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KRÁTKÉ #XRPUSDT od 0,64 USD stop loss 0,66 USD $XRP 1h TF. Nástroj již dlouhou dobu tvoří šikmou opěrnou úroveň, potvrzenou několika dotyky. Bylo možné pozorovat falešný rozpad trojúhelníku s velkými objemy a vysokým hrotem, což ukazuje na sílu prodejců v tuto chvíli. Očekává se prolomení nakloněné linie a prudký pohyb dolů při provádění zastávek na úroveň podpory na 0,6.

KRÁTKÉ #XRPUSDT od 0,64 USD stop loss 0,66 USD $XRP

1h TF. Nástroj již dlouhou dobu tvoří šikmou opěrnou úroveň, potvrzenou několika dotyky. Bylo možné pozorovat falešný rozpad trojúhelníku s velkými objemy a vysokým hrotem, což ukazuje na sílu prodejců v tuto chvíli. Očekává se prolomení nakloněné linie a prudký pohyb dolů při provádění zastávek na úroveň podpory na 0,6.

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It doesn't make much sense to write anything anymore, everything was said yesterday. But, we can fix the fact that the ETF was essentially adopted "ahead of schedule". It will be, liquidity will go into the market, but a little later. There is a rush in the actions of the SEC, apparently they were "knocked on the head" normally. Since such a quick acceptance is not for nothing. It was necessary to accept it today, but all the paperwork and bureaucracy are not ready yet. What does this give us? There is time for the frontrunner until the liquidity from the etf begins to pour in. Remember, I used to repeat these words before accepting an etf for a cue ball: "growth first, then an etf." That's when it happened, we grew to 48k, and only then did we accept the etf. Here I think we'll go the same way. Etf issuers will not sit idly by. With the opening of trading in America and the working day in general, perhaps starting on Monday, they will go to buy off the air. For what? By the same logic as the cue ball. Now we are buying eth at $ 3,600, at the start of trading it already costs conditionally + 50%, and then we "sell" our "cheap" ether to those who want to buy an etf. It is clear that they are not selling ether itself, but an etf share, but in this way they get a normal spread, which, in addition to commissions, is a good income for issuers. Therefore, I think it is beneficial for everyone who applied to buy ether at current prices until the launch of the etf. After all, the cheaper they buy now, the more they will earn later when they resell their etf shares. #ETF $ETH #ETFETH
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