Binance Square
Franie Borabo
Sickening Consistency
Označeno To se mi líbí
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Franie Borabo
#BTC Čekali jsme, že to může být celé léto. V roce 2021 je zářijový bullrun, myslím, že musíme počkat na konec léta. Další zákony očekávám v červenci. Ale je dobré, kdo chce získat zisk v běhu na klády. #btcupdates2024 #BrokeDown #Write2Earn! #EarnFreeCrypto2024
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SPOLEČNOST SONY ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY V CRYPTO Toto je další historická a velká společnost na palubě kryptoměny. Z dlouhodobého hlediska si myslím, že mnoho velkých technologických společností mění své finance. Podnikání je jako kopírování a vkládání fotografií typu, o kterém řekli, že zkopírují a vylepší to. Byli v období transformace na budoucí finance jen pevně držte studium bylo sto kroků k těm lidem tam venku.Vždy si myslete, že nebyli neporazitelní, učili jsme se celý den, můžete si myslet, že jste skvělý, ale vaše past v díře.#wirte2Earn #EarnFreeCrypto2024
Toto je další historická a velká společnost na palubě kryptoměny. Z dlouhodobého hlediska si myslím, že mnoho velkých technologických společností mění své finance. Podnikání je jako kopírování a vkládání fotografií typu, o kterém řekli, že zkopírují a vylepší to. Byli v období transformace na budoucí finance jen pevně držte studium bylo sto kroků k těm lidem tam venku.Vždy si myslete, že nebyli neporazitelní, učili jsme se celý den, můžete si myslet, že jste skvělý, ale vaše past v díře.#wirte2Earn #EarnFreeCrypto2024
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#ADA Myslím, že to není špatná investice 13B tržní kapitalizace. Co když se probudíte, tento den je 10$ není to možné. Celoroční maximum na 3$ tohle může být spící gigant na tomto kouli za jeho nízkou cenu. 10 nejlepších mezi velkými mincemi, říkají někteří lidé jeho 13B tržní kapitalizace je mrtvá. Pamatuji si to na 3$ je to skoro jako 4B tržní kapitalizace v roce 2021 v jeho ATH.#Write2Earn! #EarnFreeCrypto2024 {spot}(ADAUSDT)
#ADA Myslím, že to není špatná investice 13B tržní kapitalizace. Co když se probudíte, tento den je 10$ není to možné. Celoroční maximum na 3$ tohle může být spící gigant na tomto kouli za jeho nízkou cenu. 10 nejlepších mezi velkými mincemi, říkají někteří lidé jeho 13B tržní kapitalizace je mrtvá. Pamatuji si to na 3$ je to skoro jako 4B tržní kapitalizace v roce 2021 v jeho ATH.#Write2Earn! #EarnFreeCrypto2024
Zobrazit originál
Van Eck #Solana ETF V dnešní době je podáno mnoho etf, je to dobré nebo špatné v kryptosvětě. Nebo je to indikátor, že svět mění finance na kryptoměnu. Myslím si, že kryptoměna začíná ovládat tyto největší správce aktiv na světě, což způsobuje menší volatilitu .Je to výhoda nebo nevýhoda, ale pro ty, kteří zažívají velkou volatilitu, si myslím, že jsme nebyli ty dny 100X nebo 1000X, co bude dál. Podělte se o své myšlenky o budoucnosti kryptoměny a etf.#Write2Earn! #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #cryptoguide {spot}(SOLUSDT)
Van Eck #Solana ETF
V dnešní době je podáno mnoho etf, je to dobré nebo špatné v kryptosvětě. Nebo je to indikátor, že svět mění finance na kryptoměnu. Myslím si, že kryptoměna začíná ovládat tyto největší správce aktiv na světě, což způsobuje menší volatilitu .Je to výhoda nebo nevýhoda, ale pro ty, kteří zažívají velkou volatilitu, si myslím, že jsme nebyli ty dny 100X nebo 1000X, co bude dál. Podělte se o své myšlenky o budoucnosti kryptoměny a etf.#Write2Earn! #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #cryptoguide
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#PEPE ZISK 💯 S MENŠÍM RIZIKEM Pokud si koupíte 24 hodin s nízkými 15% až 14% těchto začátečníků, je to nejlepší mince. Maximální podpora na 0,000013 by mohla jít do nového ATH a v 1. červencovém týdnu očekávejte další minima. 💯 tyto mince snadno pochopíte, když klesají, další jdou nahoru. Kolik milionářů vytvořilo tyto mince, v těchto chvílích jsou nové #BTC .#Write2Earn! #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #PEPEATH {spot}(PEPEUSDT)
Pokud si koupíte 24 hodin s nízkými 15% až 14% těchto začátečníků, je to nejlepší mince.
Maximální podpora na 0,000013 by mohla jít do nového ATH a v 1. červencovém týdnu očekávejte další minima.
💯 tyto mince snadno pochopíte, když klesají, další jdou nahoru.
Kolik milionářů vytvořilo tyto mince, v těchto chvílích jsou nové #BTC .#Write2Earn! #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #PEPEATH
#PEPE IS BACK Doubts and heart sometimes broke All of holder is in profit$ If its not a long run or temporarily its great Become strong its always been there his position A year ago lot of talks that this is a scam but look right now.Are you the victim or you are enjoying your profit$$ #PEPEATH #pepe⚡ #Write2Earn! #EarnFreeCrypto2024 {spot}(PEPEUSDT)
Doubts and heart sometimes broke
All of holder is in profit$
If its not a long run or temporarily its great
Become strong its always been there his position
A year ago lot of talks that this is a scam but look right now.Are you the victim or you are enjoying your profit$$ #PEPEATH #pepe⚡ #Write2Earn! #EarnFreeCrypto2024
As of my study last halving in 2021 is the same approach this 2024.Remember this if you use your energy to complain use your energy to change personally it will help you a lot. 1.Market Cap- Check the market capitalization of the projects.A high market cap generally indicates a more established and stable coin 2.Trading Volume-High trading volume usually indicates more liquidity and interests in a coin 3.Price Trends-Analyze the price trends of different time and frame of the cryptocurrency.Look for patterns and potential indicators of future price movements. 4.Technology and use case-Assess the technology behind the projects and its real world use casses.Projects with strong fundamentals and practical applications tend to perform better in the long term. 5.News and Developments-Stay update on the latest news,partnership and developments of the projects.Positive developments can lead the price increase. 6.Community and Social media Sentiment-Monitor the community around the projects.A strong supportive community can contribute coin success. Remember it is only advice you must take your own responsibility.#Write2Earn! #EarnFreeCrypto2024 {spot}(BTCUSDT)
As of my study last halving in 2021 is the same approach this 2024.Remember this if you use your energy to complain use your energy to change personally it will help you a lot.
1.Market Cap- Check the market capitalization of the projects.A high market cap generally indicates a more established and stable coin
2.Trading Volume-High trading volume usually indicates more liquidity and interests in a coin
3.Price Trends-Analyze the price trends of different time and frame of the cryptocurrency.Look for patterns and potential indicators of future price movements.
4.Technology and use case-Assess the technology behind the projects and its real world use casses.Projects with strong fundamentals and practical applications tend to perform
better in the long term.
5.News and Developments-Stay update on the latest news,partnership and developments of the projects.Positive developments can lead the price increase.
6.Community and Social media Sentiment-Monitor the community around the projects.A strong supportive community can contribute coin success.
Remember it is only advice you must take your own responsibility.#Write2Earn! #EarnFreeCrypto2024
HOW TO EARN LOW RISK PROFIT💯 1.Binance Launchpool Earn free token every launch have always lock funds on #bnb .If you had free coins like io,ethfi,Bb💯$$ 2.Airdrop or Megadrop in Web 3 Everyone is looking for this what is new airdrop 💯$$ without single $$ 3.Looking to the project at less 1$ Hbar Pepe Bttc Floki Not Look for trending post most topic about coin Remember investing in cryptocurrencies is inherrently rhisky.Do your own research don risk money that cant afford to loose.Im am about 4 years ive never refunds any of my profit here i always look to re invest.Im investing and the same time working.Remember here too fast too much risk,low profile low risk 💯 profit #mememcoinseason2024 #Write2Earn! #EarnFreeCrypto2024 {spot}(BNBUSDT) {spot}(PEPEUSDT) {spot}(HBARUSDT)
1.Binance Launchpool
Earn free token every launch have always lock funds on #bnb .If you had free coins like io,ethfi,Bb💯$$
2.Airdrop or Megadrop in Web 3
Everyone is looking for this what is new airdrop 💯$$ without single $$
3.Looking to the project at less 1$
Look for trending post most topic about coin
Remember investing in cryptocurrencies is inherrently rhisky.Do your own research don risk money that cant afford to loose.Im am about 4 years ive never refunds any of my profit here i always look to re invest.Im investing and the same time working.Remember here too fast too much risk,low profile low risk 💯 profit #mememcoinseason2024 #Write2Earn! #EarnFreeCrypto2024
EMPTY CUP YOU HAVE TO LEARNED ALWAYS WERE ON THE WORLD THAT ITS NOT IN OUR HAND CALM.ITS NORMAL THINK OF BIG THING SEE BIG THING TO COME. In education like a doctor,law makers like attorney or judge,in sports micheal jordan or kobe bryant they spend years a lot of years before get in to the top.Money is hard to earned always remember if you work 30 days before your salary.In 30 days your not in good shape every day like motivated in not feeling well 30 days suffer before the glory.Celtics why they are champions now coz they are in the same level last year they are in the finals they lost a lot in semi finals but always there today they made a history chanpion.Success came only when you failed its not a night or day to achieve❤️#BTC☀ #bnb #pepe #Write2Earn! #EarnFreeCrypto2024
In education like a doctor,law makers like attorney or judge,in sports micheal jordan or kobe bryant they spend years a lot of years before get in to the top.Money is hard to earned always remember if you work 30 days before your salary.In 30 days your not in good shape every day like motivated in not feeling well 30 days suffer before the glory.Celtics why they are champions now coz they are in the same level last year they are in the finals they lost a lot in semi finals but always there today they made a history chanpion.Success came only when you failed its not a night or day to achieve❤️#BTC☀ #bnb #pepe #Write2Earn! #EarnFreeCrypto2024
#Pepe a little bit of positive trend seems like yesterday.Were experiencing about what happened in FED and summer is coming look like be.When summer is coming usually had a lot of liqiudations.And i think it remain like that or expect lowest trend a little bit of inflations also. #Write2Earn! #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #pepe⚡ #PEPEATH
#Pepe a little bit of positive trend seems like yesterday.Were experiencing about what happened in FED and summer is coming look like be.When summer is coming usually had a lot of liqiudations.And i think it remain like that or expect lowest trend a little bit of inflations also.
#Write2Earn! #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #pepe⚡ #PEPEATH
#IO Price in actual market 0.02053 might up maximum price of $0.0700 to much for 1$ depends in this market condition but i think there is a lot of buyers would like to on board for now only chance to make profit at these moment.#Write2Earn! #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #BinanceLaunchpol
#IO Price in actual market 0.02053 might up maximum price of $0.0700 to much for 1$ depends in this market condition but i think there is a lot of buyers would like to on board for now only chance to make profit at these moment.#Write2Earn! #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #BinanceLaunchpol
BEARISH what do you think for now.Buy the dip this is how makes profit.Just calculate your risk buy half of your available funds if continuously this trend so you have funds to buy at the bottom.Dont hate these trend always put in mind there is high in low there high if no low.#btc #binance #pepe #Write2Earn! #EarnFreeCrypto2024
BEARISH what do you think for now.Buy the dip this is how makes profit.Just calculate your risk buy half of your available funds if continuously this trend so you have funds to buy at the bottom.Dont hate these trend always put in mind there is high in low there high if no low.#btc #binance #pepe #Write2Earn! #EarnFreeCrypto2024
Us i expect it will happened these days and its time to buy the dip.The great feel that you buy at the lowest of his price.It takes time now to recoverd ive expect the last week of this 0.000011 us it safe more sideways and pullbacks. #pepe #PEPEATH #Write2Earn! #EarnFreeCrypto2024
Us i expect it will happened these days and its time to buy the dip.The great feel that you buy at the lowest of his price.It takes time now to recoverd ive expect the last week of this 0.000011 us it safe more sideways and pullbacks.
#pepe #PEPEATH #Write2Earn! #EarnFreeCrypto2024
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