According to BlockBeats, Ether.Fi, a re-pledging protocol, has officially announced its launch on the Karak Network on July 6. The liquidity re-pledging token on the Karak Network is weETHk. Users who re-pledge weETHk will be eligible to receive triple Karak points, triple Ether.Fi points, and triple Veda Labs points.

This move is seen as a strategic step by Ether.Fi to expand its reach and offer more benefits to its users. By launching on the Karak Network, Ether.Fi is not only increasing its visibility but also providing an opportunity for users to earn more rewards. The re-pledging of weETHk tokens will allow users to gain triple points from Karak, Ether.Fi, and Veda Labs, thereby enhancing the overall user experience and engagement.

It's important to note that the announcement does not include any specific details about the duration of this offer or any potential limitations. Users are advised to stay updated with Ether.Fi's official announcements for any changes or updates regarding this new launch and the triple points reward system.