Binance Square
Why do women fall victim to the "pig butchering scam" more often than men? Feng Tang said: Go to a mental hospital and see, men go crazy because they want to "fight for the world"; women go crazy because they crave love. Of course, this does not mean that men do not crave love, nor does it mean that women do not aspire to achieve something. On the contrary, it means that one of them is more obsessed with these two desires. Ordinary people lack love. Most people are doomed to never feel the burning passion, nor enjoy the starry eyes of a quality partner. A mediocre girl who only reads romance novels in her adolescence, longing to become the heroine one day, how can she refuse when she encounters the "fate" and the "male lead" like in a soap opera, even if she realizes that this might be a scam, but many women still fall for it. I don't think there is anything to laugh or mock about, it is better to look at it with sympathy. After all, behind every pig butchering scam, there is a soul longing for love. #BIT #QNT #EGLD #mina #ftm $QNT $EGLD $MINA

Why do women fall victim to the "pig butchering scam" more often than men? Feng Tang said: Go to a mental hospital and see, men go crazy because they want to "fight for the world"; women go crazy because they crave love.

Of course, this does not mean that men do not crave love, nor does it mean that women do not aspire to achieve something. On the contrary, it means that one of them is more obsessed with these two desires.

Ordinary people lack love. Most people are doomed to never feel the burning passion, nor enjoy the starry eyes of a quality partner.

A mediocre girl who only reads romance novels in her adolescence, longing to become the heroine one day, how can she refuse when she encounters the "fate" and the "male lead" like in a soap opera, even if she realizes that this might be a scam, but many women still fall for it.

I don't think there is anything to laugh or mock about, it is better to look at it with sympathy. After all, behind every pig butchering scam, there is a soul longing for love.







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面對現在市場這樣的情況,我們得從大局和細節兩方面來分析。 首先,從大局來看,市場跌主要是因為三個原因: 1. 比特幣減半的利好消息放完了,大家都怕,所以有人賣出賺錢。 2. 最近的經濟數據顯示通脹高,美聯儲可能提早加息,這讓市場不穩定,錢就流出去了。 3. 伊朗和以色列之間可能要打仗,這讓投資者擔心,他們就不買風險高的加密貨幣了。 再來,從細節來看,山寨幣比主流幣種更容易受影響。市場一跌,山寨幣就是第一個被賣的。 綜合這些分析,我們可以這樣做: 1. 保持冷靜,不要隨便跟著別人買賣。市場波動大的時候,要相信自己的判斷,堅持自己的投資策略。 2. 適當減少持股,降低風險。市場明顯要跌的時候,減少一點持股可以避免損失變大。但也別減太多,免得錯過市場回升的機會。 3. 關注那些好的項目,分散風險。市場調整時,好的項目可能會被誤殺,這時候關注這些項目可能會賺到錢。分散風險也很重要,可以投不同板塊、不同市值的加密貨幣。 4. 等待時機,不要急著抄底。市場大跌後通常會反彈,但急著抄底可能會被套。建議等市場穩定後再考慮進場,每次買的時候也要控制好量,別一次性全投進去。 5. 學會接受虧損,保持樂觀。投資加密貨幣本來就有風險,虧損是投資的一部分。遇到虧損時,要接受現實,不要太悲觀或情緒化。相信市場會回暖,保持積極樂觀的心態,這樣才能更好地面對市場的挑戰。 總的來說,面對市場這麼多變,我們要不斷學習,提高自己的投資素養和心理素質。這樣才能在投資的路上走得更遠、更穩。 #BTC #ENA #FIL #BOME #ORDI

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