Do not believe in fake predictions

Today a person share the post in which he predicted that BTC price to 53K ENA to 94 very wrongly so do not keep ear on that bcs they will the reason you lost all of your money, always be practical and

Don't let false prophecies guide your way,

For fake predictions can lead you astray.

Seek truth and wisdom, don't be deceived,

And never believe what's not truly conceived.

Be cautious of those who claim to know,

The future's secrets, and the path to go.

Trust your instincts, and don't be swayed,

By false predictions, that can lead to dismay.

Believe in yourself, and your own inner voice,

And don't let fake predictions make a choice.

Stay grounded, and don't be fooled by lies,

And always seek the truth, with open eyes.

#prediction #Binance #btc #eth #btc