Altered proof of payment is a scam tactic where fraudsters manipulate or fake payment receipts to deceive you in Binance P2P trading. Here’s how they might use it against you:

1. Editing a screenshot: Scammers can alter a genuine payment receipt to change details like the amount, date, or time.

2. Creating a fake receipt: They might generate a completely fake payment receipt using image editing tools.

3. Misrepresenting payment status: They could claim to have made a payment when they haven’t or say a payment was successful when it wasn't.

Why do they do it?

1. Steal your crypto: Scammers use altered proof of payment to receive cryptocurrency without actually paying.

2. Delay or avoid payment: They might trick you into delaying or canceling the transaction.

3. Gain your trust: They may use these fake receipts to build trust, making you more vulnerable to further scams.

Protect yourself:

1. Verify receipts: Double-check payment receipts for any inconsistencies.

2. Use secure channels: Always communicate through Binance’s official chat or messaging channels.

3. Monitor trade chat: Stay alert for any suspicious activity during your trades.

4. Report suspicions: If something feels off, report it to Binance support immediately.

Stay safe when trading P2P—never let your guard down!

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