Binance Square
Kim Protocol
The liquidity hub of the @Optimism Superchain. Mode Network's Native Dex. One mission: To become the most rewarding place for you to park your DeFi assets.
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Kim Protocol


Zobrazit originál
Zachytili jste před chvílí $KIM / $xKIM v Kim Public Sale? Nezapomeňte si nárokovat tranši věnovaných tokenů na tento měsíc. Více o hedgeyfinance
Zachytili jste před chvílí $KIM / $xKIM v Kim Public Sale?

Nezapomeňte si nárokovat tranši věnovaných tokenů na tento měsíc.

Více o hedgeyfinance
Zobrazit originál
Červené svíčky tě nutí zapálit doslovné svíčky na osvětlení tvé ložnice, ano? Dostali jsme vás zpět s 🔥 odměnami v bazénech níže. Podívejte se a uveďte svůj majetek do práce. #Renzo #EtherFi #Mode #ETH
Červené svíčky tě nutí zapálit doslovné svíčky na osvětlení tvé ložnice, ano?

Dostali jsme vás zpět s 🔥 odměnami v bazénech níže.

Podívejte se a uveďte svůj majetek do práce.

#Renzo #EtherFi #Mode #ETH
Zobrazit originál
𝐼 𝑐𝑎𝑛'𝑡 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑦𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒. ( 𝑖𝑡'𝑠 𝑑𝑖𝑝𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔. 𝐸𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝐼 𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑐𝑘 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑏𝑖𝑏𝑏, 𝑏 𝑒. Jediným zářícím světlem jsou 🔥odměny, které Kim každý den vyhazuje. Podívejte se, co je živé rn $ETH #Mode #Kim #yieldfarming
𝐼 𝑐𝑎𝑛'𝑡 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑦𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒. ( 𝑖𝑡'𝑠 𝑑𝑖𝑝𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔. 𝐸𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝐼 𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑐𝑘 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑏𝑖𝑏𝑏, 𝑏 𝑒.

Jediným zářícím světlem jsou 🔥odměny, které Kim každý den vyhazuje. Podívejte se, co je živé rn

$ETH #Mode #Kim #yieldfarming
Zobrazit originál
Založení základnyKim, poháněná výhradně naší láskou k holohlavým generálním ředitelům, se pouští do své další kapitoly. Jdeme (na) Základnu (d). Ano, nejžhavější L2 na Optimism Superchain, milované dítě Coinb*** a Etherea, Brian a Vitalik, získává Kimově certifikaci. To je pravda; spouštíme na Základně 🎉 Proč Base Protože je založen. Ne, opravdu, proč základna? Je založeno Lyžujte tam, kam míří puk, chlapče. Jsme absurdně býčí Web3. Jsme ještě optimističtější Superchain. A jako součást toho jsme býčí základna.

Založení základny

Kim, poháněná výhradně naší láskou k holohlavým generálním ředitelům, se pouští do své další kapitoly.

Jdeme (na) Základnu (d).

Ano, nejžhavější L2 na Optimism Superchain, milované dítě Coinb*** a Etherea, Brian a Vitalik, získává Kimově certifikaci.

To je pravda; spouštíme na Základně 🎉
Proč Base
Protože je založen.

Ne, opravdu, proč základna?
Je založeno

Lyžujte tam, kam míří puk, chlapče.

Jsme absurdně býčí Web3. Jsme ještě optimističtější Superchain. A jako součást toho jsme býčí základna.
Zobrazit originál
Nový týden, nová epocha pro Reward Plugin, ano 🫡 Jediné, co musíte udělat, je přidělit svůj $xKIM do Reward Plugin a odnést si domů část 1M $xKIM odměn. [Need a reminder on how to stake? Check it out:](
Nový týden, nová epocha pro Reward Plugin, ano 🫡

Jediné, co musíte udělat, je přidělit svůj $xKIM do Reward Plugin a odnést si domů část 1M $xKIM odměn.

Need a reminder on how to stake? Check it out:
Degens, at Kim we put security first. How terrible would it be if all your crypto vanished? That’s like 1% of your portfolio (you’re not investing more than 1% of your portfolio, right? right?) That’s why we’ve partnered with @HypernativeLabs to level up Kim’s security. Stay SAFU: [Degens, at Kim we put security first.](
Degens, at Kim we put security first.

How terrible would it be if all your crypto vanished? That’s like 1% of your portfolio (you’re not investing more than 1% of your portfolio, right? right?)

That’s why we’ve partnered with @HypernativeLabs to level up Kim’s security.

Stay SAFU:
Degens, at Kim we put security first.
Securing Kim with HypernativeLet’s get serious for a minute, anon. It’s all fun and degen until it happens. Until millions of dollars of user funds are gone in an instant. Where? To Kim Jong Un’s Pyongyang mansion? Maybe. Wherever it goes, when a hack occurs it doesn’t matter where those funds go to the users impacted. What matters is that they’re gone. And, just like most things in life, prevention is the best medicine. That’s why Kim has partnered with Hypernative to secure our ecosystem and ensure your assets are more SAFU than ever. Hypernative Institutional grade Web3 security. Hypernative stops zero day Web3 cyber attacks, economic risks and protects digital assets, protocols and Web3 applications from significant losses. Hypernative will actively monitor Kim whilst our security team will receive customized alerts 24/7 in the event of a malicious on-chain act. Alerts can trigger automated prevention systems where necessary. With Hypernative, Kim will react and prevent any suspicious security incident promptly. As always, at Kim - security is our #1 concern. Without that we wouldn’t be able to provide you with the greatest rewards for your liquidity in Web3. Advanced Threat Detection Kim Exchange is now under the vigilant eye of Hypernative’s state-of-the-art threat detection and response platform. This partnership extends across the Mode network, encompassing a wide range of potential vulnerabilities, from bridges and smart contracts to multisig wallets and token allocations. Hypernative’s system is renowned for its real-time monitoring capabilities, utilizing both on-chain and off-chain data sources. Their platform can identify over 200 risk types, ensuring rapid detection and response to threats such as smart contract hacks, market manipulations, and even private key theft. Last year alone, Hypernative detected 99.5% of hacks with a minuscule false positive rate of less than 0.001%, saving over $50 million in funds. Stay Safe, Anon Don’t worry, anon - you don’t have to do anything. Just sit back and bask in the additional security provided by Hypernative. Oh, and follow us on X, and join us on Discord

Securing Kim with Hypernative

Let’s get serious for a minute, anon.

It’s all fun and degen until it happens. Until millions of dollars of user funds are gone in an instant.

Where? To Kim Jong Un’s Pyongyang mansion? Maybe. Wherever it goes, when a hack occurs it doesn’t matter where those funds go to the users impacted.

What matters is that they’re gone.

And, just like most things in life, prevention is the best medicine.

That’s why Kim has partnered with Hypernative to secure our ecosystem and ensure your assets are more SAFU than ever.
Institutional grade Web3 security. Hypernative stops zero day Web3 cyber attacks, economic risks and protects digital assets, protocols and Web3 applications from significant losses.

Hypernative will actively monitor Kim whilst our security team will receive customized alerts 24/7 in the event of a malicious on-chain act.

Alerts can trigger automated prevention systems where necessary. With Hypernative, Kim will react and prevent any suspicious security incident promptly.

As always, at Kim - security is our #1 concern. Without that we wouldn’t be able to provide you with the greatest rewards for your liquidity in Web3.

Advanced Threat Detection
Kim Exchange is now under the vigilant eye of Hypernative’s state-of-the-art threat detection and response platform. This partnership extends across the Mode network, encompassing a wide range of potential vulnerabilities, from bridges and smart contracts to multisig wallets and token allocations.
Hypernative’s system is renowned for its real-time monitoring capabilities, utilizing both on-chain and off-chain data sources. Their platform can identify over 200 risk types, ensuring rapid detection and response to threats such as smart contract hacks, market manipulations, and even private key theft. Last year alone, Hypernative detected 99.5% of hacks with a minuscule false positive rate of less than 0.001%, saving over $50 million in funds.
Stay Safe, Anon
Don’t worry, anon - you don’t have to do anything. Just sit back and bask in the additional security provided by Hypernative.
Oh, and follow us on X, and join us on Discord
Kim Protocol
When someone is pitching you a DEX that rewards you better than Kim.

When someone is pitching you a DEX that rewards you better than Kim.

For those of you who got the $KIM airdrop, the time is nigh. It’s time to claim your next tranche of $KIM & $xKIM. Oh, and dw, your $xKIM is already vested, so go ahead and allocate it to the Yield Booster plugin for a chance to win $10k in our lootbox event  😎 #Airdrop #Superchain #Optimism
For those of you who got the $KIM airdrop, the time is nigh.

It’s time to claim your next tranche of $KIM & $xKIM.

Oh, and dw, your $xKIM is already vested, so go ahead and allocate it to the Yield Booster plugin for a chance to win $10k in our lootbox event  😎

#Airdrop #Superchain #Optimism
Zobrazit originál
OP je OP: Proč si Kim vybrala SuperchainHloubková studie ukázala, že k dnešnímu dni existuje 69 420 000* řetězců, L2 a L3. *poznámka: přesnost tohoto čísla nebyla zkontrolována Takže, když projekt (a la Kim) hledá, kde zřídit obchod, jak se rozhodnou, který si vybrat?  Bezpečnostní? Rychlost? Likvidita? Použitelnost? Schopnost meme? Ano. Všechny výše uvedené a další. A OP Superchain má vše. Z nedostatku lepší slovní hříčky je to OP. Příslib superřetězce Kim se rozhodla mít největší likviditu ve Web3. Abychom se tam dostali, musíme být schopni poskytovat co nejlukrativnější odměny. A potřebujeme, aby tato likvidita byla přístupná co největšímu počtu uživatelů v řetězci.

OP je OP: Proč si Kim vybrala Superchain

Hloubková studie ukázala, že k dnešnímu dni existuje 69 420 000* řetězců, L2 a L3.

*poznámka: přesnost tohoto čísla nebyla zkontrolována

Takže, když projekt (a la Kim) hledá, kde zřídit obchod, jak se rozhodnou, který si vybrat? 

Bezpečnostní? Rychlost? Likvidita? Použitelnost? Schopnost meme?

Ano. Všechny výše uvedené a další.

A OP Superchain má vše. Z nedostatku lepší slovní hříčky je to OP.
Příslib superřetězce
Kim se rozhodla mít největší likviditu ve Web3. Abychom se tam dostali, musíme být schopni poskytovat co nejlukrativnější odměny. A potřebujeme, aby tato likvidita byla přístupná co největšímu počtu uživatelů v řetězci.
Forget Counterstrike, Overwatch, and Fifa packs - there’s a new lootbox in town. And we’re rewarding you with cold, hard, cryptographically secured assets. With a $10,000 grand prize, you just gotta swap or provide LP to earn a lootbox in Kim’s Lucky Lootbox Preview Event 🎉 (oh and don’t forget the 5M Daily MODE points you’ll earn on your way) #Optimism #Superchain #BASEd #Mode
Forget Counterstrike, Overwatch, and Fifa packs - there’s a new lootbox in town. And we’re rewarding you with cold, hard, cryptographically secured assets.

With a $10,000 grand prize, you just gotta swap or provide LP to earn a lootbox in Kim’s Lucky Lootbox Preview Event 🎉

(oh and don’t forget the 5M Daily MODE points you’ll earn on your way)

#Optimism #Superchain #BASEd #Mode
Kim’s Lucky Lootboxes: Preview EventHearing rumours, anon? Us, too. Rumour is we’re launching a hyper-interactive, degen-friendly, lootbox event. With some top prizes of up to $10,000. Ten. Thousand. Dollars. But before we kick off the big one, we’re testing it. (We’re testing it with you). Get ‘yo Lootbox Since we’re just testing, we’re rolling two types of lootboxes; Gold & Wooden. The famed golden lootbox holds up to $10,000 in rewards. Wooden lootboxes, although still cool, will snag you up to $100 in rewards. Rewards range from kpNFTs with liquidity attached, $KIM rewards, APY booster NFTs, and a whole lot more (but we don’t wanna reveal all the alpha just yet). For the next 2 weeks we’ll be dropping eleven lootboxes - 10 wooden, 1 gold, all you need to do to get involved is earn your lootbox lottery tickets. One lottery ticket is earned when you: Swap ETH-USDC, KIM-MODE, ETH-MODE, KIM-ETH$100 swap = 3 ticketETH-mBTC, ETH - STONE, ETH-wBTC, ETH-USDT$100 swap = 2 ticketETH-MOCHAD, ETH-DJUMP$100 swap = 2 ticketETH-(LRT)ETH pairs$200 swap = 1 ticket Provide Liquidity ETH-USDC, Kim-mode, eth-mode, kim-eth$100 LP = 2 ticketETH-mBTC, ETH-STONE, ETH-wBTC, ETH-USDT, ETH-MOCHAD, ETH-DJUMP$100 LP = 1 ticketETH-(LRT)ETH pairs$100 LP = 1 ticket Boost with Yield Booster 1ticket = $50 xKim in Yield Booster ONE MORE THING The feds over at Mode Network are dropping 5,000,000 (that’s million) MODE points to those who swap on Kim (and a handful of other, less cool, DEXs). So swap away, anon. Swap for your chance to win a lootbox. Swap for your chance to earn MODE points. Swap for your future. And, as always, follow us on X, and join us on Discord

Kim’s Lucky Lootboxes: Preview Event

Hearing rumours, anon? Us, too.
Rumour is we’re launching a hyper-interactive, degen-friendly, lootbox event. With some top prizes of up to $10,000.
Ten. Thousand. Dollars.
But before we kick off the big one, we’re testing it.
(We’re testing it with you).
Get ‘yo Lootbox
Since we’re just testing, we’re rolling two types of lootboxes; Gold & Wooden.
The famed golden lootbox holds up to $10,000 in rewards. Wooden lootboxes, although still cool, will snag you up to $100 in rewards.
Rewards range from kpNFTs with liquidity attached, $KIM rewards, APY booster NFTs, and a whole lot more (but we don’t wanna reveal all the alpha just yet).
For the next 2 weeks we’ll be dropping eleven lootboxes - 10 wooden, 1 gold, all you need to do to get involved is earn your lootbox lottery tickets.
One lottery ticket is earned when you:
ETH-USDC, KIM-MODE, ETH-MODE, KIM-ETH$100 swap = 3 ticketETH-mBTC, ETH - STONE, ETH-wBTC, ETH-USDT$100 swap = 2 ticketETH-MOCHAD, ETH-DJUMP$100 swap = 2 ticketETH-(LRT)ETH pairs$200 swap = 1 ticket
Provide Liquidity
ETH-USDC, Kim-mode, eth-mode, kim-eth$100 LP = 2 ticketETH-mBTC, ETH-STONE, ETH-wBTC, ETH-USDT, ETH-MOCHAD, ETH-DJUMP$100 LP = 1 ticketETH-(LRT)ETH pairs$100 LP = 1 ticket
Boost with Yield Booster
1ticket = $50 xKim in Yield Booster
The feds over at Mode Network are dropping 5,000,000 (that’s million) MODE points to those who swap on Kim (and a handful of other, less cool, DEXs).
So swap away, anon. Swap for your chance to win a lootbox. Swap for your chance to earn MODE points. Swap for your future.
And, as always, follow us on X, and join us on Discord
Down bad, anon? Everyone at Kim HQ is too, dw. We’re in this together. The difference, however, is many of us are sitting comfortably leveraging Kim and eating up a fat stack of rewards every day, it makes the red candles kinda look green? Or maybe Gary is just color blind. Start Yeeting, its Monday. #Bullish #Optimism #Superchain #BEARISH📉
Down bad, anon?

Everyone at Kim HQ is too, dw. We’re in this together.

The difference, however, is many of us are sitting comfortably leveraging Kim and eating up a fat stack of rewards every day, it makes the red candles kinda look green? Or maybe Gary is just color blind.

Start Yeeting, its Monday.

#Bullish #Optimism #Superchain #BEARISH📉
Anon, you’ve got THREE days left to join us under ‘da sea with #KelpDAO and take home a big fat stack of $xKIM rewards.  What are you waiting for? It’s the weekend. Nobody in crypto has friends. Provide liquidity. Get dank rewards.
Anon, you’ve got THREE days left to join us under ‘da sea with #KelpDAO and take home a big fat stack of $xKIM rewards. 

What are you waiting for? It’s the weekend. Nobody in crypto has friends.

Provide liquidity. Get dank rewards.
Hey #CertiK did you know you can throw that $3m into Kim and take home a fat stack of rewards with some of the highest APRs in crypto rn? Oh, and don’t forget to stake your $xKIM to boost it up.
Hey #CertiK did you know you can throw that $3m into Kim and take home a fat stack of rewards with some of the highest APRs in crypto rn?

Oh, and don’t forget to stake your $xKIM to boost it up.
There’s never been a better time to trade on Kim. DCA. Yeet your stables. Long your favourites. Only ‘cos it’s gonna reward you even more. 5 MILLION #Mode points are shipping out daily to those who trade on Kim. Are you really gonna let the CIA (who runs all these other DEXs btw) win? More swaps = more points = more rewards
There’s never been a better time to trade on Kim. DCA. Yeet your stables. Long your favourites.

Only ‘cos it’s gonna reward you even more. 5 MILLION #Mode points are shipping out daily to those who trade on Kim. Are you really gonna let the CIA (who runs all these other DEXs btw) win?

More swaps = more points = more rewards
Kim’s Yield Optimizing ToolkitAight, famalam - we just wanna make it clear that we’re not boomers. We’re not using Uni (more like boomerswap amirite(but seriously, thank you Hayden and Co for all you’ve done)). We’re innovating. Degening. Building out the future of DeFi. Together. You and I (and also the more important members of the Kim team, the super smart tech folk). In this piece of digital penmanship, we’re gonna dodge, dip, duck, dive, and dodge, through some of the tools at your disposal to maximize your yield on Kim. Vaults & Strategies Since the launch of our Steer Protocol integration, Kim LPers have been bestowed with a heavenly gift - a powerful tool that lets you sit back, relax, optimize your LP provision, and, most importantly, earn. With Steer (and, soon, more providers), liquidity providers can access a variety of LP strategies to reduce impermanent loss and maximize GAINS. Check out our longer form piece on this here. There are two ways to access this: When prompted during the provision of LP (on select pools), ORIn the v4 Vaults section on Kim With vaults, you’re able to select strategies based on your risk tolerance. Have fun, anon. Lock Your LP Alright, this one is super simple, super easy, and SUPER rewarding. It’s as simple as this: when you’re providing liquidity, into any pool, you’ll be asked if you wanna lock it. Select the number of days and, well, go ahead and lock it. You can lock liquidity for up to 6 months, the longer you lock the more steroid your rewards will be on.  Learn how we managed to leverage liquidity locks with a few other tactics to get a whopping 1,250% APR on the ETH <> USDC pool right here. The Yield Booster Plugin Whew, okay - we’re going DEEP, anon. Yield boosting - allocate your $xKIM to your liquidity positions and feel the RAW THRILL of increasing your APR! So, you’ve got a bag of $xKIM and you’re ready to allocate. Make sure you’ve got a liquidity position in Kim already (check above, pick an awesome vault!), and head to the Yield Booster section of Kim. Hit that little, but beautiful, rocket on the left and allocate your $xKIM. Boom. Simple. All done. EZPZ. Wp. GG. Reward Plugin Okay, for this one, you’re not really boosting your yield on an LP. Instead, you’re playing the long game. You’re getting your fair share of the the protocol fees that Kim earns. That’s 0.3% on EVERY SINGLE SWAP, anon. All of it distributed to you; the holders of $KIM and stakers of the Reward Plugin. Check it out - just a few clicks and you’ll be earning whilst you sleep. kpNFTs & Nitro Pools If you’ve got an open liquidity position in Kim already and you wanna lock that mu’fudda up for extra rewards, you can do that right from the Kim dashboard thanks to the power of kpNFTs. AND, MORE EXCITINGLY, AS OF RECENTLY YOU CAN STAKE YOUR kpNFTs TO UNLOCK THE POWER OF NITRO POOLS. Nitro pools allow the Kim team, and our deep party of partners, to offer incentives to liquidity partners on particular positions on top of what you’re already earning. For example, if MODE wanted you to keep your liquidity on Kim - they simply spin up a Nitro Pool and offer rewards on all those who stake their KIM-MODE LP kpNFTs into it. Check out the kpNFTs at your disposal here (note: if you don’t see any, you need to provide liquidity, anon). YOUR OWN COMMON SENSE Look, anon, we know it can seem impossible at times to keep up with the world of Web3 - whether it’s Iggy Azalea or Andrew Tate, someone has always got the mic. With all that going on, how are you meant to keep up with the most rewarding opportunities in Kim? Pretty tough, right? Well, you can always head to the Pools section of Kim to see where’s best to provide your liquidity. And, of course, you can follow us on X, and join us on Discord. Gn, sleep well.

Kim’s Yield Optimizing Toolkit

Aight, famalam - we just wanna make it clear that we’re not boomers. We’re not using Uni (more like boomerswap amirite(but seriously, thank you Hayden and Co for all you’ve done)).
We’re innovating. Degening. Building out the future of DeFi.


You and I (and also the more important members of the Kim team, the super smart tech folk).

In this piece of digital penmanship, we’re gonna dodge, dip, duck, dive, and dodge, through some of the tools at your disposal to maximize your yield on Kim.
Vaults & Strategies
Since the launch of our Steer Protocol integration, Kim LPers have been bestowed with a heavenly gift - a powerful tool that lets you sit back, relax, optimize your LP provision, and, most importantly, earn.

With Steer (and, soon, more providers), liquidity providers can access a variety of LP strategies to reduce impermanent loss and maximize GAINS. Check out our longer form piece on this here.

There are two ways to access this:

When prompted during the provision of LP (on select pools), ORIn the v4 Vaults section on Kim

With vaults, you’re able to select strategies based on your risk tolerance. Have fun, anon.
Lock Your LP
Alright, this one is super simple, super easy, and SUPER rewarding.

It’s as simple as this: when you’re providing liquidity, into any pool, you’ll be asked if you wanna lock it.

Select the number of days and, well, go ahead and lock it. You can lock liquidity for up to 6 months, the longer you lock the more steroid your rewards will be on. 

Learn how we managed to leverage liquidity locks with a few other tactics to get a whopping 1,250% APR on the ETH <> USDC pool right here.
The Yield Booster Plugin
Whew, okay - we’re going DEEP, anon. Yield boosting - allocate your $xKIM to your liquidity positions and feel the RAW THRILL of increasing your APR!

So, you’ve got a bag of $xKIM and you’re ready to allocate.

Make sure you’ve got a liquidity position in Kim already (check above, pick an awesome vault!), and head to the Yield Booster section of Kim.

Hit that little, but beautiful, rocket on the left and allocate your $xKIM.

Boom. Simple. All done. EZPZ. Wp. GG.
Reward Plugin
Okay, for this one, you’re not really boosting your yield on an LP.

Instead, you’re playing the long game. You’re getting your fair share of the the protocol fees that Kim earns.

That’s 0.3% on EVERY SINGLE SWAP, anon. All of it distributed to you; the holders of $KIM and stakers of the Reward Plugin.

Check it out - just a few clicks and you’ll be earning whilst you sleep.

kpNFTs & Nitro Pools
If you’ve got an open liquidity position in Kim already and you wanna lock that mu’fudda up for extra rewards, you can do that right from the Kim dashboard thanks to the power of kpNFTs.


Nitro pools allow the Kim team, and our deep party of partners, to offer incentives to liquidity partners on particular positions on top of what you’re already earning.

For example, if MODE wanted you to keep your liquidity on Kim - they simply spin up a Nitro Pool and offer rewards on all those who stake their KIM-MODE LP kpNFTs into it. Check out the kpNFTs at your disposal here (note: if you don’t see any, you need to provide liquidity, anon).
Look, anon, we know it can seem impossible at times to keep up with the world of Web3 - whether it’s Iggy Azalea or Andrew Tate, someone has always got the mic.

With all that going on, how are you meant to keep up with the most rewarding opportunities in Kim?

Pretty tough, right?

Well, you can always head to the Pools section of Kim to see where’s best to provide your liquidity.

And, of course, you can follow us on X, and join us on Discord.

Gn, sleep well.
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