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#blz HOURLY TIMEFRAME UPDATE #Bluzelle is a decentralized storage network for the creator economy. ANY THOUGHTS ON $BLZ BLZ ? ❤️ THIS POST AND I WILL SHARE NEXT 10X GEM COIN


#Bluzelle is a decentralized storage network for the creator economy.



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As I wait for my helicopter ride to land, Let me tell you something. In 2015, I invested the last pound to my name into crypto. Literally had £0.98 to my name. I'll never forget, I checked my Barclays mobile app, I saw my bank balance and my heart sunk. 2 seconds later my mum, She told me: “we need to get groceries" And I just said, With a lump in my throat. "Yes, let's go" I didn't have the heart to tell her we're broke. Fast forward 6 months later I was in profit, I was doing great and saved up money, Then I invested AGAIN, This time I went ALL in. And I lost all that money in a month. I asked myself why me? But you know what? I kept pushing, I had faith. This must all be for a reason I don't know. Sometimes you don't realise that these trials are to build you to be the best version of yourselves Then to be ABLE to achieve the goals that you want. IF I HAD NOT GONE DOWN TO £0.98, IF I HAD NOT FAILED AFTER GOING ALL IN. IF I had not dealt with the bullshit I dealt with I would not be the “FORTUNE” I am today If you are going through something, Or if you are dealing with bullshit, If life's kicking your ass, Just remember, And read this carefully, Thoroughly and slowly. You must go through certain challenges in life to know how to operate to the best of your ability. You HAVE to fail. You absolutely HAVE to fail to learn what NOT to do. Because of my failures, I learnt how to win in a #bitcoin  bull run. I learnt how to properly assess 100x #crypto projects, I learnt what red flags to look for when picking projects. I learnt so much through the horrible mistakes I made early. Now I make everything look easy. Look, I get absolutely nothing from saying all this, But please. Keep. Pushing. I genuinely want all my followers to win.
"We'll hit one million this year," ~ #BTC "I think we will reach one million this year. If not this year, then next year, but it will come very soon." The demand for Bitcoin significantly exceeds the supply. ETFs alone hold about 3,500-4,000 BTC per day (about 1.4 million BTC per year), while major exchanges hold about 2.2 million Bitcoins. We believes that this will quickly deplete the available Bitcoins that exist in the crypto market. In addition, the concept of the "Veblen effect", whereby as Bitcoin becomes more valuable, it becomes more desirable due to its perceived value. once the price of Bitcoin reaches the value of gold, which is estimated at 450-500 thousand dollars per coin, it will pass a critical threshold and begin to demonetize gold. That is, the character of traditional money begins to disappear. “Once the price of Bitcoin crosses this Veblen threshold, it begins to demonetize gold. Because now this thing is considered gold. That's trillions of dollars. Already a trillion, but a market cap of $8-12 trillion cements its position permanently. And then you start buying gold because people see it as equivalent to gold. This is the new gold." "mega bearish" view on Ethereum ETF approval and impact - The potential approval of the Ethereum ETF by the SEC. We believes that regardless of the outcome, both approval and rejection scenarios will negatively affect Ethereum. SEC "shot itself" by approving ETH futures alongside BTC futures. This makes it logically necessary to approve a spot ETH ETF for the same reasons as BTC. the current rise in the price of Ethereum is purely speculative, driven by cryptocurrency traders and Ethereum fans hoping for ETF approval. Not actual capital inflows. if an Ethereum spot ETF is not approved, speculators will start selling. Whereas if approved then the existing owners will start selling and no one will buy due to the ETF's structural flaw. Because it would not provide a consistent return and incur management fees, which would result in an automatic loss of 5-6 percent per annum for ETF shareholders.

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