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Motivation and Inspiration Traders to become the best version.
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Vaší povinností jako obchodníka je být trpělivý a dodržovat svá pravidla a nic méně než to.
Vaší povinností jako obchodníka je být trpělivý a dodržovat svá pravidla a nic méně než to.
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Používat se ziskem jeden obchodní systém neznamená, že neexistují žádné jiné obchodní systémy, které svým uživatelům vydělávají peníze. Indikátory zaostávají. Klouzavé průměry nefungují. Fibonacciho úrovně jsou pro amatéry. Elliottovy vlny nedávají žádný smysl. Slyšel jsem obchodníky říkat tyto věci tolikrát. Sám jsem pravděpodobně v minulosti používal podobná slova. To, že jsem sám obchodník s cenovými akcemi a nepoužívám indikátory nebo se mi nepodařilo indikátory používat, mi nedává právo tvrdit, že indikátory nemohou tvořit ziskovou obchodní strategii. Nepochopení toho, jak určitý nástroj funguje, vám nedává právo odmítnout jeho hodnotu. Obchodníci běžně dělají chybu, když berou něco jako samozřejmost, když by neměli, a tento akt vytváří nerentabilní obchodní zaujatost, kterou je velmi těžké odstranit. Bez ohledu na to, kolik důkazů pro nebo proti něčemu máte, nikdy nepodceňujte možnost, že se mýlíte. Vždy existuje šance zažít okamžik černé labutě (událost s nízkou pravděpodobností) v určitém okamžiku vašeho života. A pokud jste nikdy nevěřili, že černé labutě existují, pak se pravděpodobně jednoho rána probudíte překvapeni. Všechno může nějakou dobu fungovat, ale nic nefunguje pořád.
Používat se ziskem jeden obchodní systém neznamená, že neexistují žádné jiné obchodní systémy, které svým uživatelům vydělávají peníze.
Indikátory zaostávají.
Klouzavé průměry nefungují.
Fibonacciho úrovně jsou pro amatéry.
Elliottovy vlny nedávají žádný smysl.

Slyšel jsem obchodníky říkat tyto věci tolikrát. Sám jsem pravděpodobně v minulosti používal podobná slova. To, že jsem sám obchodník s cenovými akcemi a nepoužívám indikátory nebo se mi nepodařilo indikátory používat, mi nedává právo tvrdit, že indikátory nemohou tvořit ziskovou obchodní strategii. Nepochopení toho, jak určitý nástroj funguje, vám nedává právo odmítnout jeho hodnotu.

Obchodníci běžně dělají chybu, když berou něco jako samozřejmost, když by neměli, a tento akt vytváří nerentabilní obchodní zaujatost, kterou je velmi těžké odstranit.

Bez ohledu na to, kolik důkazů pro nebo proti něčemu máte, nikdy nepodceňujte možnost, že se mýlíte. Vždy existuje šance zažít okamžik černé labutě (událost s nízkou pravděpodobností) v určitém okamžiku vašeho života. A pokud jste nikdy nevěřili, že černé labutě existují, pak se pravděpodobně jednoho rána probudíte překvapeni. Všechno může nějakou dobu fungovat, ale nic nefunguje pořád.
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Obchodníci mají tendenci získat podporu ega po každé ziskové sérii. Naučte se eliminovat emocionální výkyvy a stanete se mistrem obchodníka. Nehledejte silné stránky mimo sebe, ale podívejte se hlouběji do své obchodní psychiky a hledejte umírněnost. Udělejte, co řekl Seneca: „Jaké úžasné privilegium, mít slabosti člověka a klid boha!“1 Buďte pokorní a výsledky se dostaví.
Obchodníci mají tendenci získat podporu ega po každé ziskové sérii.

Naučte se eliminovat emocionální výkyvy a stanete se mistrem obchodníka. Nehledejte silné stránky mimo sebe, ale podívejte se hlouběji do své obchodní psychiky a hledejte umírněnost.

Udělejte, co řekl Seneca: „Jaké úžasné privilegium, mít slabosti člověka a klid boha!“1 Buďte pokorní a výsledky se dostaví.
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Pokud vaše obchodní strategie funguje pouze 75 % času, přestaňte si stěžovat a začněte ji přijímat. Vaše myšlení by nemělo být: "Kdyby moje strategie fungovala 100% času." Místo toho byste měli přemýšlet o tom, jak přimět svou strategii vydělávat peníze, i když fungovala pouze 50 % času. Poměr rizika a odměny je to, na co byste se měli zaměřit. Úkolem obchodníka není fňukat, ale vyhrávat!
Pokud vaše obchodní strategie funguje pouze 75 % času, přestaňte si stěžovat a začněte ji přijímat.
Vaše myšlení by nemělo být: "Kdyby moje strategie fungovala 100% času." Místo toho byste měli přemýšlet o tom, jak přimět svou strategii vydělávat peníze, i když fungovala pouze 50 % času. Poměr rizika a odměny je to, na co byste se měli zaměřit.
Úkolem obchodníka není fňukat, ale vyhrávat!
Trading experience peaks motivation when something is not too hard or too easy, but just about the right level of difficulty. Therefore, make sure that you are motivated just the right amount about trading if you want to last in this field.
Trading experience peaks motivation when something is not too hard or too easy, but just about the right level of difficulty. Therefore, make sure that you are motivated just the right amount about trading if you want to last in this field.
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$BTC Aktualizovat ...! Moje předpověď na Big Trend byla správná..! jak je vidět v mém starém příspěvku. Nyní jsem otevřel krátkou pozici na 62 tis. po #bitcoin breakout, který podporuje 62 kB. $BTC brzy dosáhne poptávkové zóny za cenu 59 tisíc.
$BTC Aktualizovat ...!

Moje předpověď na Big Trend byla správná..! jak je vidět v mém starém příspěvku.

Nyní jsem otevřel krátkou pozici na 62 tis. po #bitcoin breakout, který podporuje 62 kB.

$BTC brzy dosáhne poptávkové zóny za cenu 59 tisíc.
Dnes se chci podělit o svou analýzu ceny $BTC .

Po dosažení cílové ceny jsem získal zisk z krátké pozice: 2000 $+.

cena $BTC zasáhla zónu silné poptávky a vrátila se zpět, jak můžete vidět na mém grafu. Nyní je čas, abych počkal, až se cena vrátí o něco více zpět na přibližně 62 000, vrátím se a znovu otevřu krátkou pozici na cenu 56 000.

Pokud chcete být dobrým obchodníkem, musíte počkat na správný čas, abyste mohli sledovat reakci trhu a sledovat trh. necíťte se v této situaci chamtivý.

Přeji hezký den.
zůstaňte v klidu a pečlivě analyzujte.
- Keep trading needs separate from your personal needs and take care of both. - Don’t try to get even after a losing streak. - Always keep an open mind for the possibility of losses in trading and do not get too comfortable with any trade. - If you are in a long-term profitable trade, do not get carried away with it and let it reverse back and eat away all profits, take some profits off the table.
- Keep trading needs separate from your personal needs and take care of both.
- Don’t try to get even after a losing streak.
- Always keep an open mind for the possibility of losses in trading and do not get too comfortable with any trade.
- If you are in a long-term profitable trade, do not get carried away with it and let it reverse back and eat away all profits, take some profits off the table.
Management of Mindset & Confidence comes from ✨✨✨🚀 - Having a Mentor - Proven Edge - Repetitions - Consist actions - Focus We achieve confidence through back testing, executing and journaling.
Management of Mindset & Confidence comes from ✨✨✨🚀

- Having a Mentor
- Proven Edge
- Repetitions
- Consist actions
- Focus

We achieve confidence through back testing, executing and journaling.
TRADER SHOULD THINK OUT OF THE BOX ✨👍 Before entering a trade, I tend to use the same logic. I try to pretend I do not see the favourable trading environment and focus instead on what could go wrong. Unsuccessful traders often concentrate on only the things that makes sense. Everything else that is beyond their grasp tends to get classified as non-essential things. Instead, they should classify that as the “things that could prove me wrong” and prioritize it before anything else. Seek only the trades that show you the full view with their risks and rewards. Avoid anything in-between, especially the blind spot of seeing only the good things and don’t forget that a house should be viewed in the winter when there is nothing blurring your view.

Before entering a trade, I tend to use the same logic. I try to pretend I do not see the favourable trading environment and focus instead on what could go wrong.

Unsuccessful traders often concentrate on only the things that makes sense. Everything else that is beyond their grasp tends to get classified as non-essential things. Instead, they should classify that as the “things that could prove me wrong” and prioritize it before anything else.

Seek only the trades that show you the full view with their risks and rewards. Avoid anything in-between, especially the blind spot of seeing only the good things and don’t forget that a house should be viewed in the winter when there is nothing blurring your view.
TRADER SHOULD ALWAYS LEARN SOMETHING NEW 🌞🌞⭐ Traders should not be worried about testing new strategies if they have not found one that works for them yet. What you should be most cautious about is not trying hard enough and being resentful in the future for doing what everyone else does today. In this sense, inactivity is the highest risk of all.

Traders should not be worried about testing new strategies if they have not found one that works for them yet. What you should be most cautious about is not trying hard enough and being resentful in the future for doing what everyone else does today. In this sense, inactivity is the highest risk of all.
Dear Traders, After you analyze based on technical analysis, Don't forget to keep monitoring the fundamental analysis. Today at 20:30, We have the "United States Fed Chair Powell Speech" Event talk about the U.S. economy and making decisions on the next interest rate that may affect the market. HAVE A GOOD TRADER EVERYONE...!
Dear Traders,

After you analyze based on technical analysis, Don't forget to keep monitoring the fundamental analysis.

Today at 20:30, We have the "United States Fed Chair Powell Speech" Event talk about the U.S. economy and making decisions on the next interest rate that may affect the market.

Traders often wrongly believe that profitable trading is all about positive results and an endless winning streak. The more I have experience in trading, the more I have read about other traders, and the more I have talked with other profitable traders, the more I have come to realize that every success holds within itself a failure.
Traders often wrongly believe that profitable trading is all about positive results and an endless winning streak. The more I have experience in trading, the more I have read about other traders, and the more I have talked with other profitable traders, the more I have come to realize that every success holds within itself a failure.
To reach great results, you need to be positioned correctly. By positioned correctly I mean that you should not over-leverage yourselves and have enough courage to make the right decision even if it is considered wrong by the majority. It is usually the one who is at a disadvantage that will pick the lucky card. Because a winning streak starts as a losing streak ends.
To reach great results, you need to be positioned correctly. By positioned correctly I mean that you should not over-leverage yourselves and have enough courage to make the right decision even if it is considered wrong by the majority.

It is usually the one who is at a disadvantage that will pick the lucky card. Because a winning streak starts as a losing streak ends.
Asking if a long-term trading strategy is better than a short-term trading strategy just doesn’t make sense. You should take a step back and ask yourselves the question: What strategy would better suit your own life? By “life” I mean your lifestyle, your habits and your character. Nobody can answer this question but you. As Zig Ziglar says, “You don’t have to be great to start, but you do have to start to be great.”So, get started.
Asking if a long-term trading strategy is better than a short-term trading strategy just doesn’t make sense. You should take a step back and ask yourselves the question: What strategy would better suit your own life? By “life” I mean your lifestyle, your habits and your character. Nobody can answer this question but you. As Zig Ziglar says, “You don’t have to be great to start, but you do have to start to be great.”So, get started.
$BTC : Time to Recover?!🚀 - (Hour Time Frame):#bitcoin is confirmed CHange of Character (CHoCH) and indicates a bullish reversal. - #bitcoin breakout the resistance line (62,400), becomes the support line and then pulls back (retest). - The market may start recovering and reach the 66000 level soon.
$BTC : Time to Recover?!🚀

- (Hour Time Frame):#bitcoin is confirmed CHange of Character (CHoCH) and indicates a bullish reversal.

- #bitcoin breakout the resistance line (62,400), becomes the support line and then pulls back (retest).

- The market may start recovering and reach the 66000 level soon.
#bitcoin☀️ ($BTC ) Detailed Structure Analysis(Swing trading):

1h time frame:
The price already hit the price and breakout as I predicted last night (Old graph as you can see).

the trend changed from bearish to bullish:
- the dynamic resistance line on 200 SMA breakout (RED as I pin the red cycle ) and breakout the resistance trendline at 61K-62K.
- Elliot wave: #bitcoin completed impulse wave (5 waves). and now in the process of completing the corrective wave (A-B-C wave) at a 64K price.

I believe the #Bitcoin trend changed from bearish to bullish will hit the price at 64K and will continue to 66K.

follow for more updated prices: $BTC .
Great traders know that there are no perfect patterns. There are no perfect strategies. The great trader knows that to achieve great success one needs to show consistency on the losing days. Losing days hurt you more than winning days make you happy, but they are equally important. Slow days are there to just keep you in the market and focused on price action and risk, so they are even more needed than profitable days. They are there to remind us how important trading discipline is. Anyone can have a great winning day. Ultimately, it is all about maintaining the balance and knowing when to stop when you are going through a bad day. Great traders know that principle too well and are skillfully balancing between winners and losers in a coordinated fashion that differentiates them from mediocre traders, who can’t see why controlled losing is so important in order to reach consistent trading results. #psychology
Great traders know that there are no perfect patterns. There are no perfect strategies.

The great trader knows that to achieve great success one needs to show consistency on the losing days. Losing days hurt you more than winning days make you happy, but they are equally important.

Slow days are there to just keep you in the market and focused on price action and risk, so they are even more needed than profitable days. They are there to remind us how important trading discipline is.

Anyone can have a great winning day. Ultimately, it is all about maintaining the balance and knowing when to stop when you are going through a bad day.

Great traders know that principle too well and are skillfully balancing between winners and losers in a coordinated fashion that differentiates them from mediocre traders, who can’t see why controlled losing is so important in order to reach consistent trading results.

IF YOU CANNOT DECIDE, THE ANSWER IS NO ✨✨✨ - Have you ever faced a difficult trading choice, such as?... Should I go short because my trading indicator says so? Should I go long because price action is showing a bullish formation? - Should I double down my exposure? - Should I just take profits and not follow my trading strategy, because I am already in profits? If you can’t decide what to do next, the answer to these and similar questions is no. The reason is that there are so many opportunities that markets are offering daily that you should only pick the ones that check all of your boxes. Don’t take unnecessary risks, because good decisions usually come to us naturally. When this happens, you will know that this is the right thing to do.

- Have you ever faced a difficult trading choice, such as?... Should I go short because my trading indicator says so? Should I go long because price action is showing a bullish formation?

- Should I double down my exposure?

- Should I just take profits and not follow my trading strategy, because I am already in profits?

If you can’t decide what to do next, the answer to these and similar questions is no. The reason is that there are so many opportunities that markets are offering daily that you should only pick the ones that check all of your boxes. Don’t take unnecessary risks, because good decisions usually come to us naturally. When this happens, you will know that this is the right thing to do.
Nothing in the world of trading can be said with certainty but two skills always top the list for importance: 1. Money management 2. Discipline Those two skills are probably the best tools in the working arsenal of the professional trader. Instead of trying to pick a bottom or a top, try to master a real skill like rock-solid discipline or good money management skills. As Lao Tzu has said, “Those who have knowledge don’t predict. Those who predict don’t have knowledge.”
Nothing in the world of trading can be said with certainty but two skills always top the list for importance:
1. Money management
2. Discipline Those two skills are probably the best tools in the working arsenal of the professional trader.

Instead of trying to pick a bottom or a top, try to master a real skill like rock-solid discipline or good money management skills. As Lao Tzu has said, “Those who have knowledge don’t predict. Those who predict don’t have knowledge.”
What we as traders must do is have our own quantified trading strategy with an edge and strict money management rules and stick to them on good and bad days. Don’t buy into picking market tops or bottoms.
What we as traders must do is have our own quantified trading strategy with an edge and strict money management rules and stick to them on good and bad days. Don’t buy into picking market tops or bottoms.
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