Binance Square
Some of you may find this post overly aggressive or overly utopian, but that's the reality. In the future, when Ethereum works as the world's computer, people holding ETH will be valuable. Hold on to your $ETH at all costs.

Some of you may find this post overly aggressive or overly utopian, but that's the reality.

In the future, when Ethereum works as the world's computer, people holding ETH will be valuable.

Hold on to your $ETH at all costs.

$ETH may enter a supply crisis in the future!

If the Ethereum ETF is approved by the SEC, you may find it difficult to find ETH to buy in the market!

Yes, you did not hear wrong, ETHs in the market may be completely withdrawn to wallets, why?

The Ethereum ecosystem is a growing and developing ecosystem day by day.

Within this ecosystem, people's attachment to ETH is an undeniable fact.

People need ETH to use applications on Ethereum.

In addition, with each transaction on the Ethereum network, more ETH will be burned and deleted from circulation!

This makes ETH ultrasound money, which means that the supply of ETH will decrease depending on the use of Ethereum!

Yes, it will!

BTC will have a constant supply of 21,000,000,000 but it will never decrease.

This is different for ETH, ETH's supply will decrease as long as the Ethereum network is used!

There are a lot of L2s being built on Ethereum right now, such as ZK, Scroll, Arbitrtium.

These L2s will allow Ethereum to be used more easily and more, and thus ETH burning will accelerate!

Also, we should not forget that many people earn income on-chain by staking ETH, and currently 30% of the circulating ETH is staked and locked!

If the ETF approval comes, many big businesses will buy ETH to add ETH to their ETFs, so the amount of ETH on exchanges will drop significantly.

Prepare yourself and don't miss the big train, Ethereum is coming stronger than ever.

If you know a little politics, you understand how the election year changes the state economy.

The US will go for expansion, it has to go!

The SEC and the Fed are under political pressure right now and

that's why they have to support cryptocurrencies like Trump.

Let's see what time will show us!

Buy now, or regret later!

I'm very bullish!

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