Binance Square
Future Trading Expert - Tamil Nadu
$BTC today possible to break the ATH and will create the new ATH Above 74500 . If create the new ATH above 74500 sudden drop is possible until 72000 . Let's see what will happen today .

$BTC today possible to break the ATH and will create the new ATH Above 74500 .

If create the new ATH above 74500 sudden drop is possible until 72000 .

Let's see what will happen today .

Future Trading Expert - Tamil Nadu
Good morning, everyone.

👉 In the last update, I shared a bullish update while BTC was trading at 66600. Last night, $BTC surpassed 70,000 and reached all our expected levels. I mentioned that #BTC could rise above 72800, but it maxed out at 72132. Currently, BTC is trading above 71000 and still maintaining bullish momentum.

So, everyone can hold your long position until a bearish update is provided. If any changes happen in the market, I will share the updates.

Thanks for your support and love ❤️.

Author : @KingofBTC2024 (For All) BXT

For Altcoins trading information 👆

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