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Bitcoin se propadl na 8,9 tisíc dolarů na BitMEX ano, čtete správně, bitcoin klesl na 8,9 000 $ ze svého obvyklého obchodního rozpětí nad 60 000 $ během několika minut, než se rychle vrátil zpět na 67 000 $. stalo se to toto pondělí Stalo se to pouze na burze Bitmex, zatímco na jiných platformách se obchodovalo s BTC nad 60 000. BitMEX okamžitě zahájil vyšetřování a přisuzoval anomálii agresivnímu prodeji malého počtu účtů. Navzdory rychlému kolísání BitMEX ujistil uživatele, že jeho systémy fungují normálně a že pokračují ve vyšetřování incidentu. to je blbost, co!!!!!! #HotTrends #write2earn…. #BitcoinHalving. #crashed

Bitcoin se propadl na 8,9 tisíc dolarů na BitMEX

ano, čtete správně, bitcoin klesl na 8,9 000 $ ze svého obvyklého obchodního rozpětí nad 60 000 $ během několika minut, než se rychle vrátil zpět na 67 000 $. stalo se to toto pondělí Stalo se to pouze na burze Bitmex, zatímco na jiných platformách se obchodovalo s BTC nad 60 000.

BitMEX okamžitě zahájil vyšetřování a přisuzoval anomálii agresivnímu prodeji malého počtu účtů. Navzdory rychlému kolísání BitMEX ujistil uživatele, že jeho systémy fungují normálně a že pokračují ve vyšetřování incidentu.

to je blbost, co!!!!!!

#HotTrends #write2earn…. #BitcoinHalving. #crashed

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Reminder For you: If you're new in crypto must read it!! Once there was a young boy named Alex who became fascinated with the world of cryptocurrency after hearing stories of people making fortunes overnight. Eager to jump into the action, he scraped together his savings and dove headfirst into trading. At first, things seemed promising. Alex diligently researched different cryptocurrencies, analyzed charts, and eagerly followed market trends. His initial trades yielded small profits, fueling his excitement and confidence. But as the market grew more volatile, Alex's luck took a turn for the worse. Fueled by a desire to replicate his early successes, he began taking bigger risks and chasing quick gains. He ignored warnings about emotional trading, convinced that he could outsmart the market. However, his overconfidence proved to be his downfall. One fateful day, Alex invested a significant portion of his savings into a little-known altcoin based on a tip from a dubious online source. He ignored the red flags and went all-in, hoping for a massive payout. Unfortunately, the project turned out to be a scam, and the value of the altcoin plummeted overnight. Alex watched helplessly as his investment evaporated before his eyes, leaving him devastated and financially drained. With his dreams of crypto riches shattered, Alex was forced to confront the harsh reality of his losses. But from the ashes of his misfortune, he gained valuable lessons about the importance of caution, diligence, and responsible investing. Determined to bounce back stronger, Alex vowed to approach crypto trading with a more cautious mindset. Armed with newfound wisdom and a healthy respect for the risks involved, he set out on a journey to rebuild his portfolio, one careful trade at a time. Learn from Alex and don't repeat the mistakes he did!! #CryptoLessons #TrendingHot #MistakesToMilestones #liquadation #TradingWarriors

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