Binance Square
It appears that there are intriguing similarities between the transaction behaviors of two wallets, one suspected to belong to @JustinSun , associated with deposits of 787M USDT to Binance on Tron since March 31, and another mysterious wallet created on Ethereum on the same day. Both wallets exhibited a pattern of withdrawing stablecoins from Binance and subsequently purchasing ETH from Binance and DEX. The combined purchases amounted to 127,388 ETH, totaling $405.19M, at an average price of $3,172. Given the parallels in transaction behavior, it's plausible that both wallets are owned by Justin Sun. If this hypothesis holds, Justin Sun would have acquired a total of 295,757 ETH ($891M) at an average price of $3,014 from Binance and DEX since February 12. Here are the two Addresses:👇 0x43594da5d6A03b2137a04DF5685805C676dEf7cB 0x7a95f1554eA2E36ED297b70E70C8B45a33b53095 ** Screenshot attached of the two addresses below** $ETH

It appears that there are intriguing similarities between the transaction behaviors of two wallets, one suspected to belong to @Justin Sun孙宇晨 , associated with deposits of 787M USDT to Binance on Tron since March 31, and another mysterious wallet created on Ethereum on the same day.

Both wallets exhibited a pattern of withdrawing stablecoins from Binance and subsequently purchasing ETH from Binance and DEX. The combined purchases amounted to 127,388 ETH, totaling $405.19M, at an average price of $3,172.

Given the parallels in transaction behavior, it's plausible that both wallets are owned by Justin Sun. If this hypothesis holds, Justin Sun would have acquired a total of 295,757 ETH ($891M) at an average price of $3,014 from Binance and DEX since February 12.

Here are the two Addresses:👇



** Screenshot attached of the two addresses below**


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