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Voice of Web3
💥 Big move in the creator economy! 💥 🇺🇸 Rumble, a $4 BILLION public company, is now paying its creators in Bitcoin! 🚀 A game-changer for crypto adoption in the content world. 🔥 #Rumble #Bitcoin $BTC
💥 Big move in the creator economy! 💥

🇺🇸 Rumble, a $4 BILLION public company, is now paying its creators in Bitcoin! 🚀 A game-changer for crypto adoption in the content world. 🔥

#Rumble #Bitcoin $BTC
Tether інвестувала $775 млн у канадський відеохостинг Rumble#rumble #Tether Паоло Ардоіно оголосив про фінансові вливання в компанію Rumble.Tether інвестує в платформу відеохостингу $775 млн.У листопаді Rumble ухвалила рішення виділити на $20 млн на створення біткоїн-резерву. Генеральний директор компанії Tether Паоло Ардоіно заявив, фірма здійснить фінансові вливання в розмірі $775 млн у канадський відеохостинг Rumble. Ця платформа позиціонує себе як одного з головних конкурентів YouTube. Rumble заснований у 2013 році підприємцем Крісом Павловскі. Компанія надає послуги відеохостингу та хмарного зберігання, а її творець відомий своїми консервативними політичними поглядами. Павловскі неодноразово критикував YouTube за цензурування контенту, а 2021 року подав до суду на корпорацію Google. На думку Rumble, компанія маніпулювала пошуковими запитами, надаючи своєму відеохостингу незаконну перевагу. Паоло Ардоіно заявив, що Павловскі та його команда створили сучасну та прогресивну платформу. За словами CEO Tether, він із нетерпінням чекає початку спільної роботи з представниками Rumble. Згідно з наявною інформацією, компанії розвиватимуть рекламний і криптовалютний напрямки. Крім того, фірми планують разом працювати у сфері хмарних систем зберігання. У листопаді 2024 року стало відомо, що Rumble виділила $20 млн для створення власного біткоїн-резерву. При цьому спочатку з такою пропозицією виступив сам глава компанії. Коментуючи угоду з Tether Павловські заявив, що відеохостингу від Google варто приготуватися до посилення конкуренції на ринку. {spot}(BTCUSDT) «Tether глибоко вірить у фундаментальні цінності свободи слова та фінансової свободи», —написав Ардоіно в соціальній мережі X (раніше Twitter).

Tether інвестувала $775 млн у канадський відеохостинг Rumble

#rumble #Tether
Паоло Ардоіно оголосив про фінансові вливання в компанію Rumble.Tether інвестує в платформу відеохостингу $775 млн.У листопаді Rumble ухвалила рішення виділити на $20 млн на створення біткоїн-резерву.
Генеральний директор компанії Tether Паоло Ардоіно заявив, фірма здійснить фінансові вливання в розмірі $775 млн у канадський відеохостинг Rumble. Ця платформа позиціонує себе як одного з головних конкурентів YouTube.
Rumble заснований у 2013 році підприємцем Крісом Павловскі. Компанія надає послуги відеохостингу та хмарного зберігання, а її творець відомий своїми консервативними політичними поглядами.
Павловскі неодноразово критикував YouTube за цензурування контенту, а 2021 року подав до суду на корпорацію Google. На думку Rumble, компанія маніпулювала пошуковими запитами, надаючи своєму відеохостингу незаконну перевагу.
Паоло Ардоіно заявив, що Павловскі та його команда створили сучасну та прогресивну платформу. За словами CEO Tether, він із нетерпінням чекає початку спільної роботи з представниками Rumble.
Згідно з наявною інформацією, компанії розвиватимуть рекламний і криптовалютний напрямки. Крім того, фірми планують разом працювати у сфері хмарних систем зберігання.
У листопаді 2024 року стало відомо, що Rumble виділила $20 млн для створення власного біткоїн-резерву. При цьому спочатку з такою пропозицією виступив сам глава компанії.
Коментуючи угоду з Tether Павловські заявив, що відеохостингу від Google варто приготуватися до посилення конкуренції на ринку.
«Tether глибоко вірить у фундаментальні цінності свободи слова та фінансової свободи», —написав Ардоіно в соціальній мережі X (раніше Twitter).
Tether豪掷7.75亿美元投资Rumble,股价瞬间飙升44.6%?这是币圈新风暴吗?🤔 你是否曾想过,全球最大的稳定币发行商Tether会突然对一家右翼流媒体平台Rumble进行如此大手笔的投资?没错,这不是梦,这是真实发生的震撼新闻!Tether豪掷7.75亿美元,让Rumble的股价瞬间飙升了44.6%,这背后到底隐藏着怎样的秘密? 💸 据《The Block》报道,Tether这笔“战略投资”不仅让Rumble的股价坐上了火箭,更让整个加密行业都为之震动。要知道,上个月Tether还宣布将从其多余现金储备中分配最多2000万美元用于比特币投资,这次更是直接拿出了7.75亿美元的大手笔! 📈 在美联储利率消息的影响下,Rumble的股价曾稳步下跌,但Tether这笔投资的消息一出,股票在盘后交易中瞬间飙升了多达44.6%!这简直就是股市中的奇迹啊! 💡 那么,Tether为什么要对Rumble进行如此大规模的投资呢?其实,这并不难理解。随着加密行业的不断发展,Tether也在不断扩大其投资领域。在新任CEO Paolo Ardiono的领导下,Tether正在不断进行战略投资,扩展到AI、比特币挖矿和去中心化消息传递等新领域。而这次对Rumble的投资,则反映了Ardiono对抗审查沟通的兴趣。 🎥 Rumble作为一家右翼流媒体平台,其主要面向保守派观众,月均活跃用户约为6700万。而Tether对Rumble的投资,不仅可以帮助其支持增长计划,更可以为其提供一个去中心化的沟通平台。要知道,在当下这个信息爆炸的时代,一个去中心化的沟通平台对于保护言论自由、促进信息透明具有多么重要的意义! 🚀 此外,Tether的这笔投资也让Rumble的董事长兼CEO Chris Pavlovski兴奋不已。他表示,这项投资代表着“我们所有股东的即时流动性事件”,并指出加密货币和言论自由社区之间存在着强大的联系。这无疑为Rumble未来的发展注入了强大的动力! 🔍 当然,对于这次投资,也有人持不同看法。毕竟,Rumble在第三季度虽然收入为2510万美元,同比增长39%,但净亏损却达到了3150万美元。不过,在笔者看来,这正是Rumble未来发展的潜力所在。随着Tether的投资和支持,Rumble有望在未来实现更快的增长和更高的盈利能力。 🔥 总之,Tether对Rumble的这笔7.75亿美元“战略投资”无疑让整个加密行业都为之震动。这不仅是一次简单的投资行为,更是一次对言论自由、信息透明的有力支持。让我们共同期待Rumble在未来的发展中能够创造出更多的奇迹吧! 🏷️ #Tether #rumble #加密货币政策


🤔 你是否曾想过,全球最大的稳定币发行商Tether会突然对一家右翼流媒体平台Rumble进行如此大手笔的投资?没错,这不是梦,这是真实发生的震撼新闻!Tether豪掷7.75亿美元,让Rumble的股价瞬间飙升了44.6%,这背后到底隐藏着怎样的秘密?
💸 据《The Block》报道,Tether这笔“战略投资”不仅让Rumble的股价坐上了火箭,更让整个加密行业都为之震动。要知道,上个月Tether还宣布将从其多余现金储备中分配最多2000万美元用于比特币投资,这次更是直接拿出了7.75亿美元的大手笔!
📈 在美联储利率消息的影响下,Rumble的股价曾稳步下跌,但Tether这笔投资的消息一出,股票在盘后交易中瞬间飙升了多达44.6%!这简直就是股市中的奇迹啊!
💡 那么,Tether为什么要对Rumble进行如此大规模的投资呢?其实,这并不难理解。随着加密行业的不断发展,Tether也在不断扩大其投资领域。在新任CEO Paolo Ardiono的领导下,Tether正在不断进行战略投资,扩展到AI、比特币挖矿和去中心化消息传递等新领域。而这次对Rumble的投资,则反映了Ardiono对抗审查沟通的兴趣。
🎥 Rumble作为一家右翼流媒体平台,其主要面向保守派观众,月均活跃用户约为6700万。而Tether对Rumble的投资,不仅可以帮助其支持增长计划,更可以为其提供一个去中心化的沟通平台。要知道,在当下这个信息爆炸的时代,一个去中心化的沟通平台对于保护言论自由、促进信息透明具有多么重要的意义!
🚀 此外,Tether的这笔投资也让Rumble的董事长兼CEO Chris Pavlovski兴奋不已。他表示,这项投资代表着“我们所有股东的即时流动性事件”,并指出加密货币和言论自由社区之间存在着强大的联系。这无疑为Rumble未来的发展注入了强大的动力!
🔍 当然,对于这次投资,也有人持不同看法。毕竟,Rumble在第三季度虽然收入为2510万美元,同比增长39%,但净亏损却达到了3150万美元。不过,在笔者看来,这正是Rumble未来发展的潜力所在。随着Tether的投资和支持,Rumble有望在未来实现更快的增长和更高的盈利能力。
🔥 总之,Tether对Rumble的这笔7.75亿美元“战略投资”无疑让整个加密行业都为之震动。这不仅是一次简单的投资行为,更是一次对言论自由、信息透明的有力支持。让我们共同期待Rumble在未来的发展中能够创造出更多的奇迹吧!
🏷️ #Tether #rumble #加密货币政策
Rumble's Investment from Tether: A Strategic Move In a move that’s generating buzz across the cryptocurrency and media industries, Tether, the issuer of the USDT stablecoin, has made a substantial investment of $775 million into Rumble Inc., a fast-growing, right-leaning video platform. This partnership is not just about capital—it’s a strategic alignment between cryptocurrency and the digital media space, with significant potential for growth. Rumble, which has steadily gained traction as an alternative to traditional video platforms like YouTube, now stands to benefit from Tether’s financial backing. The investment will be used to fuel Rumble’s expansion plans, which include scaling its infrastructure and enhancing its content offerings. Additionally, a self-tender offer for up to 70 million shares will allow Rumble to buy back shares from existing investors, providing liquidity and further solidifying its position in the market. For Tether, the investment in Rumble represents more than just financial gain. It’s an opportunity to strengthen its position within the digital media landscape and gain exposure to a platform that is uniquely positioned to cater to a growing audience of viewers seeking alternatives to mainstream content providers. With Rumble’s growing user base and Tether’s resources, this partnership could create a new synergy between cryptocurrency and online media, opening the door to exciting new possibilities. The intersection of crypto and media is an increasingly important trend, and this partnership signals that digital assets are becoming an integral part of industries beyond finance. As Rumble continues to expand and Tether solidifies its role as a key player in the blockchain space, the future of this partnership looks bright. For investors and crypto enthusiasts, this development represents an exciting opportunity to witness the growth of both a media platform and a stablecoin issuer, with the potential for future collaboration across industries. #cryptoinvestment #Tether #rumble #blockchain #Write2Earn!
Rumble's Investment from Tether: A Strategic Move

In a move that’s generating buzz across the cryptocurrency and media industries, Tether, the issuer of the USDT stablecoin, has made a substantial investment of $775 million into Rumble Inc., a fast-growing, right-leaning video platform. This partnership is not just about capital—it’s a strategic alignment between cryptocurrency and the digital media space, with significant potential for growth.

Rumble, which has steadily gained traction as an alternative to traditional video platforms like YouTube, now stands to benefit from Tether’s financial backing. The investment will be used to fuel Rumble’s expansion plans, which include scaling its infrastructure and enhancing its content offerings. Additionally, a self-tender offer for up to 70 million shares will allow Rumble to buy back shares from existing investors, providing liquidity and further solidifying its position in the market.

For Tether, the investment in Rumble represents more than just financial gain. It’s an opportunity to strengthen its position within the digital media landscape and gain exposure to a platform that is uniquely positioned to cater to a growing audience of viewers seeking alternatives to mainstream content providers. With Rumble’s growing user base and Tether’s resources, this partnership could create a new synergy between cryptocurrency and online media, opening the door to exciting new possibilities.

The intersection of crypto and media is an increasingly important trend, and this partnership signals that digital assets are becoming an integral part of industries beyond finance. As Rumble continues to expand and Tether solidifies its role as a key player in the blockchain space, the future of this partnership looks bright.

For investors and crypto enthusiasts, this development represents an exciting opportunity to witness the growth of both a media platform and a stablecoin issuer, with the potential for future collaboration across industries.

#cryptoinvestment #Tether #rumble #blockchain #Write2Earn!
Акції Rumble щойно сказали: «Потримайте моє пиво» ​​🍺 — зросли на понад 130% з моменту прийняття $BTC як резерву казначейства! 🚀💸 Вгадайте, хто зараз переможе у грі #crypto ? Як ви думаєте, чи більше компаній підуть цьому прикладу? 🤔 #BtcNewHolder #Bitcoin❗ #rumble #Binance {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Акції Rumble щойно сказали: «Потримайте моє пиво» ​​🍺 — зросли на понад 130% з моменту прийняття $BTC як резерву казначейства! 🚀💸
Вгадайте, хто зараз переможе у грі #crypto ? Як ви думаєте, чи більше компаній підуть цьому прикладу? 🤔
#BtcNewHolder #Bitcoin❗ #rumble #Binance
Tether, the world’s leading stablecoin issuer🎉🔥💸 Has made a bold move by investing $775 million in Rumble, a growing decentralized video-sharing platform that aims to challenge YouTube’s dominance. This strategic investment comes at a time when Tether’s profits have skyrocketed, surpassing $10 billion in 2024. The deal, announced on December 20, includes an initial cash injection of $250 million into Rumble, alongside an offer to purchase up to 70 million shares at a price of $7.50 each, totaling $775 million. Despite the investment, Rumble’s CEO and Chairman, Chris Pavlovski, will continue to maintain control of the company. Paolo Ardoino, CEO of Tether, emphasized that this partnership reflects the shared commitment to decentralization, transparency, and freedom. He underscored Rumble’s potential to disrupt the traditional media landscape, where trust in established platforms like YouTube is waning. Ardoino highlighted that Tether’s investment is in line with its broader vision of supporting technologies and businesses that empower individuals and promote societal resilience, with a particular focus on preserving freedom of speech and financial independence. For Rumble, this investment signals an opportunity to intensify its competition with YouTube, which currently boasts over 2.5 billion active users. Pavlovski made it clear that with Tether’s backing, Rumble plans to target YouTube's market share globally, positioning itself as a viable alternative for users seeking greater autonomy and transparency in content sharing. In addition to the Rumble investment, Tether has diversified its portfolio significantly throughout 2024, venturing into industries such as agriculture, Bitcoin mining, AI, and education. Ardoino revealed that Tether will end the year with profits exceeding $10 billion, a significant portion of which has been reinvested to strengthen its position in the stablecoin market. Looking ahead, Tether plans to expand into the artificial intelligence sector, with an AI platform set to launch by early 2025, further solidifying Tether’s expanding technological presence in the digital landscape. #Rumble #paolo #BTCNextMove

Tether, the world’s leading stablecoin issuer🎉🔥💸

Has made a bold move by investing $775 million in Rumble, a growing decentralized video-sharing platform that aims to challenge YouTube’s dominance. This strategic investment comes at a time when Tether’s profits have skyrocketed, surpassing $10 billion in 2024. The deal, announced on December 20, includes an initial cash injection of $250 million into Rumble, alongside an offer to purchase up to 70 million shares at a price of $7.50 each, totaling $775 million. Despite the investment, Rumble’s CEO and Chairman, Chris Pavlovski, will continue to maintain control of the company.

Paolo Ardoino, CEO of Tether, emphasized that this partnership reflects the shared commitment to decentralization, transparency, and freedom. He underscored Rumble’s potential to disrupt the traditional media landscape, where trust in established platforms like YouTube is waning. Ardoino highlighted that Tether’s investment is in line with its broader vision of supporting technologies and businesses that empower individuals and promote societal resilience, with a particular focus on preserving freedom of speech and financial independence.

For Rumble, this investment signals an opportunity to intensify its competition with YouTube, which currently boasts over 2.5 billion active users. Pavlovski made it clear that with Tether’s backing, Rumble plans to target YouTube's market share globally, positioning itself as a viable alternative for users seeking greater autonomy and transparency in content sharing.

In addition to the Rumble investment, Tether has diversified its portfolio significantly throughout 2024, venturing into industries such as agriculture, Bitcoin mining, AI, and education. Ardoino revealed that Tether will end the year with profits exceeding $10 billion, a significant portion of which has been reinvested to strengthen its position in the stablecoin market. Looking ahead, Tether plans to expand into the artificial intelligence sector, with an AI platform set to launch by early 2025, further solidifying Tether’s expanding technological presence in the digital landscape.
#Rumble #paolo #BTCNextMove
🚀Companies like Rumble and Northern Data Group may stand to benefit immensely👀 🚀 Exciting news! Tether is set to launch its AI platform in Q1 2025, paving the way for innovative collaborations! 🤖✨ Rumble: With Tether's $775M investment, Rumble can enhance its video-sharing platform using AI, improving user experience and content delivery. Northern Data Group: As a pioneer in high-performance computing, this partnership will bolster AI-driven solutions, making data storage and processing more efficient. 🌍 Together, they are shaping the future of tech and finance! #DYOR #Tether #AI #Rumble #Notherndata #Flicky123Nohawn Disclaimer:Do your own research before investing or any advice. This isn't Financial advice. Tokenization, AI Tokens, Crypto AI, Digital Media, Blockchain AI, Blockchain Payments, Crypto Adoption, Blockchain Technology, Northern Data Group, Tether Community, Decentralized Payments, Crypto Payments, Digital Currency, Tether, InnovateWithNDG, Digital Assets, RumbleOn, NextGenComputing, Content Creation, Northern Data, AICloud, FutureOfPayments, FutureOfFinance, CreatorEconomy, RumbleCommunity, CryptoTransactions, TokenEconomy, Rumble, HighPerformanceComputing, AI Investments, Decentralized Finance, AIAndBlockchain, PaymentSolutions, DeFi, StreamingRevolution, DataCenters, RumbleForFreedom, CryptoProjects, Crypto Adoption, SustainableTech, AIForGood, IndependentCreators, VideoPlatform, AI Infrastructure, Crypto Innovation, AI In Finance, Cryptocurrency, Fintech, Stablecoin Technology, TetherAI, Fartcoin, NVIDIA
🚀Companies like Rumble and Northern Data Group may stand to benefit immensely👀

🚀 Exciting news! Tether is set to launch its AI platform in Q1 2025, paving the way for innovative collaborations! 🤖✨

Rumble: With Tether's $775M investment, Rumble can enhance its video-sharing platform using AI, improving user experience and content delivery.

Northern Data Group: As a pioneer in high-performance computing, this partnership will bolster AI-driven solutions, making data storage and processing more efficient.

🌍 Together, they are shaping the future of tech and finance! #DYOR #Tether #AI #Rumble #Notherndata #Flicky123Nohawn

Disclaimer:Do your own research before investing or any advice. This isn't Financial advice.

Tokenization, AI Tokens, Crypto AI, Digital Media, Blockchain AI, Blockchain Payments, Crypto Adoption, Blockchain Technology, Northern Data Group, Tether Community, Decentralized Payments, Crypto Payments, Digital Currency, Tether, InnovateWithNDG, Digital Assets, RumbleOn, NextGenComputing, Content Creation, Northern Data, AICloud, FutureOfPayments, FutureOfFinance, CreatorEconomy, RumbleCommunity, CryptoTransactions, TokenEconomy, Rumble, HighPerformanceComputing, AI Investments, Decentralized Finance, AIAndBlockchain, PaymentSolutions, DeFi, StreamingRevolution, DataCenters, RumbleForFreedom, CryptoProjects, Crypto Adoption, SustainableTech, AIForGood, IndependentCreators, VideoPlatform, AI Infrastructure, Crypto Innovation, AI In Finance, Cryptocurrency, Fintech, Stablecoin Technology, TetherAI, Fartcoin, NVIDIA
Rumble's Investment from Tether: A Strategic Move In a significant development for the cryptocurrency and media industries, Rumble Inc., a right-leaning video platform, has received a $775 million investment from Tether, the issuer of the USDT stablecoin. This partnership is poised to accelerate Rumble’s growth, providing the platform with the resources needed to expand its reach and enhance its services. Tether’s involvement in the deal comes at a time when the cryptocurrency market is gaining more traction and institutional interest. With this substantial investment, Rumble aims to position itself as a leading platform in the media space, similar to other tech giants. The infusion of capital will also be used to fund a self-tender offer for up to 70 million shares, offering investors an opportunity to gain shares in the company. The partnership between Rumble and Tether symbolizes the increasing convergence of traditional media with the cryptocurrency space. Tether’s investment highlights the growing confidence of digital asset companies in media platforms, with a shared goal of utilizing innovative technologies to enhance audience engagement and grow their respective user bases. This development is a reflection of the larger trend where cryptocurrency companies are diversifying their portfolios, and media platforms are starting to leverage digital assets for growth. The move is also indicative of Tether’s strategic approach to solidifying its position as a major player in the crypto world, aligning itself with emerging platforms and technologies. For investors, this partnership represents an exciting opportunity, as both the cryptocurrency and media sectors continue to evolve. As Rumble expands its influence, the integration of blockchain technology and crypto-based investments could lead to new revenue streams and a more integrated digital economy. Stay tuned to see how this partnership unfolds and the potential impacts on both the media and cryptocurrency industries! #Tether #Rumble #CryptoInvestment #Blockchain #Write2Earn
Rumble's Investment from Tether: A Strategic Move

In a significant development for the cryptocurrency and media industries, Rumble Inc., a right-leaning video platform, has received a $775 million investment from Tether, the issuer of the USDT stablecoin. This partnership is poised to accelerate Rumble’s growth, providing the platform with the resources needed to expand its reach and enhance its services.

Tether’s involvement in the deal comes at a time when the cryptocurrency market is gaining more traction and institutional interest. With this substantial investment, Rumble aims to position itself as a leading platform in the media space, similar to other tech giants. The infusion of capital will also be used to fund a self-tender offer for up to 70 million shares, offering investors an opportunity to gain shares in the company.

The partnership between Rumble and Tether symbolizes the increasing convergence of traditional media with the cryptocurrency space. Tether’s investment highlights the growing confidence of digital asset companies in media platforms, with a shared goal of utilizing innovative technologies to enhance audience engagement and grow their respective user bases.

This development is a reflection of the larger trend where cryptocurrency companies are diversifying their portfolios, and media platforms are starting to leverage digital assets for growth. The move is also indicative of Tether’s strategic approach to solidifying its position as a major player in the crypto world, aligning itself with emerging platforms and technologies.

For investors, this partnership represents an exciting opportunity, as both the cryptocurrency and media sectors continue to evolve. As Rumble expands its influence, the integration of blockchain technology and crypto-based investments could lead to new revenue streams and a more integrated digital economy.

Stay tuned to see how this partnership unfolds and the potential impacts on both the media and cryptocurrency industries!

#Tether #Rumble #CryptoInvestment #Blockchain #Write2Earn
Rumble and Tether Unite to Challenge Big Tech’s Dominance 🔥 #Rumble , the video-sharing platform known for championing free speech, has partnered with #Tether in a $775 million deal to disrupt Big Tech’s hold on media, finance, and cloud services. This alliance, founded on shared values of decentralization, earmarks $250 million for global growth, creator acquisition, and bolstering Rumble Cloud as a viable alternative to giants like AWS and Google Cloud. By integrating cryptocurrency tools, Rumble aims to revolutionize content monetization while expanding its global footprint, leveraging Tether’s resources to empower creators and amplify its mission for free expression worldwide. This is bullish! If you enjoy my content, feel free to tip me ❤️ #Binance #crypto2024 #Crypto2025Trends
Rumble and Tether Unite to Challenge Big Tech’s Dominance 🔥

#Rumble , the video-sharing platform known for championing free speech, has partnered with #Tether in a $775 million deal to disrupt Big Tech’s hold on media, finance, and cloud services. This alliance, founded on shared values of decentralization, earmarks $250 million for global growth, creator acquisition, and bolstering Rumble Cloud as a viable alternative to giants like AWS and Google Cloud.

By integrating cryptocurrency tools, Rumble aims to revolutionize content monetization while expanding its global footprint, leveraging Tether’s resources to empower creators and amplify its mission for free expression worldwide.

This is bullish!

If you enjoy my content, feel free to tip me ❤️

Tether invests $775M in Rumble #Tether #USDT has invested $775 million in #Rumble , a competitor to YouTube. The deal involves a $250 million allocation to support Rumble's operations, with the rest earmarked for a tender offer to buy up to 70 million shares of its stock at $7.50 each, the same price Tether paid for its stake.
Tether invests $775M in Rumble

#Tether #USDT has invested $775 million in #Rumble , a competitor to YouTube. The deal involves a $250 million allocation to support Rumble's operations, with the rest earmarked for a tender offer to buy up to 70 million shares of its stock at $7.50 each, the same price Tether paid for its stake.
Tether Makes Strategic Investment in Rumble to Reshape the Future of Digital MediaIn a groundbreaking development that marks a significant shift in digital media landscape, Tether has announced a substantial $775 million investment in video-sharing platform Rumble. The December 20, 2024 announcement represents a watershed moment in the convergence of cryptocurrency and content creation platforms. The strategic partnership brings together two pioneers in their respective fields: Tether, the digital asset giant serving over 350 million users worldwide, and Rumble, the rapidly growing video platform known for its commitment to unrestricted expression. This collaboration signals a new chapter in the evolution of decentralized media platforms. The investment structure demonstrates Tether's deep commitment to Rumble's future. The package includes a direct cash injection of $250 million to support Rumble's expansion plans and operational goals, particularly its path toward EBITDA breakeven in 2025. Additionally, Tether will initiate a tender offer for 70 million shares at $7.50 per share, culminating in ownership of approximately 103,333,333 shares of Rumble Class A Common Stock. Paolo Ardoino, Tether's CEO, articulated the strategic rationale behind the investment, emphasizing the alignment of values between the two companies. "We're witnessing an era where traditional media channels are increasingly losing public trust," Ardoino explained. "Our partnership with Rumble represents more than just financial investment – it's about fostering a new paradigm of transparent, uncensored communication platforms." The significance of this partnership extends beyond mere financial considerations. Rumble's Chairman and CEO, Chris Pavlovski, expressed enthusiasm about the collaboration's potential to accelerate the platform's growth trajectory. The investment not only strengthens Rumble's financial position but also creates valuable synergies between cryptocurrency and free speech advocacy communities. "Tether's backing provides us with the resources and strategic support needed to enter our next growth phase," Pavlovski stated. "This partnership will serve as a catalyst for innovation in decentralized media." Looking ahead, the transaction is scheduled to conclude in the first quarter of 2025, subject to regulatory approvals and standard closing conditions. Importantly, Rumble's existing governance structure will remain unchanged, with Pavlovski maintaining his controlling stake in the company. This landmark investment carries broader implications for the digital media industry. It exemplifies the growing convergence of blockchain technology and content platforms, potentially setting a precedent for future collaborations in the space. The partnership aims to create a more resilient, transparent, and user-centric media ecosystem. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, this collaboration between Tether and Rumble may well serve as a blueprint for future initiatives in decentralized media. Their shared vision of creating an open, sustainable, and censorship-resistant platform could reshape how we consume and share content in the years to come. The impact of this partnership will likely extend beyond immediate stakeholders, potentially influencing the broader conversation about digital rights, content freedom, and the role of blockchain technology in shaping the future of media distribution. #Tether #Rumble #RUM #USDT #BTCNextMove

Tether Makes Strategic Investment in Rumble to Reshape the Future of Digital Media

In a groundbreaking development that marks a significant shift in digital media landscape, Tether has announced a substantial $775 million investment in video-sharing platform Rumble. The December 20, 2024 announcement represents a watershed moment in the convergence of cryptocurrency and content creation platforms.
The strategic partnership brings together two pioneers in their respective fields: Tether, the digital asset giant serving over 350 million users worldwide, and Rumble, the rapidly growing video platform known for its commitment to unrestricted expression. This collaboration signals a new chapter in the evolution of decentralized media platforms.
The investment structure demonstrates Tether's deep commitment to Rumble's future. The package includes a direct cash injection of $250 million to support Rumble's expansion plans and operational goals, particularly its path toward EBITDA breakeven in 2025. Additionally, Tether will initiate a tender offer for 70 million shares at $7.50 per share, culminating in ownership of approximately 103,333,333 shares of Rumble Class A Common Stock.
Paolo Ardoino, Tether's CEO, articulated the strategic rationale behind the investment, emphasizing the alignment of values between the two companies. "We're witnessing an era where traditional media channels are increasingly losing public trust," Ardoino explained. "Our partnership with Rumble represents more than just financial investment – it's about fostering a new paradigm of transparent, uncensored communication platforms."
The significance of this partnership extends beyond mere financial considerations. Rumble's Chairman and CEO, Chris Pavlovski, expressed enthusiasm about the collaboration's potential to accelerate the platform's growth trajectory. The investment not only strengthens Rumble's financial position but also creates valuable synergies between cryptocurrency and free speech advocacy communities.
"Tether's backing provides us with the resources and strategic support needed to enter our next growth phase," Pavlovski stated. "This partnership will serve as a catalyst for innovation in decentralized media."
Looking ahead, the transaction is scheduled to conclude in the first quarter of 2025, subject to regulatory approvals and standard closing conditions. Importantly, Rumble's existing governance structure will remain unchanged, with Pavlovski maintaining his controlling stake in the company.
This landmark investment carries broader implications for the digital media industry. It exemplifies the growing convergence of blockchain technology and content platforms, potentially setting a precedent for future collaborations in the space. The partnership aims to create a more resilient, transparent, and user-centric media ecosystem.
As the digital landscape continues to evolve, this collaboration between Tether and Rumble may well serve as a blueprint for future initiatives in decentralized media. Their shared vision of creating an open, sustainable, and censorship-resistant platform could reshape how we consume and share content in the years to come.
The impact of this partnership will likely extend beyond immediate stakeholders, potentially influencing the broader conversation about digital rights, content freedom, and the role of blockchain technology in shaping the future of media distribution.
#Tether #Rumble #RUM #USDT #BTCNextMove
🔥 JUST IN : The CEO of #Rumble has said that creator tip options will soon include Bitcoin ($BTC ) and $USDT.
🔥 JUST IN : The CEO of #Rumble has said that creator tip options will soon include Bitcoin ($BTC ) and $USDT.
🚨BREAKING: Your Freedom Is Under ATTACK! Rumble CEO Flees Europe Following Telegram's CEO Arrest Rumble founder and CEO Chris Pavlovski announced his departure from Europe following the French authorities' arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. In a post on X, Pavlovski, a Canadian national, stated, "I’ve just safely departed from Europe," citing concerns over the recent developments involving Durov and what he described as threats against Rumble by France. Pavlovski claimed that France had "crossed a red line" by arresting Durov, a Russian-born French citizen, who was detained on August 24 at Paris–Le Bourget Airport. The arrest reportedly stems from an ongoing investigation into Telegram's alleged non-cooperation with law enforcement and insufficient moderation of criminal activities on its platform, such as child exploitation, drug trafficking, fraud, and terrorism. The Rumble CEO did not disclose his current location but emphasized that escalating tensions with French authorities prompted his departure. Rumble, a video-sharing platform known for its lenient content moderation policies, mainly attracts conservative users. It has been engaged in a legal dispute with the French government since November 2022, when it blocked access to French users after being asked to remove "certain Russian news sources." Rumble stated it would challenge this legally, highlighting a stand against censorship. In May, Pavlovski also mentioned that Rumble was blocked in Russia for refusing to comply with censorship demands. Pavlovski expressed his support for Pavel Durov, calling for his "immediate release" and criticizing the French government's actions. He suggested that the arrest and threats against Rumble are part of broader efforts to impose stringent controls over digital platforms. What do you think about this situation? Is there something bigger going on? #rumble #telegram #ton #cryptonews #blockchain $TON
🚨BREAKING: Your Freedom Is Under ATTACK! Rumble CEO Flees Europe Following Telegram's CEO Arrest

Rumble founder and CEO Chris Pavlovski announced his departure from Europe following the French authorities' arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov.

In a post on X, Pavlovski, a Canadian national, stated, "I’ve just safely departed from Europe," citing concerns over the recent developments involving Durov and what he described as threats against Rumble by France.

Pavlovski claimed that France had "crossed a red line" by arresting Durov, a Russian-born French citizen, who was detained on August 24 at Paris–Le Bourget Airport. The arrest reportedly stems from an ongoing investigation into Telegram's alleged non-cooperation with law enforcement and insufficient moderation of criminal activities on its platform, such as child exploitation, drug trafficking, fraud, and terrorism.

The Rumble CEO did not disclose his current location but emphasized that escalating tensions with French authorities prompted his departure. Rumble, a video-sharing platform known for its lenient content moderation policies, mainly attracts conservative users. It has been engaged in a legal dispute with the French government since November 2022, when it blocked access to French users after being asked to remove "certain Russian news sources." Rumble stated it would challenge this legally, highlighting a stand against censorship. In May, Pavlovski also mentioned that Rumble was blocked in Russia for refusing to comply with censorship demands.

Pavlovski expressed his support for Pavel Durov, calling for his "immediate release" and criticizing the French government's actions. He suggested that the arrest and threats against Rumble are part of broader efforts to impose stringent controls over digital platforms.

What do you think about this situation?
Is there something bigger going on?

#rumble #telegram #ton #cryptonews #blockchain
Tether Đẩy Mạnh Đầu Tư Đa Dạng Hóa: Từ Blockchain Đến Năng Lượng và AITether Rót 2 Triệu USD Vào Arcanum Capital Bước sang năm 2024, #Tether - ông lớn trong lĩnh vực stablecoin - đã thể hiện chiến lược đa dạng hóa mạnh mẽ với khoản đầu tư 2 triệu USD vào Arcanum Capital. Khoản đầu tư này được thực hiện thông qua quỹ Arcanum Emerging Technologies Fund II, tập trung hỗ trợ các dự án Web3. Mục tiêu chính của quỹ là thúc đẩy ứng dụng công nghệ #blockchain vào các lĩnh vực như: Thanh toán xuyên biên giới.Chuyển tiền và bảo mật quyền riêng tư.Cung cấp dịch vụ ngân hàng cho các nhóm đối tượng chưa tiếp cận được hệ thống tài chính truyền thống. Khoản đầu tư này không chỉ mở ra cơ hội phát triển cho #ArcanumCapital mà còn khẳng định cam kết của Tether trong việc mở rộng ảnh hưởng ngoài lĩnh vực stablecoin. Những Bước Đi Chiến Lược Khác Của Tether Trong Năm 2024 1. Token hóa tài nguyên Boron Tether đã đưa ra sáng kiến phát hành token bảo chứng bằng boron, một khoáng sản quan trọng trong sản xuất thủy tinh và phân bón. Sáng kiến này đang được thương thảo với chính phủ Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ, nơi kiểm soát 70% nguồn cung boron toàn cầu. 2. Giao dịch năng lượng đầu tiên Tháng 10/2024, Tether đã thực hiện giao dịch năng lượng đầu tiên bằng cách mua 670.000 thùng dầu thô từ Trung Đông với giá 45 triệu USDT. Đây là bước đầu trong cam kết đầu tư 5 tỷ USD vào thị trường hàng hóa, đánh dấu sự mở rộng sang lĩnh vực năng lượng. 3. Ra mắt nền tảng RWA Hadron Tether công bố kế hoạch ra mắt Hadron vào năm 2025, một nền tảng token hóa tài sản thực (#RWA ). Nền tảng này sẽ cho phép token hóa các tài sản như chứng khoán chính phủ và cổ phiếu, tạo cơ hội lớn cho công nghệ blockchain trong tài chính truyền thống. 4. Đầu tư vào nền tảng video Rumble Cuối năm 2024, Tether đã đầu tư 775 triệu USD vào #rumble , một nền tảng chia sẻ video nổi tiếng với chính sách tự do ngôn luận và không kiểm duyệt. Kế Hoạch Tương Lai: AI và Khai Thác Bitcoin CEO Tether tiết lộ công ty sẽ kết thúc năm 2024 với lợi nhuận ròng hơn 10 tỷ USD. Trong năm 2025, Tether dự định mở rộng đầu tư mạnh vào lĩnh vực AI và khai thác Bitcoin, tiếp tục củng cố vị thế hàng đầu trên thị trường tiền điện tử và công nghệ. Tổng Kết Những động thái mạnh mẽ trong năm 2024 của Tether cho thấy chiến lược phát triển đa ngành, từ blockchain, năng lượng, tài sản thực đến công nghệ AI. Với hướng đi này, Tether không chỉ là một gã khổng lồ stablecoin mà còn đang vươn mình trở thành một tập đoàn tài chính và công nghệ đa năng trên toàn cầu. {spot}(BNBUSDT) {spot}(USDCUSDT) {spot}(FDUSDUSDT)

Tether Đẩy Mạnh Đầu Tư Đa Dạng Hóa: Từ Blockchain Đến Năng Lượng và AI

Tether Rót 2 Triệu USD Vào Arcanum Capital
Bước sang năm 2024, #Tether - ông lớn trong lĩnh vực stablecoin - đã thể hiện chiến lược đa dạng hóa mạnh mẽ với khoản đầu tư 2 triệu USD vào Arcanum Capital. Khoản đầu tư này được thực hiện thông qua quỹ Arcanum Emerging Technologies Fund II, tập trung hỗ trợ các dự án Web3.
Mục tiêu chính của quỹ là thúc đẩy ứng dụng công nghệ #blockchain vào các lĩnh vực như:
Thanh toán xuyên biên giới.Chuyển tiền và bảo mật quyền riêng tư.Cung cấp dịch vụ ngân hàng cho các nhóm đối tượng chưa tiếp cận được hệ thống tài chính truyền thống.
Khoản đầu tư này không chỉ mở ra cơ hội phát triển cho #ArcanumCapital mà còn khẳng định cam kết của Tether trong việc mở rộng ảnh hưởng ngoài lĩnh vực stablecoin.
Những Bước Đi Chiến Lược Khác Của Tether Trong Năm 2024
1. Token hóa tài nguyên Boron
Tether đã đưa ra sáng kiến phát hành token bảo chứng bằng boron, một khoáng sản quan trọng trong sản xuất thủy tinh và phân bón. Sáng kiến này đang được thương thảo với chính phủ Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ, nơi kiểm soát 70% nguồn cung boron toàn cầu.
2. Giao dịch năng lượng đầu tiên
Tháng 10/2024, Tether đã thực hiện giao dịch năng lượng đầu tiên bằng cách mua 670.000 thùng dầu thô từ Trung Đông với giá 45 triệu USDT. Đây là bước đầu trong cam kết đầu tư 5 tỷ USD vào thị trường hàng hóa, đánh dấu sự mở rộng sang lĩnh vực năng lượng.
3. Ra mắt nền tảng RWA Hadron
Tether công bố kế hoạch ra mắt Hadron vào năm 2025, một nền tảng token hóa tài sản thực (#RWA ). Nền tảng này sẽ cho phép token hóa các tài sản như chứng khoán chính phủ và cổ phiếu, tạo cơ hội lớn cho công nghệ blockchain trong tài chính truyền thống.
4. Đầu tư vào nền tảng video Rumble
Cuối năm 2024, Tether đã đầu tư 775 triệu USD vào #rumble , một nền tảng chia sẻ video nổi tiếng với chính sách tự do ngôn luận và không kiểm duyệt.
Kế Hoạch Tương Lai: AI và Khai Thác Bitcoin
CEO Tether tiết lộ công ty sẽ kết thúc năm 2024 với lợi nhuận ròng hơn 10 tỷ USD. Trong năm 2025, Tether dự định mở rộng đầu tư mạnh vào lĩnh vực AI và khai thác Bitcoin, tiếp tục củng cố vị thế hàng đầu trên thị trường tiền điện tử và công nghệ.
Tổng Kết
Những động thái mạnh mẽ trong năm 2024 của Tether cho thấy chiến lược phát triển đa ngành, từ blockchain, năng lượng, tài sản thực đến công nghệ AI. Với hướng đi này, Tether không chỉ là một gã khổng lồ stablecoin mà còn đang vươn mình trở thành một tập đoàn tài chính và công nghệ đa năng trên toàn cầu.

Tether跨界VC首投,200万美金豪掷Web3基金,这是要搅动什么风云?你是否想过,稳定币巨头Tether竟然也玩起了风险投资?没错,它真的出手了!Tether,那个发行了全球领先的稳定币USDT的大佬,最近宣布向Arcanum Capital的Arcanum Emerging Technologies Fund II投了200万美金,这可是它的VC首秀啊! 想象一下,一个原本在稳定币领域呼风唤雨的大佬,突然转身一变,成了Web3项目的支持者,这是不是在预示着什么?是稳定币的下一个风口来了,还是Web3项目要迎来新的春天? 这笔投资,可不只是简单地撒钱那么简单。Arcanum这个基金,专注于支持去中心化的Web3项目,旨在推动区块链技术的发展,包括跨境汇款、隐私保护、金融普惠等。Tether这一投,无疑是在为这些前沿技术加油打气,也为自己的业务版图开辟了新的领地。 Tether的CEO Paolo Ardoino说了,他们这么做,是为了支持那些能够抵御审查、促进开放沟通的系统,特别是在地缘政治和金融限制日益严峻的今天。这话听起来,是不是让人觉得Tether不仅在做生意,还在为世界的自由和开放贡献力量? 而且,Tether可不止做了这一件大事。它还搞了个Hadron平台,让企业和政府能把现实中的资产,比如证券、股票,都“上链”变成数字资产。这操作,简直就是给传统金融界来了个“数字大爆炸”! 更让人意想不到的是,Tether还投了7.75亿美金给那个以言论自由著称的视频分享平台Rumble。你说,这是不是为了给那些被主流平台“禁言”的声音,找个新家? 说到这,还有个大新闻不能忘。金融巨头Cantor Fitzgerald竟然也买了Tether 5%的股份,价值高达6亿美金!这个收购,是不是意味着Tether要在监管的“紧箍咒”下,找到新的“护身符”了?毕竟,Cantor Fitzgerald的CEO Howard Lutnick,可是刚被特朗普任命为商务部部长呢! 看到这,你是不是也开始好奇了?Tether这一连串的大动作,到底是要搅动什么风云?是稳定币和Web3的“跨界恋”,还是金融界和科技界的“大联姻”? 别急,让我们继续关注,看看这场由Tether掀起的“风暴”,最终会带领我们走向何方。关注Mlion(体验请访问:🤖👉,作为Web3领域的AI投研助手,Mlion将实时新闻与AI深度分析结合,为你提供精准的市场洞察和投资建议。无论是币价预测、项目研报,还是快速捕捉市场热点,Mlion都能帮助你提前把握机会。 更重要的是,Mlion平台现在推出了全新功能——ML SWAP,可以实现一键跨链交换,方便快捷。支持50多条链,40多种插件钱包,SOL、BTC链都能轻松搞定。特别是BTC链,别的平台做不到的合约跨链交换,Mlion帮你实现! 更棒的是,ML SWAP 还在进行限时活动! 🚀双重奖励+500 USDT大奖等你来拿! 无论你是新手玩家,还是交易高手,这场盛宴都为你量身打造!平台推出了多项活动补贴,让用户在交易的同时,还能赚取积分,兑换AI会员等丰厚奖励。这样的机会,可谓是“一箭N雕”,既满足了交易需求,又享受了额外的收益。 更多新闻快讯分析、币价实时分析和预测、SWAP跨链兑换请访问:🤖👉访问 以上内容仅供信息分享,不构成任何投资建议!投资有风险,入市需谨慎! 关注我,每天为您分享更多行情资讯。 #Tether #VC #Web3 #稳定币 #rumble


你是否想过,稳定币巨头Tether竟然也玩起了风险投资?没错,它真的出手了!Tether,那个发行了全球领先的稳定币USDT的大佬,最近宣布向Arcanum Capital的Arcanum Emerging Technologies Fund II投了200万美金,这可是它的VC首秀啊!
Tether的CEO Paolo Ardoino说了,他们这么做,是为了支持那些能够抵御审查、促进开放沟通的系统,特别是在地缘政治和金融限制日益严峻的今天。这话听起来,是不是让人觉得Tether不仅在做生意,还在为世界的自由和开放贡献力量?

说到这,还有个大新闻不能忘。金融巨头Cantor Fitzgerald竟然也买了Tether 5%的股份,价值高达6亿美金!这个收购,是不是意味着Tether要在监管的“紧箍咒”下,找到新的“护身符”了?毕竟,Cantor Fitzgerald的CEO Howard Lutnick,可是刚被特朗普任命为商务部部长呢!
更重要的是,Mlion平台现在推出了全新功能——ML SWAP,可以实现一键跨链交换,方便快捷。支持50多条链,40多种插件钱包,SOL、BTC链都能轻松搞定。特别是BTC链,别的平台做不到的合约跨链交换,Mlion帮你实现!
更棒的是,ML SWAP 还在进行限时活动! 🚀双重奖励+500 USDT大奖等你来拿!
#Tether #VC #Web3 #稳定币 #rumble
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