Binance Square
Whale addresses 0x09e and 0xdbb recently executed a significant deposit of 1,480 MKR ($4.23M) to Binance at an average price of $2,856. This deposit seemingly concludes the whale's initial MKR trade, which resulted in substantial profit: The whale withdrew 3,201 MKR from MEXC at an average price of $1,760, estimated to be around $5.63M, between January 2 and 11, 2024, using the addresses 0x09e and 0xdbb. Within the last hour, they deposited 3,192 MKR to Binance at an average price of $2,868, totaling $9.15M.If the MKR is indeed sold now, the estimated profit from holding for 4 months would be around $3.54M (+63%). The MKR price has experienced a noticeable decline over the past 5 hours. Wallet address: 👇 0x09eda5af6b634dcee8e4c563a97a18dde1a11c81 $MKR #MKR/USDT

Whale addresses 0x09e and 0xdbb recently executed a significant deposit of 1,480 MKR ($4.23M) to Binance at an average price of $2,856.

This deposit seemingly concludes the whale's initial MKR trade, which resulted in substantial profit:

The whale withdrew 3,201 MKR from MEXC at an average price of $1,760, estimated to be around $5.63M, between January 2 and 11, 2024, using the addresses 0x09e and 0xdbb.

Within the last hour, they deposited 3,192 MKR to Binance at an average price of $2,868, totaling $9.15M.If the MKR is indeed sold now, the estimated profit from holding for 4 months would be around $3.54M (+63%).

The MKR price has experienced a noticeable decline over the past 5 hours.

Wallet address: 👇



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