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Chat GPT predice hasta dónde llegará el precio de Shiba Inu, Pepe Coin y Dogecoin20 en 2024

en el transcurso del último mes, el nicho de las memecoins, ha estado en pleno apogeo. Precios de criptomonedas meme como $DOGE, $FLOKI, $SHIB, $WIF o $PEPE, se han duplicado o incluso subido en alguno de estos casos 3 o 9 veces su valor.

Este aumento de precios se debe en parte a que el precio de Bitcoin alcanzó nuevos máximos últimamente, subiendo por encima de los 70.000 dólares. Debido a esto, ya muchos expertos pronostican que $BTC podría superar los 100.000 dólares este año. Esto crea un ambiente alcista que afecta positivamente al mercado criptográfico.

en concreto, el nicho de las memecoins es uno de los más favorecidos. Esta tendencia alcista crea un efecto FOMO entre los inversores, lo que impulsa la demanda de estos activos. Por eso hemos querido preguntarle a ChatGPT sobre los precios de algunas de las criptomonedas meme del momento.

A través del análisis de gráficos, ChatGPT ha establecido las posibles ganancias futuras de estas tres criptomonedas. Los resultados han sido que:

Shiba Inu: Actualmente el precio de $SHIB se cotiza a 0,00002795 dólares con un repunte alcista de un 186,07% en el último mes según datos de CoinMarketcap. De acuerdo con ChatGPT, la ruptura por encima del nivel de retroceso de Fibonacci de un 23,60%, sitúa el valor objetivo potencial de $SHIB en 0,00003650 dólares.

Pepe Coin: Actualmente el precio de $PEPE se cotiza a 0,000007495 dólares, con una notable vela alcista y un aumento en el último mes de un 517,54% en el último mes. Según ChatGPT, esta tendencia alcista apunta a un nivel de extensión de Fibonacci de 2,618, con un objetivo potencial de $PEPE de 0,0000627480 dólares, lo que sugiere un alto optimismo en el mercado.

Dogecoin: Actualmente el precio de $DOGE se cotiza a 0,1318 dólares, con un aumento del 51,67% en el último mes. Tal y como afirma ChatGPT, esta tendencia no es tan alcista como en el caso de Shiba Inu o Pepe Coin, pero aún así podría llegar este año a 0,20 dólares.
$NULS soy nueva en esta moneda. creen que vuelva a subir?
$NULS soy nueva en esta moneda. creen que vuelva a subir?
$PEPE que piensan ? esta noche tendremos subida grande?
$PEPE que piensan ? esta noche tendremos subida grande?
❗✅El mismo que nos pidió que compramos 1$ en Bitcoin hace años ahora nos pide que compremos $PEPE ✅❗
lo dijo hace poco en un vídeo

✅ Síganme para que siga creando contenido ✅
#PEPE‏ #PepeMemecoin #memecoin
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Turning $20 to $20,000 in 90 Days — My Altcoin Token Adventure.
A little strategic planning and it can happen to you, but of course, there are no guarantees!

This experience is definitely is NOT normal, so please don’t assume this will happen to you.
In 2021 I was caught up in all the FOMO of the bull market. (Kind of like what many of you are experiencing right now)
I had a friend who knew a guy (yeah, we all have those stories) — who became a millionaire off about a $2000 investment in Safemoon.
Safemoon eventually busted, lost trust, and tanked hard, but he had long sold off and taken his profits)
This story was real enough to me — this friend was my business partner, so him saying he knew someone personally, I took it seriously.
I wanted to get in on the opportunity for big gains (who doesn’t?), so I spent a bit of time watching youtube videos about how to sink my crypto into a new type of coin — smart contract tokens.
Smart contract tokens pay a dividend for holding and staking, but instead of being custodial and provided by a platform, it is built into the contract of the token itself. They are usually built on ETH or BSC, but can now be built on BTC too. (This concept isn’t so new anymore)

To be clear, most of my risks at this time ended up as losses, across the board.
I stuck $20 into Eclipse, Bonfire, Elon, and about 4–5 others.
All of these lost. I turned about $200 into $10 at the end of that effort.
That is what bull market fomo can do. It can loose money!
HOWEVER, one token gained so much as to cancel out ALL of my losses, and put me $20,000 into the green.
I stumbled on SHIB, and I thought it looked interesting, so I did some digging, and found a surprisingly large following around it.
Most tokens had smaller footprints and only a handful of online cheerleaders.
But I noticed something immediately about SHIB.

There is almost a cult popularity around the token.
Honestly I never was able to figure that out.
However, that matters very little. I don’t need to rationalize everything. I understand a little about groupthink and cult phenomenon.
The important part — I took note of the irrational popularity, and decided that this would be a sure bet to gain value at some point.
My thinking was that the popularity of a meme coin functions on the same psycho-emotional level as POGS, Pokemon, Trolls, Beanie Babies, etc.
Rationalize it too much, you’ll miss out on getting while the getting is good.
I missed out on Doge gains completely and I was one of the naysayers telling everyone how stupid I thought it was.
So this time, when a large group of people were taking creative aim at Doge, and creating a large following on the fumes of memes and 5h!t talking to Doge?
Ok. I’m in.
I stuck $20 into SHIB.
It was complicated. I had to use a bridge to exchange funds, buy BSC, then use BSC to buy SHIB, sending to their token address.
This was BEFORE SHIB was ever listed on any mainstream exchange.
I had about $20 worth of SHIB in the spring, and I held it for a couple weeks.
Price increased by 10x within two weeks.
It was now sitting at $200 or so.
I almost took my money out and went out for a nice weekend.
But I didn’t.
SHIB price fell again, and my value was around $50 or so, and I debated selling again, but decided screw it, I only came to party.
The only reason I put money in there was to profit nicely, so there is no point in going home with only $50, even though its technically a fantastic return on $20.
I am soooo glad I waited.
SHIB rocketed up again in the fall and my balance went to $20,000
You can actually see on this chart where both events happened.
My $20 turned into $200 right before summer, and it turned into $20,000 in the fall.

I wanted to hold on so bad, but I sold off, and pulled out the $20k.
Shib continued going up, and I could have made a little more, but I was happy with my choice.
Somehow, though definitely not planned, I ended up selling very near the tip of that spike.
I wish it was that easy every time!
I was not a pro trader, knew nothing about prognosticating on candlesticks.
This was pure dumb luck and a little gumption.
SHIB has surprisingly held a following, though I no longer hold any of it.
It has never returned to the heights of 2021.
I wish I had taken screenshots back then, but I wasn’t creating content yet. So, sorry for the story without my usual screenshot documentation.
Cult Value
The cult following has held on until today. Much like Doge. But that no longer impacts my choice to hold SHIB or not.
Now that SHIB has a gigantic marketcap, and considering that it’s total supply is mindbendingly enormous — its hard to drive value spikes on it.
And hard to imagine these kind of runs will ever happen with SHIB again.
Not saying it can’t still happen, but it’s all about math.
. Bitcoin = 21 million total supply.
. SHIB = a cool quadrillion.
Think about it.
I don’t expect SHIB to take off again unless a Rothschild buys it and decides to bet their entire farm on it.
I am still looking for opportunities like this, but I am always going to exercise caution and not invest anything I am not willing to loose.
At my current risk level I would never stick $20,000 into one of these coins, for instance.
$200 …..maybe.
It’s all about what you are comfy with.
And now, thanks to new “no code” tools, I think AI can help me build the bots I want.
Not just trading bots, but bots that look at new coin listings, monitor for sudden increases, market queues, etc, and automatically stick a $50 into the pot for me, to see what happens.
Come to think of it, you might be able to build one of those yourself if you are good with no-code software.

I am currently trying to conceptualize building my own trading signal based bot with Make.
Thank you for reading!
Llevo tiempo queriéndome unir al equipo #floky y creo que es el momento. si ponéis la gráfica por días todos los días o casi todos da beneficios
Llevo tiempo queriéndome unir al equipo #floky y creo que es el momento. si ponéis la gráfica por días todos los días o casi todos da beneficios
Mi predicción sobre $FLOKI fue correcta, espero que hayan obtenido unas muy buenas ganancias, ahora lo que se viene es un bajada a 285 o 29 ese será el momento para entrar. El día 15 se realizara una publicidad para floki en la que puede que el precio vuelva a subir ⭐️

#memecoins #Memecoin #floki #PEPE‏
Gran verdad 👍
Gran verdad 👍

PEPE o kadar satış baskısı var ki 10$dolar kazanç sağlayan hemen satışa başvuruyor bu şekilde hiç bir yere gelemeyecek coin bende satış yaptım fakat geri almasını bildim bu kadar baskıya dayanamayacak dostlar PEPE sadece toplumun balinaların değil biraz daha topluma güvenseniz kazanacağız azıcık sabır
$PEPE Cada vez veo más cerca la perdida de un 0. Creéis que será en las próximas horas?
$PEPE Cada vez veo más cerca la perdida de un 0. Creéis que será en las próximas horas?
Deseando que #babydoge venga a binance!! yo ya hice mi depósito y tu ? @babydogecoi
Deseando que #babydoge venga a binance!! yo ya hice mi depósito y tu ? @babydogecoi
Цитираното съдържание е премахнато
$PEPE Con mucha pena estoy estudiando cambiar mis peces por #FLOKI/USDT ya que veo que #PEPE/USDT no deja de bajar y subir pero no lo suficiente. Alguien que trabaje con floki y me de su opinión? lo de pepe ya me tiene un poco desesperada. Tengo ahora mismo 30millones de pepe. Y empecé con 50 euros. No me puedo quejar pero soy demasiado impaciente.
$PEPE Con mucha pena estoy estudiando cambiar mis peces por #FLOKI/USDT ya que veo que #PEPE/USDT no deja de bajar y subir pero no lo suficiente. Alguien que trabaje con floki y me de su opinión? lo de pepe ya me tiene un poco desesperada. Tengo ahora mismo 30millones de pepe. Y empecé con 50 euros. No me puedo quejar pero soy demasiado impaciente.
$PEPE Cada vez queda menos!!! cuando pensáis que restaremos un cero?? si seguimos resistiendo a vender todo el tiempo creo que llegaremos pronto!
$PEPE Cada vez queda menos!!! cuando pensáis que restaremos un cero?? si seguimos resistiendo a vender todo el tiempo creo que llegaremos pronto!
$PEPE Hagamos entre todos que PEPE llegue al sol a la luna o a donde le apetezca. ¿Quien se une al reto de no vender hasta quemar un cero? Yo no voy a vender hasta que se queme. venga que entre todos podemos verlo!
$PEPE Hagamos entre todos que PEPE llegue al sol a la luna o a donde le apetezca. ¿Quien se une al reto de no vender hasta quemar un cero? Yo no voy a vender hasta que se queme. venga que entre todos podemos verlo!
$PEPE Tic tac tic tac.... 🤑
$PEPE Tic tac tic tac.... 🤑
$PEPE No vendan y vivamos lo que es la quema de un 0!!!
$PEPE No vendan y vivamos lo que es la quema de un 0!!!
$PEPE No vendais en 900. Hagamos entre todos que se queme un 0 ya!!! si cada vez que sube a 900 vendemos no vamos a conseguirlo nunca.
$PEPE No vendais en 900. Hagamos entre todos que se queme un 0 ya!!! si cada vez que sube a 900 vendemos no vamos a conseguirlo nunca.
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