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🎉 Buckle up, BTC enthusiasts! The Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) is making waves in the web3 space with its new roadmap for decentralized artificial intelligence (DeAI) and chain fusion! 🚀 ICP, celebrating its third mainnet anniversary, has unveiled its Year 4 Internet Computer Roadmap. The roadmap encapsulates three years of progress and outlines key development areas to position ICP as the home of DeAI and the orchestration layer for the blockchain industry. 🌐 The DeAI roadmap envisions AI models trained to run on-chain, moving beyond the opaque black boxes that currently offer users no visibility on how their data is used. ICP's AI smart contracts aim to optimize inference engines, enhancing AI consistency, reliability, and responses. 🧠💡 ICP also aims to introduce first-of-its-kind use cases through these new AI models. Imagine ready-trained AI models traded as non-fungible tokens, AI smart contracts verifying Ethereum smart contracts' code, and web3 communities controlling AI models through decentralized autonomous organizations! 🤖 The chain fusion roadmap aims to facilitate direct interoperability with major blockchains like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, and Ethereum Virtual Machines without intermediaries. This could solve liquidity fragmentation and tackle tribalism in the blockchain space. ICP's smart contracts could enable developers to create contracts spanning multiple chains. 🌉 Since its mainnet launch in May 2021, ICP has had no downtimes, processed more than three billion blocks, and accumulated over $3 billion in total locked value. 📈 So, keep your eyes on ICP as it continues to innovate and push boundaries in the blockchain space! 🎯

🎉 Buckle up, BTC enthusiasts! The Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) is making waves in the web3 space with its new roadmap for decentralized artificial intelligence (DeAI) and chain fusion! 🚀

ICP, celebrating its third mainnet anniversary, has unveiled its Year 4 Internet Computer Roadmap. The roadmap encapsulates three years of progress and outlines key development areas to position ICP as the home of DeAI and the orchestration layer for the blockchain industry. 🌐

The DeAI roadmap envisions AI models trained to run on-chain, moving beyond the opaque black boxes that currently offer users no visibility on how their data is used. ICP's AI smart contracts aim to optimize inference engines, enhancing AI consistency, reliability, and responses. 🧠💡

ICP also aims to introduce first-of-its-kind use cases through these new AI models. Imagine ready-trained AI models traded as non-fungible tokens, AI smart contracts verifying Ethereum smart contracts' code, and web3 communities controlling AI models through decentralized autonomous organizations! 🤖

The chain fusion roadmap aims to facilitate direct interoperability with major blockchains like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, and Ethereum Virtual Machines without intermediaries. This could solve liquidity fragmentation and tackle tribalism in the blockchain space. ICP's smart contracts could enable developers to create contracts spanning multiple chains. 🌉

Since its mainnet launch in May 2021, ICP has had no downtimes, processed more than three billion blocks, and accumulated over $3 billion in total locked value. 📈

So, keep your eyes on ICP as it continues to innovate and push boundaries in the blockchain space! 🎯

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🎉Big news, Bitcoin enthusiasts!🎉 Reddit and OpenAI have joined forces, and it's causing quite the stir in the tech world. Reddit's stock even saw a 13% surge in after-hours trading post-announcement! 🚀 Reddit is granting OpenAI access to its Data API, which means real-time, structured, and exclusive content from Reddit posts will be integrated into OpenAI's AI chatbot, ChatGPT. This partnership is set to enhance user exploration and interaction within Reddit communities. 🤝 In return, OpenAI will provide Reddit users and moderators with innovative AI-driven features to boost user engagement. OpenAI has also been appointed as Reddit's newest advertising partner. 🎯 Reddit's CEO, Steve Huffman, is super excited about the partnership, stating that including Reddit in ChatGPT will help people find more of what they're looking for and help new audiences find community on Reddit. 🌐 But here's the cherry on top for us BTC lovers: Reddit has been investing in cryptocurrencies since 2022, including Bitcoin and Ether, with additional investments in the Ethereum-based token Polygon (MATIC). 💰 However, it's not all smooth sailing. OpenAI, along with other AI companies, are facing legal challenges over their data acquisition practices. Sony, the world's largest music publisher, has expressed concerns about potential "unauthorized uses" of its music to train AI models. 🎵 Despite these challenges, this partnership is a big step forward for AI and social media integration. And with Reddit's investment in Bitcoin, it's a win for us BTC enthusiasts too! 🎉🎉
🎉Hooray for Bitcoin!🎉 U.S. Senator Cynthia Lummis, a known Bitcoin advocate, recently posted "Bitcoin laser eyes" on social media, signaling her support for crypto-friendly laws. This comes after the Senate passed legislation H.J.Res. 109, aimed at overturning the SEC's Staff Accounting Bulletin (SAB) No. 121. 🏦💼 Senator Lummis, representing Wyoming, sees Bitcoin as a reliable store of value and a shield against inflation. She's also on the Senate Banking Committee, pushing for a regulatory environment that encourages crypto innovation while protecting consumers. 🛡️💰 The Senate's recent move targets the dismantling of SAB 121, which currently restricts financial institutions from acting as custodians for digital assets like Bitcoin. The new legislation aims to remove these barriers, allowing regulated firms to provide custody services for cryptocurrencies. 🚀📈 However, the White House has expressed opposition to the legislation, with President Biden potentially vetoing the bill, arguing that it could undermine the SEC's efforts to protect investors and the broader financial system. Critics of SAB 121, however, believe it excessively limits financial institutions' ability to meet the growing demand for Bitcoin services. 🏛️🔒 The future of H.J.Res. 109 remains uncertain due to the potential presidential veto. If vetoed, the current restrictions on financial institutions' custody of digital assets will remain. 🔄🔮 Stay tuned, Bitcoin enthusiasts! 🎈🎉
🚨Crypto news flash!🚨 Solana-based meme coin launchpad has been hit by an internal exploit! A former employee, using their privileged position, managed to misappropriate around 12,300 SOL, equivalent to a whopping $1.9 million! 😲 In a bid to prevent further damage, swiftly halted trading and updated contracts. The rogue employee had used their access to the withdrawal authority to borrow SOL via flash loans on a Solana lending protocol, buying up coins and pushing them to 100% on their bonding curves. This sneaky move allowed them to access the bonding curve liquidity and repay the flash loans.🔒 Trading was halted a few hours later, with $1.9 million affected out of $45 million in total liquidity. But don't worry, is on the case! They've redeployed contracts and resumed trading with a 0% fee for the next seven days.🎉 The tokens that reached 100% during the exploit are currently untradeable until liquidity pools are deployed for them on the Solana lending protocol, Raydium. The team has promised to replenish the liquidity pools for the affected coins with an equal or greater amount of SOL within the next 24 hours.👍 is working hard to ensure safe and structured trading resumes, and is collaborating with top security experts to prevent such incidents in the future.🔐 The plot thickens as Igor Igamberdiev, head of research at cryptocurrency market maker Wintermute, suspects an internal private key leak and points fingers at X user “STACCoverflow.” The accused user has admitted to executing the exploit, criticizing their former employers at Stay tuned for more updates! 🕵️‍♂️🔍

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