Binance Square
he three steps to get rich in the bull market Dare to bottom out Buy the right coin Hold on The current market is far from the bottom, according to historical experience, if the bottom really appears, most people are afraid to bottom out, such as before 94, 312, the number of people who cut the meat and leave is far greater than the number of people who bottom out. This is human nature. Investing is the right time, doing the right thing, and sticking to it. #alcoins #ORDI. #ARB #sei #bank

he three steps to get rich in the bull market

Dare to bottom out

Buy the right coin

Hold on

The current market is far from the bottom, according to historical experience, if the bottom really appears, most people are afraid to bottom out, such as before 94, 312, the number of people who cut the meat and leave is far greater than the number of people who bottom out. This is human nature. Investing is the right time, doing the right thing, and sticking to it.






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币圈发财,如果没运气、没贵人、也不太聪明,通常要三个周期。 第一个周期,可能是被身边的暴富故事吸引,性格保守的可能会试试水,风险偏好的可能会全投进去,甚至贷款。那时候市场天天大涨,你满心希望,觉得前途一片光明,但对市场的残酷一无所知。等到熊市来临,市场天天大跌,你还抱有反弹的希望,最后本金全亏。 第二个周期,经历过牛市的巅峰和熊市的低谷,你开始四处打听消息,有赚有亏,但更多的是听别人暴富的故事。你开始幻想买低卖高,但牛市何时来临却不知道。你的钱大部分在等待牛市时就消耗殆尽了。当牛市真的来临,你发现如果之前买入就能赚三倍,但现在资产却少了一半。这时候,不管是谨慎的还是激进的,都开始变得大胆,开始买入。没过两个月,你真的赚了三倍。市场一片向好,到处都是好消息,鼓励你继续持有,你每次想卖,但总有个声音告诉你还能涨。最终牛市突然结束,你不甘心,决定继续持有,相信币有价值,决定拿到下一个大周期。 第三个周期,你经历了又一轮熊市的折磨,之前买入的资产大部分归零,只剩比特币和以太坊。你依然留在币圈,下定决心这辈子一定要在币圈赚到钱。你学会了如何选标的,判断行情,区分真假消息和新叙事,知道了在人声鼎沸时卖出。在熊市中,你学会了撸毛,套利,各种链上交互。这些都是用血汗钱换来的经验。这一次,你明白了什么是铭文,二层,gamefi。明白了币圈是一个重叙事轻价值的市场,币的高低全靠情绪。情绪左右市场,市场又被人的情绪左右,这都是人性贪婪和恐惧相互纠缠的结果。这时候,你能剥离自己的感觉,站在第三视角观察别人,买卖之间无情绪波动。 牛市结束后,你发现自己已经赚了不少,从零到现在用了九年时间。你在币圈悟出了赚钱的道理,有大钱的就屯大饼,做好配置,买新叙事,拿住。只有小钱的,靠新叙事,靠各种体力劳动换币圈空投的红利,积累本金,专注新叙事熊市换仓大饼以太。 这一刻你终于觉得,你的钱真的成了你的钱。看到账户里的八位数,你感慨万千,心想如果当年有币圈的贵人带你一把该多好,能少走多少弯路。就算没有什么好运,也许此时早已经是九位数了。 #BTC #PEPE #CFX #FIL #DOGE $BTC $PEPE $FIL

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