Binance Square
Professor Mende - Founder of BONUZ Project - in Dubai UAE
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🚨 KRYPTOZLOČIN S POVOLENOU AI ZŮSTÁVÁ V RANÉ FÁZI 🤖🚨 Nedávná studie společnosti Elliptic odhaluje, že zločiny umožněné umělou inteligencí (AI) v ekosystému kryptoměn jsou stále v rané fázi. Studie Elliptic nastiňuje pět typologií zločinů s umělou inteligencí, které je třeba řešit, aby se zabránilo eskalaci. Včasný zásah je klíčem ke zmírnění těchto hrozeb dříve, než se stanou převládajícími. 1. 💡 Deepfakes generované AI: Nedávné incidenty zahrnující AI generované deepfakes významných osobností, jako je Elon Musk a bývalý singapurský premiér Lee Hsien Loong, podtrhují vylepšené schopnosti zlomyslných herců. Deepfake napodobující bývalé tchajwanské prezidenty Tsai Ing-wen a Lai Ching-te byly také použity v podvodech, což demonstrovalo potřebu ostražitosti. 2. 📈 Nárůst tokenů souvisejících s AI: Data ze studie naznačují nárůst tokenů obsahujících klíčová slova související s AI, jako jsou GPT, OpenAI a Bard. Přibližně 4 500 těchto tokenů je přítomno na BNB Smart Chain, přičemž většina z nich používá termín GPT častěji než OpenAI nebo Bard. 3. 🔍 Státem sponzorovaní hackeři: Zpráva zdůrazňuje zneužívání AI státem podporovanými hackery, zejména těmi, které podporuje Severní Korea. Tito nepřátelští aktéři používají modely umělé inteligence k odhalení zranitelnosti v inteligentních smlouvách a provádějí rozsáhlé loupeže kryptoměn. Organizace spojených národů připisuje severokorejským hackerům v letech 2017 až 2023 více než 60 loupeží kryptoměn v celkové výši více než 3 miliardy dolarů v ukradených aktivech. 4. 📢 Důležitost spolupráce: Úspěch potlačení krypto-zločinů s umělou inteligencí závisí na spolupráci mezi různými zúčastněnými stranami, včetně vyšetřovatelů činných v trestním řízení, odborníků na dodržování předpisů v oblasti kryptoměn, uživatelů umělé inteligence a kryptoměn, vývojářů technologií, tvůrců politik a regulačních orgánů. Zpráva doporučuje strategii prevence známou jako DECODE, což je zkratka pro Detect, Educate, Cooperate, Defend, and Enforce. Zůstaňte v bezpečí s číslem @Mende ! #AI #Cryptocurrency #Blockchain #scam #scamalert $SHIB $PEPE $FLOKI


Nedávná studie společnosti Elliptic odhaluje, že zločiny umožněné umělou inteligencí (AI) v ekosystému kryptoměn jsou stále v rané fázi.

Studie Elliptic nastiňuje pět typologií zločinů s umělou inteligencí, které je třeba řešit, aby se zabránilo eskalaci. Včasný zásah je klíčem ke zmírnění těchto hrozeb dříve, než se stanou převládajícími.

1. 💡 Deepfakes generované AI:

Nedávné incidenty zahrnující AI generované deepfakes významných osobností, jako je Elon Musk a bývalý singapurský premiér Lee Hsien Loong, podtrhují vylepšené schopnosti zlomyslných herců. Deepfake napodobující bývalé tchajwanské prezidenty Tsai Ing-wen a Lai Ching-te byly také použity v podvodech, což demonstrovalo potřebu ostražitosti.

2. 📈 Nárůst tokenů souvisejících s AI:

Data ze studie naznačují nárůst tokenů obsahujících klíčová slova související s AI, jako jsou GPT, OpenAI a Bard. Přibližně 4 500 těchto tokenů je přítomno na BNB Smart Chain, přičemž většina z nich používá termín GPT častěji než OpenAI nebo Bard.

3. 🔍 Státem sponzorovaní hackeři:

Zpráva zdůrazňuje zneužívání AI státem podporovanými hackery, zejména těmi, které podporuje Severní Korea. Tito nepřátelští aktéři používají modely umělé inteligence k odhalení zranitelnosti v inteligentních smlouvách a provádějí rozsáhlé loupeže kryptoměn. Organizace spojených národů připisuje severokorejským hackerům v letech 2017 až 2023 více než 60 loupeží kryptoměn v celkové výši více než 3 miliardy dolarů v ukradených aktivech.

4. 📢 Důležitost spolupráce:

Úspěch potlačení krypto-zločinů s umělou inteligencí závisí na spolupráci mezi různými zúčastněnými stranami, včetně vyšetřovatelů činných v trestním řízení, odborníků na dodržování předpisů v oblasti kryptoměn, uživatelů umělé inteligence a kryptoměn, vývojářů technologií, tvůrců politik a regulačních orgánů. Zpráva doporučuje strategii prevence známou jako DECODE, což je zkratka pro Detect, Educate, Cooperate, Defend, and Enforce.

Zůstaňte v bezpečí s číslem @Professor Mende - Founder of BONUZ Project - in Dubai UAE !

#AI #Cryptocurrency #Blockchain #scam #scamalert


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🌍💱 BREAKING: SAUDI ARABIA ENDS 80-YEAR PETRODOLLAR DEAL WITH U.S.🌍 📢 In Short: - Saudi Arabia ends 80-year petrodollar deal with the US - Deal allowed Saudi oil sales in US dollars only - Saudi can now use other currencies like RMB, Euros, etc 💡 Saudi Arabia has decided not to renew its 80-year petrodollar deal with the United States, which expired on Sunday, June 9, according to media reports. This historic agreement, initially signed on June 8, 1974, played a crucial role in establishing US global economic dominance. 🔍 Background: The original deal set up joint commissions for economic cooperation and addressed Saudi Arabia's military needs. American officials hoped it would incentivize Saudi Arabia to increase oil production and strengthen economic ties with Arab countries. 🔄 Shift in Policy: By choosing not to extend this contract, Saudi Arabia is now free to sell oil and other goods using various currencies such as the Chinese RMB, Euros, Yen, and Yuan, instead of only US dollars. There is also speculation about the potential use of digital currencies like Bitcoin for transactions. 🌐 Broader Implications: This decision signifies a significant departure from the petrodollar system, which was established in 1972 when the US decoupled its currency from gold. 🔗 Project mBridge: Saudi Arabia has also joined Project #mBridge , a collaborative initiative exploring a digital currency platform shared among central banks and commercial banks. This project aims to facilitate instant cross-border payments and foreign-exchange transactions using distributed ledger technology. 💭 Conclusion: Saudi Arabia’s decision to end the petrodollar agreement marks the beginning of a significant shift in global economic dynamics. This move could reshape the landscape of global economic influence. 👇 What are your thoughts on Saudi Arabia ditching the Dollar? How awesome would it be if Saudi would accept #bitcoin ? Your, @Professor Mende - Founder of BONUZ Project - in Dubai UAE #SaudiArabia #Petrodollar #usdollar $ETH $SOL
🚨💸 $630Million OUTLFLOW: OKX LOSING TO 💎BINANCE & 💎GATE.IO 💸🚨 On June 11, OKX, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges, experienced an outflow of $2.4 million within 24 hours amidst rumors of security issues. 🔍 What’s Going on With OKX? On June 9, OKX suffered a significant security breach that allowed attackers to create new API keys for unauthorized withdrawals. This incident has heightened concerns about the platform’s security measures. 📉 Recent Outflows: 24 Hours: $2.4 million Past 7 Days: $630 million Past Month: $355.96 million This data indicates a substantial withdrawal of digital assets from OKX, reflecting a decline in user trust and a possible shift of investors to other platforms. 📊 Comparative Performance: According to DefiLlama, other exchanges like Binance and are outperforming OKX: Binance: 7 Days: $11.36 billion inflow 1 Month: $407.57 million inflow 7 Days: $50.83 million inflow 1 Month: $68.87 million inflow 🔐 Key Shortcomings in Security System: The outflows from OKX are primarily due to serious security flaws, including vulnerabilities in their SMS notification system. Hackers exploited this to create new API keys, bypassing Google Authenticator Verification, leading to significant thefts. 🚨 Impact: Two OKX account holders were affected, neither of whom had activated Google Authenticator. OKX is investigating the breach and ensuring victims receive immediate issue resolution. The exchange advises all users to enable two-factor authentication (2FA) and stay vigilant. Amazing news for Binance users as this situation strengthens Binance's position as the leading cryptocurrency exchange! Stay updated with @Professor Mende - Founder of BONUZ Project - in Dubai UAE #okx #Gateio #binance #risk #safu $BNB $BTC $ETH
⛔⛔ STOP LOSING MONEY BY UNDERSTANDING MARKET CYCLES ⛔⛔ Financial markets, like natural phenomena, move in predictable cycles. These cycles often trap retail traders, much like how games lure players in with the promise of small wins just to claim larger losses. The example of BTC in 2017: Bitcoin’s price skyrocketed from around $1K in January to nearly $2K in December. However, by early 2018, Bitcoin’s price dropped to around $3K by December 2018. Many investors faced big losses. 4 of Market Cycles & Common Mistakes: Accumulation: This phase follows a significant market decline. Prices are low, and investors are pessimistic. Example: After Bitcoin’s 2013 crash from $1K to below $200, the accumulation phase saw cautious buying by those who believed in its long-term potential. Common Mistakes: During this phase, many investors are too fearful to buy. Uptrend: Characteristics: The market begins to recover. Example: Throughout 2017, Bitcoin’s price steadily climbed & media coverage fueled investor confidence. Common Mistakes: As prices rise, many investors jump in late, buy at higher prices & increase their risk of losses. Distribution: Characteristics: The market reaches new highs. Example: In late 2017, Bitcoin’s price surged towards $20K, driven by extreme optimism. Common Mistakes: During this phase, investors often buy at the peak of the market, driven by overconfidence. Decline: Characteristics: The market begins to fall from its peak. Example: By early 2018, Bitcoin’s price began to fall sharply, leading to panic selling and significant losses for late investors. Common Mistakes: Investors often hold on to their investments too long. As prices continue to fall, fear sets in, leading to panic selling. The Cycle Repeats These phases repeat over time, and understanding them can help you become a more consistent and successful trader. Like, share & follow @Professor Mende - Founder of BONUZ Project - in Dubai UAE l for more! #bitcoin #memecoins #markettrends $BTC $ETH $SOL
💎 WORLD'S LARGEST BANK LOVES BITCOIN AND ETHEREUM💎 The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), the world’s largest bank by total assets, recently published a report comparing Bitcoin to digital gold and Ethereum to digital oil. ICBC, which holds $6.6 trillion in total assets as of March, released an equity research report on June 6, providing a macroeconomic analysis of the digital asset ecosystem. The bank’s analysts highlighted Bitcoin's and Ethereum's unique roles: Bitcoin as Digital Gold: Bitcoin is likened to gold due to its scarcity and consensus-driven value. The analysts noted: Scarcity and Value: Bitcoin retains gold-like scarcity through mathematical consensus. Advantages: Unlike gold, Bitcoin is easily divisible, verifiable, and portable. Evolving Attributes: While Bitcoin's monetary attributes may be weakening, its asset attributes are strengthening, making it a robust digital asset. Ethereum as Digital Oil: Ethereum is described as "digital oil" due to its foundational role in the digital economy. The analysts emphasized: Technological Upgrades: Ethereum continuously improves its security, scalability, and sustainability, powering the digital future. Smart Contracts and DeFi: Ethereum's programming language (Solidity) and virtual machine (EVM) enable complex smart contracts and decentralized applications, crucial for decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). 👇 What are your thoughts on ICBC’s view of Bitcoin and Ethereum? Like, share, comment, and follow for more insights! #Bitcoin #ethereum #china $BNB $BTC $ETH
🚨$19 BILLION LOST IN CRYPTO CRIMES OVER 13 YEARS 💸🚨 A comprehensive report by blockchain analytics firm Crystal Intelligence has revealed staggering losses of $19 billion due to cryptocurrency crimes over the past 13 years. 📉 $19 Billion in Crypto Crimes: Crystal Intelligence’s report breaks down the $19 billion in losses as follows: Security System Breaches: $6 billion Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Hacks: Nearly $5 billion Fraudulent Schemes: Close to $8 billion Crystal Intelligence, based in Amsterdam and founded by Bitfury, provides critical insights into the nature and scale of these crimes. 🔍 Notable Incidents: Plus Token Scam (2019): The largest single theft, where $2.9 billion worth of Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) were stolen. 2023 Theft Figures: Reached an all-time high with 286 reported incidents totaling over $2.3 billion. 2024 Thefts: Playdapp Security Breach (South Korea): Criminals stole $290 million worth of Ether. Eulor Finance Hack (U.K.): Hackers made off with $197 million in Ether. U.S. Targeted: The United States experienced 20 incidents, with losses totaling $287 million. 💡 Key Findings: Crystal’s research underscores the persistent vulnerability of the crypto industry to complex cybercrimes. Despite advances in security and tracking, the industry saw record high thefts in 2023. The report emphasizes the need for enhanced security measures by both crypto protocol creators and users. 📊 Implications for the Crypto Industry: As thefts grow in sophistication and frequency, the crypto industry must prioritize developing robust security solutions for both centralized and decentralized platforms. Crystal’s report signals a critical need for ongoing improvements in security protocols to protect against evolving cyber threats (watch out for potential investments!!!) 👇 Drop your thoughts below and stay safe with @Professor Mende - Founder of BONUZ Project - in Dubai UAE #CryptoCrime #Blockchain #Cryptocurrency $BTC  $ETH  $SOL

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