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SLEDUJTE, LIKE, SDÍLEJTESdílejte svou bnb adresu pro 1 šťastného sledujícího ode mě získá 100 $ usdt


Sdílejte svou bnb adresu pro 1 šťastného sledujícího ode mě získá 100 $ usdt
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jerome powel se rozhodne za 1 minutu a pro krypto to bude katastrofa... držte krypto pevně
jerome powel se rozhodne za 1 minutu a pro krypto to bude katastrofa... držte krypto pevně
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$ETH $BNB $BTC Dobré ráno všem! Právě jsem se probudil a viděl jsem, že trh většinou zčervenal. Doufám, že účet všech zůstane v bezpečí ❤️ To je pravděpodobně způsobeno výpisem bitcoinů a bylo to ovlivněno americkými daty minulou noc (každý pátek prvního týdne v každém měsíci) Pamatujte, že vždycky říkám lidem, aby měli Stop Loss. To je při obchodování MUST. Aby se snížilo riziko z významného dumpu nebo pumpy nebo když se cena pokazí s vaší předpovědí, protože na tomto druhu trhu se může stát cokoliv. Dnes mám volno kvůli víkendu na obchodování a na seznamu priorit mám něco jiného a trávím čas s rodinou. Navrhuji vám, abyste to udělali, protože potřebujeme najít rovnováhu mezi obchodováním a normálním životem a tak. Ale udělám tradingview tak, jak jsem to dělal později dnes. Přejeme všem krásný a teplý víkend! Obchodujte bezpečně❤ DYOR a kliknutím z pole níže obchodujte #ETHETFsApproved #TopCoinsJune2024 #BnbAth #Binance55thProject(IO) #altcoins
Dobré ráno všem!

Právě jsem se probudil a viděl jsem, že trh většinou zčervenal. Doufám, že účet všech zůstane v bezpečí ❤️

To je pravděpodobně způsobeno výpisem bitcoinů a bylo to ovlivněno americkými daty minulou noc (každý pátek prvního týdne v každém měsíci)

Pamatujte, že vždycky říkám lidem, aby měli Stop Loss. To je při obchodování MUST. Aby se snížilo riziko z významného dumpu nebo pumpy nebo když se cena pokazí s vaší předpovědí, protože na tomto druhu trhu se může stát cokoliv.

Dnes mám volno kvůli víkendu na obchodování a na seznamu priorit mám něco jiného a trávím čas s rodinou. Navrhuji vám, abyste to udělali, protože potřebujeme najít rovnováhu mezi obchodováním a normálním životem a tak.

Ale udělám tradingview tak, jak jsem to dělal později dnes.
Přejeme všem krásný a teplý víkend!
Obchodujte bezpečně❤

DYOR a kliknutím z pole níže obchodujte
#ETHETFsApproved #TopCoinsJune2024 #BnbAth #Binance55thProject(IO) #altcoins
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Tento obchod zasáhl SL je pro mě velkým zklamáním! Zadal jsem BTC SHORT (dostal jsem přes +600% zisk) poté, co jsem nás svým příspěvkem varoval před nákupem BTC. LINK měl jít proti tomu, k čemu je tlačen BTC, všechny fundamenty mě zavolaly do obchodu LINKUSDT. Ode dneška jediné, co jsem si vzal, je KRÁTKÉ obchody (TIA, ICP, SUSHI a BTC), takže brát LINK jako DLOUHÝ obchod vám ukazuje, že jsem něco viděl. Jsem vykuchaný, že se to nestalo skutečností, tento obchod LINK by zde snadno přinesl šílenou částku zisku. Ale když jsem viděl spoustu zpráv, které mi říkaly „Děkuji“ za varování BTC, které zachránilo jejich účty, trochu mi to zvedlo náladu. BRZY SE BUDEME VĚTŠÍ USMÍVAT! dyor a důvěřuj sobě #TopCoinsJune2024 #ETHETFsApproved #Binance55thProject(IO) #BnbAth #FIT21 $SOL $ETH $BTC
Tento obchod zasáhl SL je pro mě velkým zklamáním!
Zadal jsem BTC SHORT (dostal jsem přes +600% zisk) poté, co jsem nás svým příspěvkem varoval před nákupem BTC.
LINK měl jít proti tomu, k čemu je tlačen BTC, všechny fundamenty mě zavolaly do obchodu LINKUSDT.
Ode dneška jediné, co jsem si vzal, je
KRÁTKÉ obchody (TIA, ICP, SUSHI a BTC), takže brát LINK jako DLOUHÝ obchod vám ukazuje, že jsem něco viděl.
Jsem vykuchaný, že se to nestalo skutečností, tento obchod LINK by zde snadno přinesl šílenou částku zisku.
Ale když jsem viděl spoustu zpráv, které mi říkaly „Děkuji“ za varování BTC, které zachránilo jejich účty, trochu mi to zvedlo náladu.

dyor a důvěřuj sobě
#TopCoinsJune2024 #ETHETFsApproved
#Binance55thProject(IO) #BnbAth #FIT21 $SOL $ETH $BTC
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🚨UPOZORNĚNÍ BTC🚨 Jedná se o brutální likvidační dlouhý obchod pro Bitcoin. Cena klesla ze 72 000 USD na 68 900 USD během několika minut. 🥸 Pro ty, kteří jsou dostatečně odvážní, však může být signál k nákupu hned. RSI je aktuálně na 4,85, což je hluboce přeprodané území. To by mohlo naznačovat, že výprodej se blíží ke konci a že se blíží odraz. nyní je ten správný čas na nákup alternativních coinů a BTC, které se odrazí co nejdříve nebojte se a udělejte DYOR SLEDUJTE mě pro další aktuality #Binance55thProject(IO) #TopCoinsJune2024 #TopCoinsJune2024 #ETHETFsApproved #FIT21 $BTC $ETH $BNB

Jedná se o brutální likvidační dlouhý obchod pro Bitcoin. Cena klesla ze 72 000 USD na 68 900 USD během několika minut.

🥸 Pro ty, kteří jsou dostatečně odvážní, však může být signál k nákupu hned. RSI je aktuálně na 4,85, což je hluboce přeprodané území. To by mohlo naznačovat, že výprodej se blíží ke konci a že se blíží odraz.

nyní je ten správný čas na nákup alternativních coinů a BTC, které se odrazí co nejdříve

nebojte se a udělejte DYOR

SLEDUJTE mě pro další aktuality

#Binance55thProject(IO) #TopCoinsJune2024 #TopCoinsJune2024 #ETHETFsApproved #FIT21

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🚨 BIG NEWS FOR ICP 🚨 🤖 Internet Computer (#ICP ) AI Demo To Feature Facial Recognition Internet Computer Founder Dominic Williams has hinted at the integration of facial recognition in its incoming AI Demo push Dominic Williams, the founder of Dfinity, the parent company of the Internet Computer (ICP) blockchain has hinted at the next major update in its Artificial Intelligence (AI) smart contract demo release. 🔸 Internet Computer Pursuing Real-Life Application According to William, the protocol is planning to integrate facial recognition technology as the next major update in its AI smart contract innovation. While the exact details are yet to be unveiled, the Internet Computer founder said succeeding in this regard will be a lift. 💬 Shooting for next AI 🎓 smart contract demo to be on-chain facial recognition. Will be a lift, but… This week’s Global R&D will reveal an improved #ICP execution environment with SIMD instruction support, unlocking further decentralized AI speedups AIOnBlockchain — dom.icp ∞ Internet Computer is a major pioneer when it comes to deploying AI on smart contracts. It has long been teased that the innovative blockchain and AI technologies can co-exist. In practical terms, Internet Computer made attempt to showcase how AI running on ICP Testnets can be optionally autonomous and tamperproof. In the age of AI dominated by ChatGPT, many crypto projects are devising cleaver means to get in on the action. Besides Internet Computer, the trio of SingularityNET (#AGIX ), (#FET ) and Ocean Protocol have collaborated to form the Artificial SuperIntelligence (#ASI ) Alliance. ASI Alliance aims to take on the big tech like OpenAI and Google by developing usable products and services. For now, the alliance is looking to get every member of the individual project to ratify the merger. If achieved, it will see the tokens of the three protocols merged into a single one on a 1:1:1 basis. $ICP $AGIX $BTC DONT FORGET TO FOLLOW @Jokercrypto for more news update and COPY the trade for more PROFIT

🤖 Internet Computer (#ICP ) AI Demo To Feature Facial Recognition
Internet Computer Founder Dominic Williams has hinted at the integration of facial recognition in its incoming AI Demo push
Dominic Williams, the founder of Dfinity, the parent company of the Internet Computer (ICP) blockchain has hinted at the next major update in its Artificial Intelligence (AI) smart contract demo release.

🔸 Internet Computer Pursuing Real-Life Application
According to William, the protocol is planning to integrate facial recognition technology as the next major update in its AI smart contract innovation. While the exact details are yet to be unveiled, the Internet Computer founder said succeeding in this regard will be a lift.

💬 Shooting for next AI 🎓 smart contract demo to be on-chain facial recognition. Will be a lift, but…
This week’s Global R&D will reveal an improved #ICP execution environment with SIMD instruction support, unlocking further decentralized AI speedups AIOnBlockchain — dom.icp ∞

Internet Computer is a major pioneer when it comes to deploying AI on smart contracts. It has long been teased that the innovative blockchain and AI technologies can co-exist. In practical terms, Internet Computer made attempt to showcase how AI running on ICP Testnets can be optionally autonomous and tamperproof.

In the age of AI dominated by ChatGPT, many crypto projects are devising cleaver means to get in on the action. Besides Internet Computer, the trio of SingularityNET (#AGIX ), (#FET ) and Ocean Protocol have collaborated to form the Artificial SuperIntelligence (#ASI ) Alliance.
ASI Alliance aims to take on the big tech like OpenAI and Google by developing usable products and services. For now, the alliance is looking to get every member of the individual project to ratify the merger. If achieved, it will see the tokens of the three protocols merged into a single one on a 1:1:1 basis.


DONT FORGET TO FOLLOW @Jokercrypto for more news update and COPY the trade for more PROFIT
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🚨 ALERT 🚨 Big Day in the Cryptocurrency World: Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs Will Start Trading in the UK Following the launch of Bitcoin and Ethereum Spot ETFs in the USA, this time the UK is introduced to these products. The UK's financial regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), has taken a significant step towards aligning the UK with other financial centers in the field of digital assets by approving the first cryptocurrency ETPs. WisdomTree Inc, a leading asset management firm, announced that it has received approval from the FCA to list a pair of hard-backed crypto ETPs following Bitcoin and #ethereum on the London Stock Exchange. These products could begin trading as early as May 28, the company said in a press release on Wednesday. In a separate statement, Invesco Digital Markets also confirmed that it has received approval for the Bitcoin ETP and expects transactions to begin on the same day. A number of other issuers, including #ETC Group, 21Shares and CoinShares, have also applied to list their own crypto products in the UK. The FCA's website showing approvals listed listings from WisdomTree, 21Shares and Invesco Digital Markets Plc as of 12pm on Wednesday, the deadline to enter the first day of trading. Although all listed products will directly hold Bitcoin or #Ethereum , they will only be available to professional investors under rules set by the FCA. This represents a stricter stance than in the US, where a new group of #Bitcoin ETFs approved in January now manage a total of $59 billion. $BTC $ETH $BNB AND dont forget to click follow @Jokercrypto for more news update and join our copy trade

Big Day in the Cryptocurrency World:

Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs Will Start Trading in the UK
Following the launch of Bitcoin and Ethereum Spot ETFs in the USA, this time the UK is introduced to these products.

The UK's financial regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), has taken a significant step towards aligning the UK with other financial centers in the field of digital assets by approving the first cryptocurrency ETPs.

WisdomTree Inc, a leading asset management firm, announced that it has received approval from the FCA to list a pair of hard-backed crypto ETPs following Bitcoin and #ethereum on the London Stock Exchange.

These products could begin trading as early as May 28, the company said in a press release on Wednesday.
In a separate statement, Invesco Digital Markets also confirmed that it has received approval for the Bitcoin ETP and expects transactions to begin on the same day.

A number of other issuers, including #ETC Group, 21Shares and CoinShares, have also applied to list their own crypto products in the UK. The FCA's website showing approvals listed listings from WisdomTree, 21Shares and Invesco Digital Markets Plc as of 12pm on Wednesday, the deadline to enter the first day of trading.

Although all listed products will directly hold Bitcoin or #Ethereum , they will only be available to professional investors under rules set by the FCA. This represents a stricter stance than in the US, where a new group of #Bitcoin ETFs approved in January now manage a total of $59 billion.


AND dont forget to click follow @Jokercrypto for more news update and join our copy trade
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🚀🚀 A L E R T 🚀🚀 FOLLOW @Jokercrypto and COPY my trade for FUTURES trading 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 FLOKI Conquers New York Times Square In Monumental 552% Rally The popular Viking dog-themed cryptocurrency Floki (FLOKI) storms into midtown Manhattan to raise awareness about blockchain technology. 🔥The groundbreaking announcement on Medium unveils an aggressive marketing campaign for FLOKI, which is set to take over Times Square in New York for three months. Advertising crypto projects in Times Square is a popular marketing technique in the blockchain industry because Times Square is visited by millions of people every day, due to its multi-functional status as a tourist attraction, entertainment hub, and popular neighborhood in Manhattan, NYC. The board will flash a 10-second advertisement for a minimum of 4 times per hour, airing for 20 hours a day‼️ #Megadrop #MtGox #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #ETHETFsApproved #btc70k
🚀🚀 A L E R T 🚀🚀

FOLLOW @Jokercrypto
and COPY my trade for FUTURES trading 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

FLOKI Conquers New York Times Square In Monumental 552% Rally
The popular Viking dog-themed cryptocurrency Floki (FLOKI) storms into midtown Manhattan to raise awareness about blockchain technology.
🔥The groundbreaking announcement on Medium unveils an aggressive marketing campaign for FLOKI, which is set to take over Times Square in New York for three months.
Advertising crypto projects in Times Square is a popular marketing technique in the blockchain industry because Times Square is visited by millions of people every day, due to its multi-functional status as a tourist attraction, entertainment hub, and popular neighborhood in Manhattan, NYC. The board will flash a 10-second advertisement for a minimum of 4 times per hour, airing for 20 hours a day‼️

#Megadrop #MtGox #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #ETHETFsApproved #btc70k
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🚀🚀 A L E R T 🚀🚀 FOLLOW @Jokercrypto and COPY my trade for FUTURES trading 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 FLOKI Conquers New York Times Square In Monumental 552% Rally The popular Viking dog-themed cryptocurrency Floki (FLOKI) storms into midtown Manhattan to raise awareness about blockchain technology. 🔥The groundbreaking announcement on Medium unveils an aggressive marketing campaign for FLOKI, which is set to take over Times Square in New York for three months. Advertising crypto projects in Times Square is a popular marketing technique in the blockchain industry because Times Square is visited by millions of people every day, due to its multi-functional status as a tourist attraction, entertainment hub, and popular neighborhood in Manhattan, NYC. The board will flash a 10-second advertisement for a minimum of 4 times per hour, airing for 20 hours a day‼️ #TrendingTopic #Write2Earn‬ #FLOKİ #jokercrypto #MemeCoinKing $BTC $FLOKI $BNB
🚀🚀 A L E R T 🚀🚀
FOLLOW @Jokercrypto and COPY my trade for FUTURES trading 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

FLOKI Conquers New York Times Square In Monumental 552% Rally
The popular Viking dog-themed cryptocurrency Floki (FLOKI) storms into midtown Manhattan to raise awareness about blockchain technology.

🔥The groundbreaking announcement on Medium unveils an aggressive marketing campaign for FLOKI, which is set to take over Times Square in New York for three months.

Advertising crypto projects in Times Square is a popular marketing technique in the blockchain industry because Times Square is visited by millions of people every day, due to its multi-functional status as a tourist attraction, entertainment hub, and popular neighborhood in Manhattan, NYC. The board will flash a 10-second advertisement for a minimum of 4 times per hour, airing for 20 hours a day‼️

#FLOKİ #jokercrypto #MemeCoinKing
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🚨A LE R T 🚨 FOLLOW @Jokercrypto and Click copy trade for follow my FUTURES trading 🌟 Exciting Updates from the Crypto World! 🚀 Former Terraform Labs CEO Do Kwon's journey continues to captivate the crypto community! 🌍 According to recent developments, Do Kwon is set to be extradited to South Korea following a ruling from the High Court of Montenegro. This decision marks a significant turn in the ongoing legal saga surrounding Terraform Labs and Kwon. 📜 Legal twists and turns have kept us on the edge of our seats! From extradition battles to courtroom drama, the story of Do Kwon's extradition journey has unfolded like a thrilling novel. And the latest chapter promises even more excitement as the US plans to contest the ruling. 🔎 Meanwhile, South Korean authorities are actively seeking assistance from Interpol to aid with the extradition process. The global collaboration underscores the international significance of this case. 📆 Mark your calendars! The Securities and Exchange Commission's case against Terraform Labs and Kwon is scheduled to go to trial on March 25. With the date pushed back to accommodate Kwon's involvement, anticipation for the trial is at an all-time high. 🚀 Join us as we follow this gripping saga and stay tuned for further updates on Do Kwon's extradition journey and its implications for the crypto world! #CryptoNews🔒📰🚫 #jokercrypto #TrendingTopic #ExtraditionSaga #Aevo $BTC $ETH $PEPE
🚨A LE R T 🚨

FOLLOW @Jokercrypto and Click copy trade for follow my FUTURES trading

🌟 Exciting Updates from the Crypto World! 🚀
Former Terraform Labs CEO Do Kwon's journey continues to captivate the crypto community! 🌍 According to recent developments, Do Kwon is set to be extradited to South Korea following a ruling from the High Court of Montenegro. This decision marks a significant turn in the ongoing legal saga surrounding Terraform Labs and Kwon.
📜 Legal twists and turns have kept us on the edge of our seats! From extradition battles to courtroom drama, the story of Do Kwon's extradition journey has unfolded like a thrilling novel. And the latest chapter promises even more excitement as the US plans to contest the ruling.
🔎 Meanwhile, South Korean authorities are actively seeking assistance from Interpol to aid with the extradition process. The global collaboration underscores the international significance of this case.
📆 Mark your calendars! The Securities and Exchange Commission's case against Terraform Labs and Kwon is scheduled to go to trial on March 25. With the date pushed back to accommodate Kwon's involvement, anticipation for the trial is at an all-time high.
🚀 Join us as we follow this gripping saga and stay tuned for further updates on Do Kwon's extradition journey and its implications for the crypto world! #CryptoNews🔒📰🚫 #jokercrypto #TrendingTopic #ExtraditionSaga #Aevo $BTC $ETH $PEPE
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🚨 A L E R T 🚨 ALL hails PEPE‼️‼️ FOLLOW @Jokercrypto & copy my trade🚀🚀🚀 📢 Attention to all traders and investors! 📢 📈 Pepe has just skyrocketed to an unprecedented all-time high, shattering previous records. However, amidst the exhilaration of this remarkable achievement, a red flag has been raised. 🚩 🔍 The situation demands your immediate attention as the price teeters on the brink of breaking the upper trendline. This new setup is flashing warning signs that cannot be ignored. 🔍 💥 The price action is on the verge of breaching a critical resistance level, signaling a potential seismic shift in market dynamics. 💥 🚨 Investors, this is not a drill! Exercise extreme caution and vigilance. The current trajectory suggests heightened volatility and looming downside risks. 🚨 📉 Now is the time for prudence and careful decision-making. Stay informe #TrendingTopic #jokercrypto #Aevo #PEPE‏ $BTC $ETH $PEPE
🚨 A L E R T 🚨

ALL hails PEPE‼️‼️

FOLLOW @Jokercrypto &
copy my trade🚀🚀🚀

📢 Attention to all traders and investors! 📢
📈 Pepe has just skyrocketed to an unprecedented all-time high, shattering previous records. However, amidst the exhilaration of this remarkable achievement, a red flag has been raised. 🚩
🔍 The situation demands your immediate attention as the price teeters on the brink of breaking the upper trendline. This new setup is flashing warning signs that cannot be ignored. 🔍
💥 The price action is on the verge of breaching a critical resistance level, signaling a potential seismic shift in market dynamics. 💥
🚨 Investors, this is not a drill! Exercise extreme caution and vigilance. The current trajectory suggests heightened volatility and looming downside risks. 🚨
📉 Now is the time for prudence and careful decision-making. Stay informe

#TrendingTopic #jokercrypto #Aevo #PEPE‏ $BTC $ETH $PEPE
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🚨Will Shiba Inu (SHIB) continue to rise? ATH is near! FOLLOW me @Jokercrypto for more info updated Will Shiba Inu (SHIB), which has made 375% in just ten days, be able to continue its journey to the top? ✨️Shiba Inu's (SHIB) price movements have drawn attention in memecoins that have exploded with Bitcoin (BTC) relying on ATH. With a 375% increase in the last ten days, the memecoin has come a long way in terms of both volume and market capitalization. SHIB, which is moving step by step towards its peak price, ranked second in the "Most Rising Cryptocurrencies" list with an increase of 64.52 percent in the last 24 hours. ✨️Which levels may be important for SHIB, one of the most demanded altcoins of the recent period? What prices can be targeted for SHIB? ✨️Shiba Inu (SHIB) could rise as the memecoin craze continues! The ever-increasing demand for the memecoin trend, especially dog coins, would have spurred it into action. Shiba Inu, one of the leading dog coins, has been one of the projects that benefited the most from this trend. The popular coin, which started at $0.000009360 on Feb. 25, reached 0.00004530 in a very short time, recording a total increase of 375%. What are the critical levels for SHIB, which has exploded after a long break? ✨️SHIB, which is trading at $0.00003878 at the time of writing, may want to test higher levels if the memecoin frenzy continues, BTC makes an ATH, or BTC dominance declines. In such a scenario, the resistance levels that can be targeted for SHIB would be $0.00005434 – $0.00007511 and $0.00008839, respectively. A break of the current ATH of $0.00008839 will trigger a new bull run in the pair. ✨️In the opposite scenario, the levels that can be followed as support for SHIB would be $0.00003507 – $0.00002536 and $0.00001699, respectively. A downside break of $0.00001699, the first resistance level where the rise began, could strengthen sellers' hands and bring short/medium-term lows...!? #TrendingTopic #WIF #BTC #SHIB #jokercrypto $SHIB $BTC $BNB
🚨Will Shiba Inu (SHIB) continue to rise? ATH is near!

FOLLOW me @Jokercrypto for more info updated

Will Shiba Inu (SHIB), which has made 375% in just ten days, be able to continue its journey to the top?

✨️Shiba Inu's (SHIB) price movements have drawn attention in memecoins that have exploded with Bitcoin (BTC) relying on ATH. With a 375% increase in the last ten days, the memecoin has come a long way in terms of both volume and market capitalization. SHIB, which is moving step by step towards its peak price, ranked second in the "Most Rising Cryptocurrencies" list with an increase of 64.52 percent in the last 24 hours.

✨️Which levels may be important for SHIB, one of the most demanded altcoins of the recent period? What prices can be targeted for SHIB?

✨️Shiba Inu (SHIB) could rise as the memecoin craze continues!
The ever-increasing demand for the memecoin trend, especially dog coins, would have spurred it into action. Shiba Inu, one of the leading dog coins, has been one of the projects that benefited the most from this trend. The popular coin, which started at $0.000009360 on Feb. 25, reached 0.00004530 in a very short time, recording a total increase of 375%. What are the critical levels for SHIB, which has exploded after a long break?

✨️SHIB, which is trading at $0.00003878 at the time of writing, may want to test higher levels if the memecoin frenzy continues, BTC makes an ATH, or BTC dominance declines. In such a scenario, the resistance levels that can be targeted for SHIB would be $0.00005434 – $0.00007511 and $0.00008839, respectively. A break of the current ATH of $0.00008839 will trigger a new bull run in the pair.

✨️In the opposite scenario, the levels that can be followed as support for SHIB would be $0.00003507 – $0.00002536 and $0.00001699, respectively. A downside break of $0.00001699, the first resistance level where the rise began, could strengthen sellers' hands and bring short/medium-term lows...!?

#TrendingTopic #WIF #BTC #SHIB #jokercrypto
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