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Hacker Grandma Rosa, known for her pies and strawberry jam, decided hacking was more interesting than knitting socks. Hearing about the new #Notcoin listing, she fired up her old laptop, which hummed like a tractor, and prepared for her next hack. "Today, I'm going to hit the jackpot," Rosa muttered, putting on her glasses and wool socks. However, instead of the exchange, she accidentally landed on a recipe website. Getting engrossed in a recipe for apple strudel, Rosa temporarily forgot about Notcoin. Coming to her senses, she returned to her mission and tried to transfer the stolen Notcoin to her wallet. But her laptop decided to update, leaving Rosa puzzled. While it was updating, the exchange noticed her hacking attempts and, amused by her old-fashioned approach, sent her a thank-you note for the amusing try. When the update finished, all exchanges had closed for maintenance. Rosa missed her chance again. She sighed but wasn't upset: "At least now I have an excellent strudel recipe," she said, heading to the kitchen. Disclaimer: This is a fictional story. $NOT

Hacker Grandma Rosa, known for her pies and strawberry jam, decided hacking was more interesting than knitting socks. Hearing about the new #Notcoin listing, she fired up her old laptop, which hummed like a tractor, and prepared for her next hack.

"Today, I'm going to hit the jackpot," Rosa muttered, putting on her glasses and wool socks. However, instead of the exchange, she accidentally landed on a recipe website. Getting engrossed in a recipe for apple strudel, Rosa temporarily forgot about Notcoin.

Coming to her senses, she returned to her mission and tried to transfer the stolen Notcoin to her wallet. But her laptop decided to update, leaving Rosa puzzled. While it was updating, the exchange noticed her hacking attempts and, amused by her old-fashioned approach, sent her a thank-you note for the amusing try.

When the update finished, all exchanges had closed for maintenance. Rosa missed her chance again. She sighed but wasn't upset: "At least now I have an excellent strudel recipe," she said, heading to the kitchen.

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story.


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4E recently organized a significant summit in Vietnam, focusing on exploring investment opportunities for the year 2024. The event, held in Ho Chi Minh City on May 19, saw 4E hosting a summit themed "FINE-TUNE YOUR FORTUNE," drawing a crowd of more than 800 attendees. The summit buzzed with discussions centered around #blockchain technology, investment prospects, and strategies tailored for the anticipated 2024 bull market. A notable highlight of the summit was the presence of Argentine football icon Juan Sebastian Veron. Veron actively engaged with participants, distributed autographed jerseys, and awarded prizes to the user with the highest gold trading volume on the 4E platform, injecting an extra dose of excitement into the proceedings. Acting as the host, 4E showcased its aspirations to become a global leader in the financial market during the summit. The platform reiterated its commitment to providing secure, user-friendly, and innovative financial products, investment options, and custody services, with the ultimate goal of establishing a comprehensive financial services platform for its users. During presentations, a representative from 4E elaborated on the platform's array of products and features, including diverse investment opportunities spanning cryptocurrencies, foreign exchange, stocks, indices, and commodities. These varied investment avenues are meticulously designed to cater to the diverse needs and preferences of users, ensuring accessibility and suitability for all investors.

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