Binance Square
#Bitcoin is still holding support Price has been ranging for the past few months between $60,000 and $71,500. There was also a fakeout till $56,500, but price quickly reclaimed the range and went back to the range high, where it got rejected. The price has already faced four such rejections from the range high but is still holding the upward-sloping trendline support. If the current support holds, we can expect another test of the range high and a possible breakout soon.

#Bitcoin is still holding support

Price has been ranging for the past few months between $60,000 and $71,500.

There was also a fakeout till $56,500, but price quickly reclaimed the range and went back to the range high, where it got rejected.

The price has already faced four such rejections from the range high but is still holding the upward-sloping trendline support.

If the current support holds, we can expect another test of the range high and a possible breakout soon.

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