Binance Square
🎩 Hats off to President Biden for vetoing a resolution to overrule SEC's crypto accounting guidelines, despite the House and Senate's vote to repeal. Meanwhile, Israel is speeding up the digital shekel, with a little help from service providers. Paraguay, on the other hand, is cracking down on crypto mining, seizing over 2,700 units in a recent raid. And in Hong Kong, it's "license or leave" for crypto exchanges. Some have applied, others have backed out, citing a need for a "major overhaul". Stay tuned, folks! 🚀

🎩 Hats off to President Biden for vetoing a resolution to overrule SEC's crypto accounting guidelines, despite the House and Senate's vote to repeal. Meanwhile, Israel is speeding up the digital shekel, with a little help from service providers. Paraguay, on the other hand, is cracking down on crypto mining, seizing over 2,700 units in a recent raid. And in Hong Kong, it's "license or leave" for crypto exchanges. Some have applied, others have backed out, citing a need for a "major overhaul". Stay tuned, folks! 🚀

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