Binance Square
Trading on Futures with leverage, it's like gambling with the money you don't have! If you have 100$ or Less, you never, but never leverage more than x2, simple is that. I would suggest not even to start to trade on futures, if you have 100$, it's not enough, and it's risky as hell. leverage is the main problem, leverage is the money you don't have, you can trade with 100$ bucks, but with leverage of x10, You feel like having 1000$ of money, and the risk is huge ... If you have Less than 1000$, don't trade on futures. no matter what, The Market maker will eat you without salt. If you have 100$ - 1000$, you stay on Spot! Yes, it will take you, much time to earn. but the risk is manageable! and it's your money, "not leverage", the money you don't have. Stay Save! Shalom.

Trading on Futures with leverage, it's like gambling with the money you don't have!

If you have 100$ or Less, you never, but never leverage more than x2, simple is that.

I would suggest not even to start to trade on futures, if you have 100$, it's not enough, and it's risky as hell.

leverage is the main problem, leverage is the money you don't have, you can trade with 100$ bucks, but with leverage of x10, You feel like having 1000$ of money, and the risk is huge ...

If you have Less than 1000$, don't trade on futures.

no matter what, The Market maker will eat you without salt.

If you have 100$ - 1000$, you stay on Spot!

Yes, it will take you, much time to earn.

but the risk is manageable!

and it's your money, "not leverage", the money you don't have.

Stay Save!


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