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Přehled trhu s kryptoměnami Pátek 31. května 2024 Bitcoin se za poslední den pohyboval v rozmezí 67,1 až 69,5 tisíc dolarů. - Tržní kapitalizace: 2,47 bilionu dolarů - Index dominance: 54,53 % - Index strachu: 73 K tomuto poklesu došlo navzdory tomu, že údaje o HDP a trhu práce posílaly dolarový index a výnosy dluhopisů dolů, což obvykle prospívá akciovým trhům. Pokles byl způsoben špatnými zprávami o výdělcích od některých společností (včetně Salesforce) a slabými zprávami o zisku společností. V kombinaci se slabými makroekonomickými údaji to naznačovalo ekonomickou křehkost, která vyděsila trhy. V současné době jsou trhy více ovlivněny akcemi Federálního rezervního systému než reálnou ekonomikou. V důsledku toho nebyl pokles významný. Pokud jsou dnešní data PCE příznivá (0,3 nebo nižší), trhy by měly fungovat dobře. V tuto chvíli jsou futures na S&P 500 mírně dolů, ale asijské indexy rostou. Trump byl shledán vinným z falšování obchodních záznamů a plateb jisté filmové herečce pro dospělé. K těmto událostem došlo před jeho prezidentstvím (před rokem 2016), ale případ byl předložen v roce 2023, když se blíží volby. Následovat bude odvolání, které případ prodlouží. Zůstává aktivní ve své volební kampani a tato situace dokonce upevnila jeho příznivce. Včera však došlo k přílivu 48,8 milionu USD do BTC-ETF, přičemž iBIT uzavřel o 2,19 %. Pokud nedojde k výraznému poklesu akciového trhu, bitcoin má dobrou šanci dnes dosáhnout 69,0 000 $. Pokud půjdeme do víkendu s bitcoiny nad 69,0 000 $, altcoiny mají dobrou šanci, že během víkendu porostou. Navíc, pokud jsou dnes zprávy o datu zahájení obchodování ETH-ETF, mohlo by to vyvolat podmínky pro začátek alt-sezóny. #crypto2024 #altsesaon

Přehled trhu s kryptoměnami

Pátek 31. května 2024

Bitcoin se za poslední den pohyboval v rozmezí 67,1 až 69,5 tisíc dolarů.

- Tržní kapitalizace: 2,47 bilionu dolarů

- Index dominance: 54,53 %

- Index strachu: 73

K tomuto poklesu došlo navzdory tomu, že údaje o HDP a trhu práce posílaly dolarový index a výnosy dluhopisů dolů, což obvykle prospívá akciovým trhům.

Pokles byl způsoben špatnými zprávami o výdělcích od některých společností (včetně Salesforce) a slabými zprávami o zisku společností.

V kombinaci se slabými makroekonomickými údaji to naznačovalo ekonomickou křehkost, která vyděsila trhy.

V současné době jsou trhy více ovlivněny akcemi Federálního rezervního systému než reálnou ekonomikou.

V důsledku toho nebyl pokles významný. Pokud jsou dnešní data PCE příznivá (0,3 nebo nižší), trhy by měly fungovat dobře.

V tuto chvíli jsou futures na S&P 500 mírně dolů, ale asijské indexy rostou.

Trump byl shledán vinným z falšování obchodních záznamů a plateb jisté filmové herečce pro dospělé. K těmto událostem došlo před jeho prezidentstvím (před rokem 2016), ale případ byl předložen v roce 2023, když se blíží volby.

Následovat bude odvolání, které případ prodlouží. Zůstává aktivní ve své volební kampani a tato situace dokonce upevnila jeho příznivce.

Včera však došlo k přílivu 48,8 milionu USD do BTC-ETF, přičemž iBIT uzavřel o 2,19 %. Pokud nedojde k výraznému poklesu akciového trhu, bitcoin má dobrou šanci dnes dosáhnout 69,0 000 $.

Pokud půjdeme do víkendu s bitcoiny nad 69,0 000 $, altcoiny mají dobrou šanci, že během víkendu porostou.

Navíc, pokud jsou dnes zprávy o datu zahájení obchodování ETH-ETF, mohlo by to vyvolat podmínky pro začátek alt-sezóny.

#crypto2024 #altsesaon

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Project Analysis: Understanding the Importance of a Whitepaper A Whitepaper is a comprehensive document detailing everything you need to know about a project, from its core objectives to technical specifics and token economics. But why is it crucial to meticulously review each whitepaper? 1. Understanding the Goals and Mission of the Project Knowing the changes a project aims to bring can help you gauge its long-term potential. For instance, Bitcoin strives to decentralize the financial system by providing a secure and transparent method of payment without third-party involvement. 2. Familiarity with the Development Team Understanding who is behind the project can provide insights into its potential and the likelihood of its success. For example, Cardano is led by Charles Hoskinson, a co-founder of Ethereum, which highlights his dedication to innovation and quality. 3. Technological Infrastructure The project’s foundation reflects its capability to address its goals and scale effectively. For instance, Polkadot is developing parachain technology to enable inter-blockchain communication, which could revolutionize how different networks interact. 4. Development and Strategic Plans Understanding a project’s development plans can indicate its growth and innovation potential. Tezos, from the outset, incorporated the ability to upgrade without hard forks into its architecture, ensuring flexibility and adaptability to changes. 5. Tokenomics A thorough understanding of a project's token economics is crucial for evaluating its investment potential. Tokenomics outlines the economic structure of a crypto project, including token distribution, functions, and regulations. It influences token value and incentivizes participants, playing a critical role in the project’s success. For instance, Ethereum's tokenomics introduces mechanisms for burning a portion of transaction fees (EIP-1559), creating deflationary pressure on the overall supply of ETH. Interesting fact: Every MacBook has a hidden Bitcoin Whitepaper. #cryptoguide #tokenomics #Whitepaper
Cryptocurrency Market Overview Monday, May 27, 2024 Bitcoin: Throughout the day, Bitcoin moved within the range of $68,137 to $69,536. Market Capitalization: $2.52 trillion Dominance Index: 53.93% Fear Index: 74 Stock markets are performing well: the yield on 10-year bonds is decreasing, the dollar index is around 104.6, Asian indices are rising, and the S&P 500 futures are mostly steady. There will be no trading on the American markets today. Notable data releases this week include the Beige Book on May 29, 2024, GDP and labor market data on May 30, 2024, and the PCE Price Index on May 31, 2024. After recent reports, the markets appear strong, with indices reaching new highs several times. This is primarily due to the renewed generation of money, increasing liquidity in the system. From June, the process will accelerate as the Federal Reserve begins bond purchases, announced earlier this month. Bitcoin: Bitcoin has encountered resistance in the $69,300 - $69,500 range, with support at $68,500 - $68,300. It is likely to continue moving within this range today. An alternative scenario would be a consolidation above $69,500. Ethereum: Ethereum has attempted twice to rise above $3,950, but so far, it has not succeeded. However, the trend remains positive. Dominance Index: The dominance index continues to decline, signaling a potential altcoin season. Signs of an approaching altcoin season: 1. Dominance index moving towards 53-52% 2. Ethereum consolidating above $4,000 3. Total market capitalization remaining above $2.5 trillion 4. Market capitalization excluding Bitcoin above $1.2 trillion From the listed signs, we see the completion of point 3 and movement in the right direction for point 1. In the next 24 hours, we might see point 2 (Ethereum above $4,000) achieved, which would significantly indicate the start of the altcoin season. #crypto2024 #btc #eth
The launch of cryptocurrency was initially aimed at tracking illegal cross-border transactions. Bitcoin underwent its notable "fork" in August 2017 specifically for this purpose. When it became evident that Bitcoin mining, as envisioned by Satoshi, was energy-intensive and impractical, the decision was made to alleviate the miners' burdens and introduce Bitcoin Light. Over the next 15 years, Bitcoin experienced significant technical changes. The original purpose of Bitcoin (and cryptocurrencies in general) was to ensure transaction anonymity by making it physically impossible to trace the entire chain of operations. The early adopters, who dared to purchase the coins, would reap the majority of their market value. This was due to the myriad simultaneous operations occurring on numerous computers. Coin exchanges operated on a P2P (peer-to-peer) principle, meaning transactions occurred directly from one computer to another without any administrators, servers, nodes, or other intermediaries. This peer-to-peer nature earned Bitcoin its name. The technology's creators adhered to the principle that "money doesn't smell" — it was impossible to track the path of an individual coin. Over time, this concept was largely abandoned. Nowadays, most coins traded on crypto exchanges use different technology. Coins are "issued" by nodes, or trusted network nodes, belonging to specific organizations. These organizations, whether legitimate or illegal, have identifiable owners who can be held accountable. Additionally, there are far fewer distributed nodes than individual computers, meaning that money has once again become traceable. You’ve likely already realized that the crypto world isn’t as hidden as it once seemed, haven’t you? #crypto2024 #btc #p2p
Where is the Biggest Profit in Crypto? Hello, friends! Today we'll discuss a topic that intrigues many but isn't accessible to everyone – venture investments in cryptocurrency. Venture Investments – The Thrill 💸 Investing in a project at a stage when it hasn't even considered hitting the exchange. This means putting money into an idea, a team, a dream of the future, which could bring thousands of percent in profit... or vanish into oblivion. Venture Isn't for Everyone 🤝 The venture market is indeed an exclusive club. Here, not just money is valued, but also experience, knowledge, and the ability to spot potential. Early-stage projects seek not just investors but partners willing to share both the successes and the risks. Risk vs. Profit 🚀 The secret of venture investments lies not only in high returns. It's the chance to be among the first to support a new technology or solution that could change the world. However, the risk remains – there's no guarantee that a project will succeed or even launch. 💰High-quality projects almost always face oversubscription. This means a project might request $1 million in investments from various funds but receive much more in offers. In such cases, the project chooses which fund to work with. 🌐 It's also essential to consider the level of funds investing in the project. Top funds include Binance Labs, Animoca Brands, Dragonfly Capital, and others. How Can an Ordinary Person Become a Venture Investor? 🔐Occasionally, projects open their doors to the public by conducting private token sales. This offers a wider range of investors the chance to participate in early funding, though usually on less favorable terms than those offered to major players. 🌍 There's another way: being a member of exclusive communities. Large influencers often receive opportunities to buy allocations. ✍️Would you like to try being a venture investor? Share your thoughts in the comments! #crypto2024 #InvestingSafety #BTC
What is liquidity and why is it important? Liquidity refers to how easily an asset can be bought or sold without affecting its price. 🍋 Imagine you are selling lemonade : the more people want to buy it at your price, the faster you can sell it. This is an example of high liquidity! Interesting fact: cash 💵 is the most liquid asset. Why is low liquidity a problem? Low liquidity is like being stuck in a game of musical chairs 🎵 when the music stops, and there’s no chair for you. You end up with assets that no one wants. Essentially, you’re trapped in the market. What factors influence liquidity? - Market size: A larger market with more traders makes it easier to find trading partners, similar to having more players in a game. - Level of activity: More transactions mean more players and orders, leading to a more active and liquid market. - Quality and future potential: Reliable and promising projects attract more interest and speculation, like a hot new item everyone wants. - Market composition: An efficient market is like a well-organized party where everyone can communicate and make deals easily. How to determine the liquidity of a specific coin? Pay special attention to the spread: the difference between the best bid (price you can sell at) and the best ask (price you can buy at). Generally, higher liquidity means a smaller or narrower spread. A small spread indicates a liquid market with well-balanced buy and sell orders. Do you consider liquidity when trading? Share your thoughts in the comments! 💬 #crypto2024 #liquidity_game

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