Binance Square
Breaking News: Binance CEO tweeted something special to all Binance Users. The tweet states that: "Signing in Kazakhstan 🇰🇿 Left to right: CZ, President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, Minister of Information Technology Bagdat Mussin (Photo was from a while ago.)" What do you see in crypto adoption around the world? #cz #cz_binance #cz_binance $BNB $BTC $BSW

Breaking News: Binance CEO tweeted something special to all Binance Users. The tweet states that:

"Signing in Kazakhstan 🇰🇿

Left to right: CZ, President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, Minister of Information Technology Bagdat Mussin

(Photo was from a while ago.)"

What do you see in crypto adoption around the world?

#cz #cz_binance #cz_binance $BNB $BTC $BSW

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