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$HIGH $PHB $CTK 🛑🛑🛑Urgentní urgentní aktualizace🛑🛑🛑 1️⃣ Analýza trojice sil: VYSOKÉ, PHB a CTK. Všechny tyto měny mohou být považovány za dobré, ale dovolte mi, abych vám něco připomněl, že všechny tyto měny nemají inflaci a mají nízkou tržní hodnotu, takže míra rizika je vysoká pro zjizvení. Za prvé, s HIGH to bylo před chvílí v 4.2800 oblastech a bylo to velmi silné počáteční období, ale má nízkou tržní hodnotu, z tohoto důvodu je to nebezpečné. Není to investice z vrcholů, takže pozor, protože vidím silnou podporu v oblasti 7 0000 a je tam divergence, takže je na 4H negativní. Můžeme vidět korekci přicházející na oblasti 6,6000 nebo dokonce 6,5000, takže oblast dobré podpory je zde 6,4200 na indikátoru 1D RSI. Dosáhlo Překoupené oblasti jsou 81,24, takže tyto oblasti jsou vždy záporné a brzy můžeme zaznamenat velmi silnou korekci na 6,0000. Co se týče 1W, tam je nutná korekce kvůli příchodu nového vrcholu. 2️⃣ PHB je dobré, ale je velmi nebezpečné. Důvodem je, že tržní hodnota je nízká a inflace v měnách nízká, jak to vidím já. Cíl pro PHB je 3,3000 v případě průlomu nad touto oblastí. Dalším cílem pro průlom je 4 000 a více, takže toto jsou čísla, ale je zde důležitá oblast, kde se nesmí zavřít pod 3 0000. Oblast podpory je dobrá v případě, že prolomení, které máme, je oblast 2,2800, takže je z tohoto důvodu nebezpečné, že 1D RSI je rozbité a nyní je velmi blízko 68,46. Cílem je prorazit oblast 70,00, pak prorazit 75,00, pak prorazit nejdůležitější oblast, což je 80,00 a na býčím 1W se nesmí zavřít pod 3,0000, protože tato oblast je důležitá. 3️⃣ ČTK Nevím, jestli se to vyplatí, ale jeho tržní hodnota je velmi nízká, takže je méně rizikový než PHB, ale je nyní dlouhodobě dobrý. Jak vidím, support byl 1,0715 a nyní byl proražen na 1,0350, takže z oblasti 1,0715 je velmi silný, takže ČTK musí znovu otestovat vzestup z 0.8000 oblast. #BTC #ETH #CTK #HIGH #PHB


🛑🛑🛑Urgentní urgentní aktualizace🛑🛑🛑

1️⃣ Analýza trojice sil: VYSOKÉ, PHB a CTK. Všechny tyto měny mohou být považovány za dobré, ale dovolte mi, abych vám něco připomněl, že všechny tyto měny nemají inflaci a mají nízkou tržní hodnotu, takže míra rizika je vysoká pro zjizvení. Za prvé, s HIGH to bylo před chvílí v 4.2800 oblastech a bylo to velmi silné počáteční období, ale má nízkou tržní hodnotu, z tohoto důvodu je to nebezpečné. Není to investice z vrcholů, takže pozor, protože vidím silnou podporu v oblasti 7 0000 a je tam divergence, takže je na 4H negativní. Můžeme vidět korekci přicházející na oblasti 6,6000 nebo dokonce 6,5000, takže oblast dobré podpory je zde 6,4200 na indikátoru 1D RSI. Dosáhlo Překoupené oblasti jsou 81,24, takže tyto oblasti jsou vždy záporné a brzy můžeme zaznamenat velmi silnou korekci na 6,0000. Co se týče 1W, tam je nutná korekce kvůli příchodu nového vrcholu.

2️⃣ PHB je dobré, ale je velmi nebezpečné. Důvodem je, že tržní hodnota je nízká a inflace v měnách nízká, jak to vidím já. Cíl pro PHB je 3,3000 v případě průlomu nad touto oblastí. Dalším cílem pro průlom je 4 000 a více, takže toto jsou čísla, ale je zde důležitá oblast, kde se nesmí zavřít pod 3 0000. Oblast podpory je dobrá v případě, že prolomení, které máme, je oblast 2,2800, takže je z tohoto důvodu nebezpečné, že 1D RSI je rozbité a nyní je velmi blízko 68,46. Cílem je prorazit oblast 70,00, pak prorazit 75,00, pak prorazit nejdůležitější oblast, což je 80,00 a na býčím 1W se nesmí zavřít pod 3,0000, protože tato oblast je důležitá.

3️⃣ ČTK Nevím, jestli se to vyplatí, ale jeho tržní hodnota je velmi nízká, takže je méně rizikový než PHB, ale je nyní dlouhodobě dobrý. Jak vidím, support byl 1,0715 a nyní byl proražen na 1,0350, takže z oblasti 1,0715 je velmi silný, takže ČTK musí znovu otestovat vzestup z 0.8000 oblast.


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$AEVO $EDU $AR 🛑🛑🛑Urgent urgent urgent update🛑🛑🛑 1️⃣ My analysis of the trio today: AEVO, EDU, and AR. Let us start first with AEVO, as I see that it is rising from its area, but it may correct, then it begins to rise, and the retracement area starts from 0.950. The breakout target is 1.100, but the RSI indicator has a negative movement, so we prepare for the correction and then see if there is another rise for it. Or not, and it also targets the 1.180 area as well, with the goal of rising to the 1.290 area during this month, and the RSI is on 1D positive and targets the 50.00 area now in the 45.40 area, and nothing is clear for this currency yet except this. 2️⃣ EDU reached 1.2100 last month, the strongest area for that day. We will see what EDU’s upcoming expectations are. The correction from a 40% drop is rather bad, but this thing indicates that the currency is rising to more areas. The drop to 0.8300 is positive so far, targeting the 0.9500 and 0.9700 areas. The target is 1.0400 and the 1.0700 area. To 1.1500, and on the RSI 1D indicator, the 60.00 area, the target is to penetrate two areas, the negative 65.00 and the 70.00 area, to penetrate further. The target is 1.2100, then the penetration of 1.2900 is very important, then the penetration of the 1.3500 area, then the penetration of the most important area, 1.4200, until the 1.5000 area is penetrated, so these are the most important areas for EDU. 3️⃣ AR negative daily but in case of closing this is acceptable hammer. This positive is 100% so bullish but in your breaking area 43.300 is negative and support 41.850 and the currency has a try to penetrate an area of 49,500 and there is resistance to an area 41,500 These are areas of currency AR and on the index is not a negative or positive ♥️ Thank you for Watching my Post ♥️ #BTC #ETH #AEVO #EDU #AR
$NOT $JASMY $PEOPLE 🛑🛑🛑Urgent urgent urgent update🛑🛑🛑 1️⃣ My analysis of the trio for this week: NOT, JASMY, and PEOPLE. Let’s start first with NOT. As we see, NOT is rising without stopping. The reason is that some say that burning currencies is the reason, but this is an illogical reason. How can a currency rise from its bottom to this and the only burning was a billion coins or less? The original is 103B only, so the method of going up was just smart, so let us start with the top area and the resistance is 0.021000, so this area is difficult to penetrate. Also, the 0.020375 area is a resistance area and 0.019950 and the support is at the 0.018500 area, then the support area is 0.017900, then after that the other support area is 0.016900, until the last support area is 0.015500. 2️⃣ JASMY received a strong promotion, and the degree of the currency rose significantly. However, I see that the correction for this currency is very important, and the resistance area is 0.037200. The second resistance area is 0.036750. However, the strongest resistance is considered to be 0.036500. It is good, difficult to penetrate, and the support and resistance area is also 0.036000. The rise failed and it fell to the EMA area. To 0.033900 or to 0.033200 The target now is a correction to the 0.03000 area or to a correction to the 0.031200 area This correction is very necessary for JASMY that is why the currency correction is coming 3️⃣ PEOPLE targets the support areas and then retests the rise again, and it still has a chance to rise again. The reason for the rise was unfortunately fake and unclear, so the support areas are 0.11182, then 0.10500, then the 0.10200 area, and the RSI indicator is negative, it may change because it reaches the home saturation area and begins a clear reversal, and the resistance area is 0.11850. Then 0.12250, and we have a resistance area above it, 0.12750, and a resistance area closer to it, 0.13000, and above this is another resistance, 0.14200. #BTC #ETH #NOT #JASMY #PEOPLE
$BTC $ETH $BNB 🛑🛑🛑Urgent urgent urgent update🛑🛑🛑 1️⃣ BTC DUMP after 1 day was positive. First, we must know that we are at the beginning of the month, so it is very likely that the market will fall at the beginning of every month. As I see, the possibility of BTC falling is very large. The trend that was talked about several hours ago, which was from 67950 to 67750, was broken, so the breakout failed. BTC has now become clear, so BTC is in a retracement area, but it will often break the area and fall further to the 67500 support and rebound area, and there is other support in the 67150 area and a strong support in the 66800 area. As I see it, BTC is expected to fall to 67350 and the area after that is 66800, then to 66200, and we have strong support in the 65450 area. 100% retracement, so if we fall to these areas, there is a certain retracement 2️⃣ TOTAL liquidity is in a negative area of 2.455, targeting 2.437 and 2.425. The drop is very negative for BTC, and liquidity is targeting the 2.405 area, a possible rebound area and a possible possibility if the area is broken and falling to 2.355 and the maximum resistance is 2.325, so even on a negative RSI indicator. 3️⃣ The dollar domain USDT is also positive and strongly now the domain is in the 4.57 area, the target is 4.60, and any closing above the 4.60 area and above is negative for the market and alternative currencies in general, even for BTC, and any rising currency due to the positivity of the dollar may begin to decline. 4️⃣ BTC Domain even intends to rise from the 54.19 area to 54.50, and this is disastrous for alternative currencies and MEME currencies. Any rise may see a violent decline in the market and alternative currencies. Therefore, BTC’s penetration of the Domain is certain, while a decline in alternative currencies is uncertain. ♥️ Thank you for Watching my Post ♥️ #BTC #ETH #BNB #LINK #SOL
$BTC 🛑🛑🛑BTC Urgent urgent urgent update🛑🛑🛑 1️⃣ I asked CHATGPT about BTC analysis let's know what he said 2️⃣ I started asking him about the areas of support and resistance, so he answered first, the resistance, the first area is 67,750, and the second area is 68,000. Then he started with the support areas and said 66,000, then 60,000 to retest the rise, and then he also mentioned 65,000 for that. Then I asked again about the positive and negative retracement areas. He mentioned the negative areas 67,000 and 68,000 and mentioned the positive areas. 65,000 and 60,000 3️⃣ Then I started asking him again about the important breakout areas, so he answered that 68,000 has a chance to see upward momentum, but he mentioned the 70,000 area as a second area and has a greater chance of gaining liquidity and rising. 4️⃣ Then I started asking him about indicators such as RSI and MACD, so he answered that the RSI value is 58.48, indicating that there is buying momentum, but without buying saturation, so it is somewhat positive on the words of CHATGPT and on MACD, somewhat the opposite. He mentioned the value of -59.9, indicating that there is selling momentum, so here is a decline in this movement. It may be negative or positive, I'm not sure, but let me ask him about the months 5️⃣ What is strange is that he returned and repeated the same 60,000 support area over the course of the week, and the same 68,000 area, and over the monthly period. He mentioned the 50,000 area, which is somewhat a good area, but it is very far away. He mentioned an area that has a large liquidation, the 74,000 area, so he did not mention anything new to me. 6️⃣ Summary of the topic: CHATGPT is not useful in analysis and you cannot rely on it. The reason is clear: I have more information than it: retracement areas, support areas, resistance areas, and buying and selling areas. Therefore, do not expect that it will give you a historical analysis. ♥️ Thank you for Watching my Post ♥️ #BTC #ETH #FIT21 #btc70k #FIT21
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