Binance Square
Crypto JK
Still have hopium on $FRONT especially on its D3 frame to soon reach at least $2.5, and the ninja will be grilling some a5 wagyu along the adventure.

Still have hopium on $FRONT especially on its D3 frame to soon reach at least $2.5, and the ninja will be grilling some a5 wagyu along the adventure.

Crypto JK
$FRONT D3 chart is still giving me bullish impression for the coin as market, despite already making a notable upward movement of a staggering +231.88%, still has a bearish NT printed.

Still has yet to test strength of its 75% key support trendline, and could highly see a correction from the huge FVG it has created from the past 2 D3 candles.

TFO on the other hand is also giving a good confluence for more upward push as it seems to still point upward since its bullish median crossover.

Key break points to WOF:

• $1.8700
• $2.1398
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