Binance Square
Trader Turns $860 into $6,38,000 in Just a Few Hours investing in #Memecoin 🚀 This trader's story is nothing short of amazing! He spent 5 $SOL (~$860) to buy 86,555,072 $MOTHER (8.66% of the total supply). Then, he sold all $MOTHER for a whopping 3,792 #SOL (~$6,38,000) All $MOTHER were sold 12 hours ago. It's clear, this isn't an insider's move. Before his #MOTHER trade, he had traded nearly 700 different coins with a win rate of less than 20%, making his success even more incredible. Stay tuned for more incredible trading stories. #CryptoTrading #Memecoins #Binance #bitcoin $BTC $USDC

Trader Turns $860 into $6,38,000 in Just a Few Hours investing in #Memecoin 🚀

This trader's story is nothing short of amazing!

He spent 5 $SOL (~$860) to buy 86,555,072 $MOTHER (8.66% of the total supply). Then, he sold all $MOTHER for a whopping 3,792 #SOL (~$6,38,000)

All $MOTHER were sold 12 hours ago. It's clear, this isn't an insider's move.

Before his #MOTHER trade, he had traded nearly 700 different coins with a win rate of less than 20%, making his success even more incredible.

Stay tuned for more incredible trading stories.

#CryptoTrading #Memecoins #Binance #bitcoin $BTC $USDC

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