No need rocket science for predicting $BTC price in 1 day timeframe and lower 🧐

It's just very simple way to know the price of $BTC for beginners 👀

Just keep your eyes on 24 hours USDT and 24 hours $BTC volume , if the volume is moderate in both #BTC and #USDT then that means market and price will consolidate between two specific prices which we call resistance and support 🧐

If the volume in USDT and BTC is low and the price is pumping , that's what we call bull trap mostly 😱

And if you see high volume and price is dropping , that's what we call bear 🐻 trap as price can sky rocket after that 😎

These are the main keys for taking entries in #BTC for beginners and all this strategy is apart from fundamentals 👍🏻