Binance Square
Quick Analysis # 02-03 $ICP $RUNE ICP is looking extremely bullish and moving witj steady pace, accumulated and now following the market with base price level, $12.9 will be breakthrough area for us to see $15-$20 soon, You can build your swing trade with entry at market price for 40% of your max buying size. Roadmap for 2024-25 is wild, this will send ICP to somewhere it supposed to be. So with that approach you can take entry with low leverage of 3-4X for GOD candle or buy in spot. Dyor #RUNE is at the verge of of breakthrough, went down many times because of market selling pressure, currently holding at this level where we can see some good candle in upcoming 4-8 h time frame, Same strategy goes for RUNE as well, it is one of the leading chain with massive potential so this could be next wild chain like Solana as well, We are in market building phase, crypto space has hell of potential, nobody believed that $BNB will rise after it went down right after launch, but it went up crazy high to new all time high today, You will see many examples, it only works if you buy and hold no matter what comes next, dyor #altcoinsByZeusInCrypto #ZeusInCrypto

Quick Analysis # 02-03 $ICP $RUNE

ICP is looking extremely bullish and moving witj steady pace, accumulated and now following the market with base price level, $12.9 will be breakthrough area for us to see $15-$20 soon,

You can build your swing trade with entry at market price for 40% of your max buying size.

Roadmap for 2024-25 is wild, this will send ICP to somewhere it supposed to be. So with that approach you can take entry with low leverage of 3-4X for GOD candle or buy in spot. Dyor

#RUNE is at the verge of of breakthrough, went down many times because of market selling pressure, currently holding at this level where we can see some good candle in upcoming 4-8 h time frame,

Same strategy goes for RUNE as well, it is one of the leading chain with massive potential so this could be next wild chain like Solana as well,

We are in market building phase, crypto space has hell of potential, nobody believed that $BNB will rise after it went down right after launch, but it went up crazy high to new all time high today,

You will see many examples, it only works if you buy and hold no matter what comes next, dyor

#altcoinsByZeusInCrypto #ZeusInCrypto

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