According to Odaily, Richard Chen, a partner at 1confirmation, has expressed that the blockchain space is rapidly commercializing. This is due to the fact that the cost and entry barriers to building a blockchain are much lower now than they were a few years ago. Chen believes that the distinction between infrastructure and applications will become increasingly blurred as applications seek to have their own value capture chains.

In related news, is set to collaborate with Conduit to develop Friendchain, using FRIEND as a Gas token. This development is a clear indication of the growing trend of applications seeking to establish their own value chains within the blockchain space. The move by and Conduit is seen as a strategic step towards leveraging the benefits of blockchain technology, further emphasizing Chen's point about the rapid commercialization of the blockchain space.

Chen's comments highlight the evolving landscape of the blockchain industry, where the lines between infrastructure and applications are becoming less distinct. This trend is expected to continue as more applications seek to establish their own value chains, further driving the commercialization of the blockchain space.