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Spící Ethereum Whale se probouzí po 8,8 letech, zde je kolik ETH drží. Prominentní sledovač kryptoměn Whale Alert zveřejnil na platformě X příspěvek o nedávno probuzené krypto velrybě. Tato peněženka obsahuje Ethereum v hodnotě milionů. Tato vytěžená velryba strávila téměř devět let v nečinnosti – to znamená od roku 2015, roku, který následoval po skončení počáteční nabídky mincí Ethereum (ICO). Reaktivovaná peněženka obsahuje téměř 2 000 ETH v hodnotě 5 876 ​​786 $. Ethereum Foundation vypouští ICO ETH. Před tímto probuzením byla po devíti letech znovu aktivována prastará peněženka, která patří nadaci Ethereum. Peněženka převedla masivní 2 000 ETH v hodnotě přibližně 6,5 milionu $. Tyto peníze do něj vložené během období Ethereum ICO byly přesunuty na novou blockchainovou adresu. V minulosti trh reagoval negativně, když Ethereum Foundation uvolnila velké množství Etherea. Toto není jediný prodej uskutečněný tímto prominentním subjektem, který tento týden účastníci trhu zaznamenali. Dříve dnes bylo oznámeno, že další peněženka spojená s nadací prodala 100 ETH za 291 267 DAI prostřednictvím Cow Protocol. Aktivita ethereových velryb stoupá vysoko. K tomuto probuzení prastaré velryby došlo poté, co celková aktivita velryb Ethereum prokázala největší nárůst adres za poslední rok. Podle obchodníka s kryptoměnami a analytika Aliho Martineze bylo během jediného dne – 29. dubna, vytvořeno přibližně 139 560 nových ETH peněženek. Začátkem tohoto týdne zaznamenala druhá největší kryptoměna ohromný pokles o 12,16 % z 3 243 USD na zónu 2 960 USD. Následoval malý odraz o 3,87 %. Tato sleva poskytla skvělou příležitost k nákupu dipu a obchodníci toho okamžitě využili a založili téměř 140 000 nových peněženek a rozšířili síť. Prominentní kryptoanalytik Michael van de Poppe právě tweetoval, že očekává, že Ethereum může klesnout do zóny 2 500 dolarů.

Spící Ethereum Whale se probouzí po 8,8 letech, zde je kolik ETH drží.

Prominentní sledovač kryptoměn Whale Alert zveřejnil na platformě X příspěvek o nedávno probuzené krypto velrybě. Tato peněženka obsahuje Ethereum v hodnotě milionů.

Tato vytěžená velryba strávila téměř devět let v nečinnosti – to znamená od roku 2015, roku, který následoval po skončení počáteční nabídky mincí Ethereum (ICO).

Reaktivovaná peněženka obsahuje téměř 2 000 ETH v hodnotě 5 876 ​​786 $.

Ethereum Foundation vypouští ICO ETH.

Před tímto probuzením byla po devíti letech znovu aktivována prastará peněženka, která patří nadaci Ethereum. Peněženka převedla masivní 2 000 ETH v hodnotě přibližně 6,5 milionu $. Tyto peníze do něj vložené během období Ethereum ICO byly přesunuty na novou blockchainovou adresu.

V minulosti trh reagoval negativně, když Ethereum Foundation uvolnila velké množství Etherea. Toto není jediný prodej uskutečněný tímto prominentním subjektem, který tento týden účastníci trhu zaznamenali. Dříve dnes bylo oznámeno, že další peněženka spojená s nadací prodala 100 ETH za 291 267 DAI prostřednictvím Cow Protocol.

Aktivita ethereových velryb stoupá vysoko.

K tomuto probuzení prastaré velryby došlo poté, co celková aktivita velryb Ethereum prokázala největší nárůst adres za poslední rok. Podle obchodníka s kryptoměnami a analytika Aliho Martineze bylo během jediného dne – 29. dubna, vytvořeno přibližně 139 560 nových ETH peněženek.

Začátkem tohoto týdne zaznamenala druhá největší kryptoměna ohromný pokles o 12,16 % z 3 243 USD na zónu 2 960 USD. Následoval malý odraz o 3,87 %. Tato sleva poskytla skvělou příležitost k nákupu dipu a obchodníci toho okamžitě využili a založili téměř 140 000 nových peněženek a rozšířili síť.

Prominentní kryptoanalytik Michael van de Poppe právě tweetoval, že očekává, že Ethereum může klesnout do zóny 2 500 dolarů.

Vyloučení odpovědnosti: Obsahuje názory třetích stran. Nejedná se o finanční poradenství. Může obsahovat sponzorovaný obsah. Viz obchodní podmínky.
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3 Meme Coins With 100X Potential Today. Meme coins are recording gains in the crypto market following a general rebound as macroeconomic conditions flip positive. The release of the United States Consumer Price Index (CPI) changed the tide after periods of market fluctuations that saw assets lose tokens. Meme coins in particular are risky assets that see outflows in periods of high interest rates as investors move funds away from risky assets. Declining inflation could signify a potential rate cut by the Federal Reserve which boosts the performance of meme coins. At press time, the meme coin market capitalization is up 1% to $56.5 billion today with certain assets showing signs of a 100X potential. Here are 3 meme coins with 100X potential today. DogeBoy (DOGB). DogeBoy is the top meme coin gainer today with 117% inflows amid the rebound of assets. The project has posted a two-week rally hitting 149%recording gains in its market cap. According to days from CoinGecko, the asset's daily trading volume is $191,481. This is quite low but many believe these figures could spark with a wider rally. DOGB's rise comes as investors begin to pump assets into fairly new projects leading to over 100X gains. Pepe Trump (PTRUMP). Pepe Trump is up 74.5% today trading at 0.006444 in the market. Weekly flows for the asset are also up 12.9% as funds flow to new projects. One major talking point around the asset is its name combining Pepe and Trump. Meme coins like PEPE recorded high- flying gains in the market increasing their market cap above $4.2 billion becoming the third largest memecoin behind Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. Trump has been having an impact on the market with recent comments ahead of the US Presidential election and the release of meme coins like BODEN. AMATERASU OMIKAMI (OMIKAMI). As meme coins soar, the asset has moved up 60.8% and 266% in the last seven days. This shows a potential for a 100X should bulls maintain their dominance, analysts say. Recent flows to crypto assets will surge depending on interest rate decisions by the Feds.
Crucial SHIB Warning Goes Out, Here's Reason. The Shiba Inu team has issued a critical reminder to its community. The message is that there are no official SHIB airdrops, and any unsolicited offers claiming to be associated with the SHIB project, especially those appearing below the official SHIB X posts, are scams. Airdrops have become a popular method in the crypto space to distribute tokens to the wallets of active community members. They are often used as a promotional strategy to increase engagement and reward loyal supporters. However, this tactic has also been co-opted by malicious actors looking to exploit the unwary. The SHIB team's announcement serves as a proactive measure to safeguard its community from potential fraud. By confirming that no official airdrops are taking place, they aim to prevent SHIB enthusiasts from falling prey to deceptive schemes that could lead to financial loss. Scammers often use sophisticated tactics to appear legitimate, such as replicating official posts or using similar usernames. The SHIB team advises that all unsolicited offers might be scams, with the intent to steal crypto. In this light, any offer that requires individuals to send funds or disclose private keys is a red flag and should be avoided at all costs. "Friendly reminder there are no official SHIB airdrops. All unsolicited offers below our tweet are scams. They're all tricks to steal your crypto. Protect your wallet and don't click suspicious links," the official SHIB X handle tweeted. The SHIB community is encouraged to remain vigilant and protect their wallets. They should never click on suspicious links. The reminder from the SHIB team is a friendly yet firm warning to all of its followers: stay alert, question unsolicited offers and trust only verified sources.
Vitalik Buterin Reveals Future of Ethereum and 'Free Internet?' Vitalik Buterin, the cofounder of Ethereum, recently engaged in a discussion on X (formerly known as Twitter), shedding light on the future of Ethereum and the ambitious goal of building a free and open internet. This interaction, initiated by a tweet from Josh Stark, showcased a diagram illustrating different mindsets in the crypto community, ranging from definite optimism to indefinite pessimism. Josh Stark's diagram categorizes mindsets into four quadrants: definite optimism, indefinite optimism, definite pessimism and indefinite pessimism. Stark labeled "Crypto Twitter" as oscillating between indefinite optimism and pessimism, which perfectly highlights the bouncing sentiment in the community that relies on most minor moves in the industry. In response, Buterin emphasized the importance of definite optimism, particularly within the context of "crypto farcaster" and "Lens." Crypto farcaster and Lens are platforms that embody definite optimism by actively working toward a decentralized and open internet. Buterin's message is clear: the ultimate goal of the crypto movement is to create a free and open internet. He cautioned against getting lost in theoretical discussions and emphasized the need for practical application of blockchain technologies. We have already seen the technology perform as a tool of decentralization in various digital fields. With Ethereum's role on the market declining, Buterin's call could be a signal for developers to amp up their attempts to build useful applications for users. However, Ethereum's recent performance has been somewhat challenging. Despite Bitcoin reaching new all-time highs, Ethereum has struggled to break through its previous ATH. The second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap has faced resistance and volatility, reflecting broader uncertainty on the market. This struggle highlights the importance of Buterin's message: the need for continuous innovation and practical applications to drive the ecosystem forward.
Litecoin (LTC) Hits Epic 245 Million Transaction Milestone: Details. Litecoin (LTC), often referred to as the "silver to Bitcoin's gold," has attained a significant milestone. As of now, the Litecoin network has processed over 245 million transactions since its inception, with a notable 39 million of those transactions occurring in 2024 alone. This achievement underscores Litecoin's enduring relevance and growing adoption within the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Litecoin was created in 2011 by Charlie Lee as a lighter and faster alternative to Bitcoin. It was designed to provide quicker transaction confirmations and lower fees, making it a practical option for everyday transactions and micro-payments. Over the years, Litecoin has maintained its position as one of the top cryptocurrencies by market capitalization, thanks to its robust network and active development community. Currently, Litecoin ranks as the 19th largest cryptocurrency, with a market cap of $6.196 million. At the time of writing, LTC was up 1.01% in the last 24 hours to $83.14. The year 2024, has been particularly notable for the Litecoin network, with 39 million transactions processed so far. Several factors may have contributed to this surge in activity, including increased adoption and continuous improvements to the Litecoin protocol. Litecoin's integration into various payment processors, merchant services and financial platforms has expanded its usability. Continuous improvements and updates to the Litecoin protocol, such as enhancements in security and transaction speed, have made the network more efficient and attractive to users. In March, Litecoin received the Core 0.21.3 release. The milestone of processing over 245 million transactions signifies more than just a numerical achievement; it might highlight Litecoin's ongoing relevance in the cryptocurrency space.

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