. 📊📉 Key Levels: Major Support Level: $2,860 Major Resistance Level: $2,925 💡 In summary, Ethereum is currently consolidating losses above the $2,860 support zone, with the potential for a breakout looming should it overcome resistance levels at $2,940 and $2,950. However, a failure to surpass these barriers could usher in renewed downward pressure towards $2,800 and $2,700 levels in the short term. Market participants are advised to closely monitor these critical levels for potential trading opportunities. #ETHETFS #icryptobob #EthereumPower $ETH

Ethereum Price Anticipates Explosive Upside Breakout, Shifting Sentiment Towards Bullish Territory!

📈💰 Ethereum is on the cusp of a potential breakthrough above the $2,900 threshold, with further upward momentum hinging on its ability to surmount key resistance barriers at $2,940 and $2,950.
🔍 Ethereum has solidified its support foundation above the $2,860 mark, signaling a potential reversal in its bullish trajectory.
📉 However, the current price action finds Ethereum trading below the $2,950 level and the 100-hourly Simple Moving Average, indicating the presence of notable resistance levels.
📉 An evident bearish trend line is emerging, posing a hurdle near the $2,905 mark on the hourly chart of ETH/USD (data sourced via Kraken).

📈👀 Ethereum Price Analysis:
Ethereum encountered obstacles in the vicinity of $3,000 and underwent a corrective downturn, mirroring the movement of Bitcoin. The ETH price retreated below critical support thresholds at $2,950 and $2,940.
💪 Nonetheless, buyers intervened near the $2,860 support zone, thwarting further downward pressure. The price found support and is presently consolidating losses, inching upward past the $2,885 level.
🎯 Immediate resistance looms at $2,950, a breakout above which could propel Ethereum towards the pivotal $3,000 mark. Beyond $3,000, subsequent resistance levels to monitor include $3,050 and $3,150.
📉🔜 Conversely, failure to breach the $2,925 resistance barrier could trigger a resumption of downward momentum. Initial support is situated at $2,880, followed by major support zones near $2,860 and $2,810.
💼💼 Technical Analysis:
Hourly MACD: The MACD indicator for ETH/USD is displaying indications of a waning bearish trend.
Hourly RSI: The Relative Strength Index (RSI) for ETH/USD has dipped below the 50 level, suggesting a slight tilt towards bearish sentiment.
📊📉 Key Levels:
Major Support Level: $2,860
Major Resistance Level: $2,925
💡 In summary, Ethereum is currently consolidating losses above the $2,860 support zone, with the potential for a breakout looming should it overcome resistance levels at $2,940 and $2,950. However, a failure to surpass these barriers could usher in renewed downward pressure towards $2,800 and $2,700 levels in the short term. Market participants are advised to closely monitor these critical levels for potential trading opportunities.
#ETHETFS #icryptobob #EthereumPower
💰🚀 Exciting News! Miners have already amassed 2000 BTC in earnings through transaction fees within the Runes protocol. 🎉 What's more, half of this impressive sum was accrued within the initial 24 hours post the Runes launch, coinciding with the halving block event. 🌟 #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #ictyptobob #RunesProtocol
💰🚀 Exciting News! Miners have already amassed 2000 BTC in earnings through transaction fees within the Runes protocol.

🎉 What's more, half of this impressive sum was accrued within the initial 24 hours post the Runes launch, coinciding with the halving block event. 🌟 #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #ictyptobob #RunesProtocol
🤠 American investment fund Bracebridge Capital dropped a bombshell to the SEC, revealing their stake in Bitcoin ETF shares amounting to a whopping $433 million! 💼 💰 This declaration propels them to the forefront as the largest current holder of a Bitcoin ETF, reporting to the SEC. 🚀 #BTC走势分析 #CryptoWatchMay2024 #ETFvsBTC
🤠 American investment fund Bracebridge Capital dropped a bombshell to the SEC, revealing their stake in Bitcoin ETF shares amounting to a whopping $433 million! 💼

💰 This declaration propels them to the forefront as the largest current holder of a Bitcoin ETF, reporting to the SEC. 🚀

#BTC走势分析 #CryptoWatchMay2024 #ETFvsBTC
⏳ Confirmation times for USDC transactions across various supported networks: 🐆 Fastest: Solana (0.4 seconds) - Another reason to consider Solana as an investment! 💰 🐢 Slowest: zkSync (2 hours) #altcoins #CryptoWatchMay2024 #icryptobob
⏳ Confirmation times for USDC transactions across various supported networks:

🐆 Fastest: Solana (0.4 seconds) - Another reason to consider Solana as an investment! 💰

🐢 Slowest: zkSync (2 hours)

#altcoins #CryptoWatchMay2024 #icryptobob
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