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عرض الأصلي
TRON sweeps South America: efficient and low-fee payment solutions lead the trend of crypto paymentsDave Uhryniak, head of TRON's ecosystem development, mentioned in an interview that when he communicates with users around the world, he often hears about South American users using the TRON network. These users frequently use TRON for C2C, C2B, and B2B payments. The TRON network has attracted a large number of South American users with its fast, low-cost and reliable features. Compared with traditional payment methods, the payment service provided by TRON is not only faster and cheaper, but also has a stored value function. These advantages have gradually integrated TRON into people's daily lives and become the first choice for crypto payments for more and more people.

TRON sweeps South America: efficient and low-fee payment solutions lead the trend of crypto payments

Dave Uhryniak, head of TRON's ecosystem development, mentioned in an interview that when he communicates with users around the world, he often hears about South American users using the TRON network. These users frequently use TRON for C2C, C2B, and B2B payments.

The TRON network has attracted a large number of South American users with its fast, low-cost and reliable features. Compared with traditional payment methods, the payment service provided by TRON is not only faster and cheaper, but also has a stored value function. These advantages have gradually integrated TRON into people's daily lives and become the first choice for crypto payments for more and more people.
孙宇晨受邀ABS2024:共绘AI与WEB3融合新蓝图波场TRON的杰出创始人孙宇晨将于今年8月6日至8日受邀参加在台北盛大举行的亚洲区块链高峰会2024(ABS2024)。此次峰会以“在AI和WEB3的多元化世界中蓬勃发展”为核心议题,旨在汇聚区块链技术、人工智能(AI)及其他前沿科技领域的顶尖领袖与开发者,共同探索技术的无限可能,并就去中心化治理的未来展开深入而开放的讨论。 随着技术的飞速发展,AI与WEB3已成为推动社会进步与产业升级的重要力量。ABS2024不仅为参会者提供了一个交流思想、分享见解的高端平台,更将促进跨领域合作,加速技术创新与应用的步伐。孙宇晨作为区块链行业的领军人物,其参与无疑将为峰会增添更多亮点,激发更多关于区块链技术如何与AI、WEB3深度融合的思考与讨论。 在峰会上,孙宇晨预计将分享波场TRON在推动区块链技术创新、构建去中心化生态方面的最新成果与未来规划,同时与来自全球的同行深入交流,共同探讨区块链技术如何助力AI与WEB3的协同发展,以及在这一过程中面临的挑战与机遇。 此次受邀出席ABS2024,不仅是对孙宇晨及波场TRON在区块链领域影响力的高度认可,也是对其持续推动行业进步与创新的鼓励。我们有理由相信,在孙宇晨等杰出领袖的共同努力下,区块链技术将在AI与WEB3的浪潮中迎来更加辉煌的明天。 #TRON #孙宇晨 #web3动态



#TRON #孙宇晨 #web3动态
عرض الأصلي
Justin Sun's Outlook on the WCS Summit: TRON Leads a New Era of Web3 Financial FreeportOn June 25, Justin Sun, founder of TRON, attended the first WCS (Web3 Connect Summit) in Hong Kong online and delivered a wonderful speech entitled "How TRON Reshapes the Payment and Settlement System". The summit was hosted by the WCS Organizing Committee and attracted many guests including Fok Chun-yu, director of the Fok Ying-Tong Group, Zou Yu, a well-known scholar, and Yu Jianing, an authority in the blockchain field. In his speech, Justin Sun discussed in depth the integration path of Web3 technology and the physical world, as well as the role of TRON in promoting this process. He pointed out that with Hong Kong, China taking the lead in launching spot ETFs for Bitcoin and Ethereum, it not only sets a benchmark for the development of the Web3 industry in Asia, but also provides a broader development space for blockchain projects such as TRON.

Justin Sun's Outlook on the WCS Summit: TRON Leads a New Era of Web3 Financial Freeport

On June 25, Justin Sun, founder of TRON, attended the first WCS (Web3 Connect Summit) in Hong Kong online and delivered a wonderful speech entitled "How TRON Reshapes the Payment and Settlement System". The summit was hosted by the WCS Organizing Committee and attracted many guests including Fok Chun-yu, director of the Fok Ying-Tong Group, Zou Yu, a well-known scholar, and Yu Jianing, an authority in the blockchain field.

In his speech, Justin Sun discussed in depth the integration path of Web3 technology and the physical world, as well as the role of TRON in promoting this process. He pointed out that with Hong Kong, China taking the lead in launching spot ETFs for Bitcoin and Ethereum, it not only sets a benchmark for the development of the Web3 industry in Asia, but also provides a broader development space for blockchain projects such as TRON.
عرض الأصلي
Justin Sun: An innovative solution for gas-free stablecoin transfers is about to be bornIn the vast universe of blockchain technology, Justin Sun, as the leader of TRON, has once again lit up new hope for the industry with his amazing innovation. Recently, Justin Sun said on social media that the TRON team is working hard to develop a revolutionary solution - to achieve gas-free stablecoin transfers. This news not only shocked the entire blockchain community, but also paved a new path for the large-scale application of blockchain technology. In short, gas-free stablecoin transfers mean that users no longer need to pay any gas token fees when transferring stablecoins, and all fees will be borne by the stablecoins themselves. This innovation not only greatly reduces the cost of blockchain transactions, but also greatly improves the convenience and efficiency of transactions. Sun Yuchen said that the solution will first be implemented on the TRON blockchain, and plans to gradually expand to Ethereum and all public chains compatible with EVM, and is expected to be officially launched in the fourth quarter of this year.

Justin Sun: An innovative solution for gas-free stablecoin transfers is about to be born

In the vast universe of blockchain technology, Justin Sun, as the leader of TRON, has once again lit up new hope for the industry with his amazing innovation. Recently, Justin Sun said on social media that the TRON team is working hard to develop a revolutionary solution - to achieve gas-free stablecoin transfers. This news not only shocked the entire blockchain community, but also paved a new path for the large-scale application of blockchain technology.

In short, gas-free stablecoin transfers mean that users no longer need to pay any gas token fees when transferring stablecoins, and all fees will be borne by the stablecoins themselves. This innovation not only greatly reduces the cost of blockchain transactions, but also greatly improves the convenience and efficiency of transactions. Sun Yuchen said that the solution will first be implemented on the TRON blockchain, and plans to gradually expand to Ethereum and all public chains compatible with EVM, and is expected to be officially launched in the fourth quarter of this year.
عرض الأصلي
TRON leads in TVL of public chains in the first half of 2024, and its ecological development is unstoppableRecently, Coin98 Analytics released a list of "Top 10 Blockchain Platforms with the Highest TVL in the First Half of 2024 (Excluding Ethereum)". TRON took the top spot with its outstanding performance, leaving behind well-known blockchain platforms such as BNB Chain, Solana, and Arbitrum. This achievement not only demonstrates TRON's strong competitiveness in the blockchain field, but also heralds the vigorous development of its ecosystem. Since 2024, TRON's total staked value (TVL) has continued to grow rapidly, especially in March this year, with a monthly surge of more than $5 billion, showing the market's strong confidence in TRON. So far, TRON's total staked value has reached $20.4 billion, almost doubling compared to the same period last year. This data is undoubtedly the best proof of the prosperity of TRON's ecosystem.

TRON leads in TVL of public chains in the first half of 2024, and its ecological development is unstoppable

Recently, Coin98 Analytics released a list of "Top 10 Blockchain Platforms with the Highest TVL in the First Half of 2024 (Excluding Ethereum)". TRON took the top spot with its outstanding performance, leaving behind well-known blockchain platforms such as BNB Chain, Solana, and Arbitrum. This achievement not only demonstrates TRON's strong competitiveness in the blockchain field, but also heralds the vigorous development of its ecosystem.

Since 2024, TRON's total staked value (TVL) has continued to grow rapidly, especially in March this year, with a monthly surge of more than $5 billion, showing the market's strong confidence in TRON. So far, TRON's total staked value has reached $20.4 billion, almost doubling compared to the same period last year. This data is undoubtedly the best proof of the prosperity of TRON's ecosystem.
عرض الأصلي
Pundi X XPOS crypto payment new trend: USDT transaction volume occupies 66% of TRON marketPundi X recently revealed the strong performance of its XPOS devices in the field of crypto payments. During June 2024, up to 66% of cryptocurrency transactions on XPOS devices were completed through USDT on the TRON network. This ratio not only highlights TRON's leading position in the field of crypto payments, but also further proves the popularity of Pundi X XPOS devices as a digital currency payment solution. This achievement was made possible by the close cooperation between TRON and Pundi X. Through the integration of XPOS devices, the two parties have greatly promoted the popularization and application of cryptocurrencies. As an integrated solution for retailers, Pundi X's XPOS device not only provides consumers with a convenient channel for purchasing and using digital currencies, but also provides strong support for the digital transformation of physical retail businesses.

Pundi X XPOS crypto payment new trend: USDT transaction volume occupies 66% of TRON market

Pundi X recently revealed the strong performance of its XPOS devices in the field of crypto payments. During June 2024, up to 66% of cryptocurrency transactions on XPOS devices were completed through USDT on the TRON network. This ratio not only highlights TRON's leading position in the field of crypto payments, but also further proves the popularity of Pundi X XPOS devices as a digital currency payment solution.

This achievement was made possible by the close cooperation between TRON and Pundi X. Through the integration of XPOS devices, the two parties have greatly promoted the popularization and application of cryptocurrencies. As an integrated solution for retailers, Pundi X's XPOS device not only provides consumers with a convenient channel for purchasing and using digital currencies, but also provides strong support for the digital transformation of physical retail businesses.
عرض الأصلي
TRON dominates USDT usage market, with monthly active users accounting for 84.3% According to data from Token Terminal, the number of monthly active users of Tether (USDT), the world's leading stablecoin, has exceeded 10.9 million, of which the number of monthly active users of USDT on the TRON network has reached an astonishing 9.2 million, accounting for 84.3% of the total number of USDT monthly active users. This data not only demonstrates TRON's absolute advantage in USDT usage, but also further consolidates its position as the largest USDT issuance network. Since its emergence, TRON has won the favor of a large number of users with its excellent performance and stable operation, and continues to maintain its leading position in the use of USDT. So far, the issuance of TRC20-USDT has exceeded 59.8 billion, the number of holding accounts has exceeded 46 million, and the cumulative number of transfers has reached an astonishing 1.82 billion. This series of figures all reflect TRON's strong influence and user base in the blockchain field. As an important application of blockchain technology, stablecoin payment is gradually becoming one of the use cases widely accepted by non-crypto users. With its secure and efficient public chain advantages, TRON provides global users with a more convenient and fast payment experience. Its outstanding performance in the use of USDT is not only an affirmation of its technical strength and user experience, but also a strong proof of its future development potential. In the future, with the continuous development and popularization of blockchain technology, TRON is expected to continue to play its leading role and bring more convenience and value to global users. We have reason to believe that with the continuous efforts of TRON, blockchain technology will better serve global users and promote the prosperity and development of the digital economy. #TRON #USDT。
TRON dominates USDT usage market, with monthly active users accounting for 84.3%

According to data from Token Terminal, the number of monthly active users of Tether (USDT), the world's leading stablecoin, has exceeded 10.9 million, of which the number of monthly active users of USDT on the TRON network has reached an astonishing 9.2 million, accounting for 84.3% of the total number of USDT monthly active users. This data not only demonstrates TRON's absolute advantage in USDT usage, but also further consolidates its position as the largest USDT issuance network.

Since its emergence, TRON has won the favor of a large number of users with its excellent performance and stable operation, and continues to maintain its leading position in the use of USDT. So far, the issuance of TRC20-USDT has exceeded 59.8 billion, the number of holding accounts has exceeded 46 million, and the cumulative number of transfers has reached an astonishing 1.82 billion. This series of figures all reflect TRON's strong influence and user base in the blockchain field.

As an important application of blockchain technology, stablecoin payment is gradually becoming one of the use cases widely accepted by non-crypto users. With its secure and efficient public chain advantages, TRON provides global users with a more convenient and fast payment experience. Its outstanding performance in the use of USDT is not only an affirmation of its technical strength and user experience, but also a strong proof of its future development potential.

In the future, with the continuous development and popularization of blockchain technology, TRON is expected to continue to play its leading role and bring more convenience and value to global users. We have reason to believe that with the continuous efforts of TRON, blockchain technology will better serve global users and promote the prosperity and development of the digital economy.
عرض الأصلي
TRON helps release the "2024 Shanghai WEB3.0 Innovation Ecosystem Construction Research Report" and jointly draws a blueprint for industry development In the wave of digital transformation, WEB 3.0, as a representative of emerging technology fields, is gradually becoming an important force in promoting social and economic development. Recently, the "2024 Shanghai WEB3.0 Innovation Ecosystem Construction Research Report" jointly released by the Liberation Daily and the School of Economics of Fudan University under the guidance of the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission has attracted widespread attention in the industry. As a leading company in the blockchain industry, TRON actively participated in this survey and provided valuable industry insights and data support for the writing of the report. TRON's participation not only demonstrates its deep accumulation and influence in the fields of blockchain and WEB 3.0, but also reflects its responsibility and commitment to promote the development of the industry. During the survey, TRON shared its profound insights in stablecoins, RWA and other aspects, and believed that the popularization of these fields is an inevitable trend in the development of blockchain technology, which will effectively promote the overall progress of the WEB 3.0 industry. In the in-depth analysis of the challenges faced by the development of WEB 3.0, the report cited the views of TRON, pointing out that problems such as high industry barriers and heterogeneous standards are the key issues that need to be solved urgently. TRON's insights provide strong evidence to support the report and provide important reference directions for subsequent policy formulation and industry development. In addition, TRON has also established closer cooperative relations with government departments, academia and industry through participating in surveys. This cross-border cooperation and exchange will not only help promote the innovation and development of WEB 3.0 technology, but also lay a solid foundation for the continued prosperity of the entire industry. Looking to the future, TRON will continue to uphold an open and cooperative attitude, actively work together with all parties, and jointly promote the construction and development of the WEB 3.0 innovation ecosystem. Through efforts in technology innovation, talent training, standard setting and other aspects, TRON will contribute more to the development of the global blockchain and WEB 3.0 industry. #TRON #web3动态
TRON helps release the "2024 Shanghai WEB3.0 Innovation Ecosystem Construction Research Report" and jointly draws a blueprint for industry development

In the wave of digital transformation, WEB 3.0, as a representative of emerging technology fields, is gradually becoming an important force in promoting social and economic development. Recently, the "2024 Shanghai WEB3.0 Innovation Ecosystem Construction Research Report" jointly released by the Liberation Daily and the School of Economics of Fudan University under the guidance of the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission has attracted widespread attention in the industry. As a leading company in the blockchain industry, TRON actively participated in this survey and provided valuable industry insights and data support for the writing of the report.

TRON's participation not only demonstrates its deep accumulation and influence in the fields of blockchain and WEB 3.0, but also reflects its responsibility and commitment to promote the development of the industry. During the survey, TRON shared its profound insights in stablecoins, RWA and other aspects, and believed that the popularization of these fields is an inevitable trend in the development of blockchain technology, which will effectively promote the overall progress of the WEB 3.0 industry.

In the in-depth analysis of the challenges faced by the development of WEB 3.0, the report cited the views of TRON, pointing out that problems such as high industry barriers and heterogeneous standards are the key issues that need to be solved urgently. TRON's insights provide strong evidence to support the report and provide important reference directions for subsequent policy formulation and industry development.

In addition, TRON has also established closer cooperative relations with government departments, academia and industry through participating in surveys. This cross-border cooperation and exchange will not only help promote the innovation and development of WEB 3.0 technology, but also lay a solid foundation for the continued prosperity of the entire industry.

Looking to the future, TRON will continue to uphold an open and cooperative attitude, actively work together with all parties, and jointly promote the construction and development of the WEB 3.0 innovation ecosystem. Through efforts in technology innovation, talent training, standard setting and other aspects, TRON will contribute more to the development of the global blockchain and WEB 3.0 industry.
#TRON #web3动态
عرض الأصلي
TRON trading boom is boiling: daily transaction volume soared to 7.49 million, setting a new annual record In the recent blockchain industry, TRON has once again demonstrated its strong growth momentum. According to the latest data from the authoritative blockchain browser TRONSCAN, on July 1, 2024, TRON's daily transaction volume exceeded 7.49 million in one fell swoop. This figure not only set a new high for the year, but also demonstrated TRON's leading position in the global blockchain field. In the past 30 days, TRON's average daily transaction volume has continued to rise, exceeding 6.78 million, with a month-on-month increase of 6.6%. This series of eye-catching data fully demonstrates the excellent performance of TRON's underlying blockchain technology in high throughput, scalability and high reliability. With the continuous maturity of TRON's technology and the continuous expansion of application scenarios, its on-chain data is also soaring across the board. So far, the number of TRON accounts has successfully exceeded the 241 million mark, and the total number of transactions has reached an astonishing 7.9 billion. At the same time, TRON's total locked value (TVL) has exceeded 21.2 billion US dollars, showing its strong capital attraction and market recognition. In terms of user activity, TRON also performed well. Its TVL and the total market value of stablecoins on the chain are both ranked second in the global public chain. This achievement not only demonstrates TRON's deep strength in the field of blockchain finance, but also lays a solid foundation for its future development. In the future, TRON will shoulder the new mission of building a metaverse financial free port and continue to accelerate the pace of globalization and compliance. Through continuous innovation and optimization of technology, TRON will create more convenience and value for global users, usher in more trading volume, and open up a brand new world in the field of metaverse finance. #TRON
TRON trading boom is boiling: daily transaction volume soared to 7.49 million, setting a new annual record

In the recent blockchain industry, TRON has once again demonstrated its strong growth momentum. According to the latest data from the authoritative blockchain browser TRONSCAN, on July 1, 2024, TRON's daily transaction volume exceeded 7.49 million in one fell swoop. This figure not only set a new high for the year, but also demonstrated TRON's leading position in the global blockchain field.

In the past 30 days, TRON's average daily transaction volume has continued to rise, exceeding 6.78 million, with a month-on-month increase of 6.6%. This series of eye-catching data fully demonstrates the excellent performance of TRON's underlying blockchain technology in high throughput, scalability and high reliability.

With the continuous maturity of TRON's technology and the continuous expansion of application scenarios, its on-chain data is also soaring across the board. So far, the number of TRON accounts has successfully exceeded the 241 million mark, and the total number of transactions has reached an astonishing 7.9 billion. At the same time, TRON's total locked value (TVL) has exceeded 21.2 billion US dollars, showing its strong capital attraction and market recognition.

In terms of user activity, TRON also performed well. Its TVL and the total market value of stablecoins on the chain are both ranked second in the global public chain. This achievement not only demonstrates TRON's deep strength in the field of blockchain finance, but also lays a solid foundation for its future development.

In the future, TRON will shoulder the new mission of building a metaverse financial free port and continue to accelerate the pace of globalization and compliance. Through continuous innovation and optimization of technology, TRON will create more convenience and value for global users, usher in more trading volume, and open up a brand new world in the field of metaverse finance.
عرض الأصلي
Justin Sun, the leader of TRON: the pioneer of WEB 3.0 education popularization ​As blockchain and WEB 3.0 technology are becoming the focus of global attention, education popularization has become a key link in promoting the development of the industry. As a leader in the blockchain industry, TRON has not only achieved great success in technological innovation, but also played a pioneering role in the popularization of WEB 3.0 education. In recent years, TRON has actively cooperated with many top universities around the world, including Cornell University, University of California, Irvine (UCI), Princeton University, etc., to jointly promote the development of blockchain research and education. By establishing close cooperative relations with universities, TRON not only provides students with cutting-edge blockchain courses and practical training opportunities, but also promotes the deep integration and exchange of academia and industry. In addition to cooperating with universities, TRON also actively promotes the popularization and education of blockchain technology through various forms such as holding hackathons, setting up blockchain courses, and conducting community education activities. These measures not only increased the public's awareness of blockchain and WEB 3.0, but also stimulated more people's interest and enthusiasm in this field. In the process of participating in the "2024 Shanghai WEB3.0 Innovation Ecosystem Construction Research Report", TRON once again demonstrated its efforts and achievements in education popularization. By sharing deep insights and data support in the fields of stablecoins and RWA, TRON provided the report with rich industry cases and practical experience, and provided strong support for the popularization and development of WEB 3.0 education. In the future, TRON will continue to play its pioneering role in the popularization of blockchain and WEB 3.0 education, and promote the dissemination and application of knowledge in a more diversified way. At the same time, TRON will also actively cooperate with government departments, corporate institutions and other sectors of society to jointly promote the widespread application and innovative development of blockchain technology in various fields. #TRON #孙宇晨 #web3动态
Justin Sun, the leader of TRON: the pioneer of WEB 3.0 education popularization

​As blockchain and WEB 3.0 technology are becoming the focus of global attention, education popularization has become a key link in promoting the development of the industry. As a leader in the blockchain industry, TRON has not only achieved great success in technological innovation, but also played a pioneering role in the popularization of WEB 3.0 education.

In recent years, TRON has actively cooperated with many top universities around the world, including Cornell University, University of California, Irvine (UCI), Princeton University, etc., to jointly promote the development of blockchain research and education. By establishing close cooperative relations with universities, TRON not only provides students with cutting-edge blockchain courses and practical training opportunities, but also promotes the deep integration and exchange of academia and industry.

In addition to cooperating with universities, TRON also actively promotes the popularization and education of blockchain technology through various forms such as holding hackathons, setting up blockchain courses, and conducting community education activities. These measures not only increased the public's awareness of blockchain and WEB 3.0, but also stimulated more people's interest and enthusiasm in this field.

In the process of participating in the "2024 Shanghai WEB3.0 Innovation Ecosystem Construction Research Report", TRON once again demonstrated its efforts and achievements in education popularization. By sharing deep insights and data support in the fields of stablecoins and RWA, TRON provided the report with rich industry cases and practical experience, and provided strong support for the popularization and development of WEB 3.0 education.

In the future, TRON will continue to play its pioneering role in the popularization of blockchain and WEB 3.0 education, and promote the dissemination and application of knowledge in a more diversified way. At the same time, TRON will also actively cooperate with government departments, corporate institutions and other sectors of society to jointly promote the widespread application and innovative development of blockchain technology in various fields.
#TRON #孙宇晨 #web3动态
عرض الأصلي
CryptoQuant joins hands with TRON: Building a new height for blockchain data analysis Recently, the blockchain data analysis platform CryptoQuant announced an important update: the platform has successfully integrated TRON data. This integration means that CryptoQuant users can now access a series of detailed indicators and analysis tools to gain in-depth insights into the dynamics of the TRON blockchain, thereby providing a more comprehensive reference for investment decisions. As a leader in providing on-chain and market data analysis for institutions and professional cryptocurrency investors, CryptoQuant's cooperation with TRON will further broaden its data service scope and bring users more comprehensive and in-depth insights into blockchain networks. Through the CryptoQuant platform, users can easily obtain key data of the TRON network, including trading activities, network activity, token distribution, etc., so as to more accurately grasp market trends and investment opportunities. As a well-known payment network and infrastructure in the industry, TRON's network value has been widely recognized worldwide. With the integration of CryptoQuant, TRON's global accessibility will be further enhanced, and it will also help attract more user attention. In addition, CryptoQuant's strict control of data will also ensure that the data obtained by users is highly accurate and consistent. It is worth mentioning that TRON has established partnerships with many mainstream data institutions, including Token Terminal, Arkham, Messari, Dune and Nansen. The integration of these institutions further proves the important position and value of TRON in the blockchain industry. In the future, TRON will continue to promote the widespread adoption of blockchain technology and provide more convenient and secure blockchain services to billions of users around the world. At the same time, CryptoQuant will continue to optimize its data analysis platform to provide users with more comprehensive and in-depth data support and jointly promote the healthy development of the blockchain industry. We believe that the future of blockchain is promising and we will create prosperity together. #tron #Blockchain​
CryptoQuant joins hands with TRON: Building a new height for blockchain data analysis
Recently, the blockchain data analysis platform CryptoQuant announced an important update: the platform has successfully integrated TRON data. This integration means that CryptoQuant users can now access a series of detailed indicators and analysis tools to gain in-depth insights into the dynamics of the TRON blockchain, thereby providing a more comprehensive reference for investment decisions.

As a leader in providing on-chain and market data analysis for institutions and professional cryptocurrency investors, CryptoQuant's cooperation with TRON will further broaden its data service scope and bring users more comprehensive and in-depth insights into blockchain networks. Through the CryptoQuant platform, users can easily obtain key data of the TRON network, including trading activities, network activity, token distribution, etc., so as to more accurately grasp market trends and investment opportunities.
As a well-known payment network and infrastructure in the industry, TRON's network value has been widely recognized worldwide. With the integration of CryptoQuant, TRON's global accessibility will be further enhanced, and it will also help attract more user attention. In addition, CryptoQuant's strict control of data will also ensure that the data obtained by users is highly accurate and consistent.
It is worth mentioning that TRON has established partnerships with many mainstream data institutions, including Token Terminal, Arkham, Messari, Dune and Nansen. The integration of these institutions further proves the important position and value of TRON in the blockchain industry.
In the future, TRON will continue to promote the widespread adoption of blockchain technology and provide more convenient and secure blockchain services to billions of users around the world. At the same time, CryptoQuant will continue to optimize its data analysis platform to provide users with more comprehensive and in-depth data support and jointly promote the healthy development of the blockchain industry. We believe that the future of blockchain is promising and we will create prosperity together.
#tron #Blockchain​
عرض الأصلي
The victory of legal justice: Lessons from Sun Yuchen’s defamation caseOn June 21, according to the People's Court Announcement Network, TRON founder Justin Sun won the case of reputation dispute. Chongqing Business Media Group Co., Ltd. was found guilty of infringing Sun's reputation and issued an apology statement. This judgment not only cleared Sun's name, but also set a solid legal example for the general public. The court found that the defendant media failed to fulfill its reasonable verification obligations and published false content without authorization, causing damage to Sun's reputation. This victory is not only a protection of Sun's personal rights, but also a strong defense of legal justice.

The victory of legal justice: Lessons from Sun Yuchen’s defamation case

On June 21, according to the People's Court Announcement Network, TRON founder Justin Sun won the case of reputation dispute. Chongqing Business Media Group Co., Ltd. was found guilty of infringing Sun's reputation and issued an apology statement. This judgment not only cleared Sun's name, but also set a solid legal example for the general public. The court found that the defendant media failed to fulfill its reasonable verification obligations and published false content without authorization, causing damage to Sun's reputation. This victory is not only a protection of Sun's personal rights, but also a strong defense of legal justice.
عرض الأصلي
Innovators in the blockchain field: Justin Sun's vision and courage lead the change​As blockchain technology develops rapidly today, Justin Sun, as the founder of TRON, has become a leader in this field with his unique vision and courage. He not only promoted the rise of TRON, but also actively led the transformation of global blockchain technology through innovative thinking and tenacious will. Justin Sun’s foresight is first reflected in his deep understanding of the potential of blockchain technology. When blockchain technology was still in its infancy, Justin Sun keenly realized that this technology would have a profound impact on the future of finance and society. So he founded TRON, aiming to create an efficient, transparent and decentralized blockchain platform to change the way the traditional financial system works. TRON’s high throughput, scalability and high reliability have enabled it to rise rapidly and become one of the fastest growing public chains in the world. Justin Sun’s foresight is not only reflected in the technical level, but also in his accurate grasp and layout of future trends.

Innovators in the blockchain field: Justin Sun's vision and courage lead the change

​As blockchain technology develops rapidly today, Justin Sun, as the founder of TRON, has become a leader in this field with his unique vision and courage. He not only promoted the rise of TRON, but also actively led the transformation of global blockchain technology through innovative thinking and tenacious will.

Justin Sun’s foresight is first reflected in his deep understanding of the potential of blockchain technology. When blockchain technology was still in its infancy, Justin Sun keenly realized that this technology would have a profound impact on the future of finance and society. So he founded TRON, aiming to create an efficient, transparent and decentralized blockchain platform to change the way the traditional financial system works. TRON’s high throughput, scalability and high reliability have enabled it to rise rapidly and become one of the fastest growing public chains in the world. Justin Sun’s foresight is not only reflected in the technical level, but also in his accurate grasp and layout of future trends.
عرض الأصلي
A test of media ethics: Sun Yuchen’s defamation case highlights the value of news authenticityOn June 21, the People's Court Announcement Network announced that in the case of the reputation rights dispute of TRON founder Sun Yuchen, Chongqing Business Media Group Co., Ltd. was found guilty of infringing Sun Yuchen's reputation rights and issued an apology statement. This case highlights the importance of the media's responsibility and professional ethics in information dissemination. Chongqing Business Media Group published false reports about Sun Yuchen without verifying the information, and ultimately lost the case due to infringement of reputation rights. This case emphasizes that the media should strictly abide by the principle of fact-checking when reporting to ensure the authenticity and fairness of news.

A test of media ethics: Sun Yuchen’s defamation case highlights the value of news authenticity

On June 21, the People's Court Announcement Network announced that in the case of the reputation rights dispute of TRON founder Sun Yuchen, Chongqing Business Media Group Co., Ltd. was found guilty of infringing Sun Yuchen's reputation rights and issued an apology statement. This case highlights the importance of the media's responsibility and professional ethics in information dissemination. Chongqing Business Media Group published false reports about Sun Yuchen without verifying the information, and ultimately lost the case due to infringement of reputation rights. This case emphasizes that the media should strictly abide by the principle of fact-checking when reporting to ensure the authenticity and fairness of news.
عرض الأصلي
Transforming the payment ecosystem! Nearly half of online shoppers in Latin America choose TRC20-USDT for digital transactionsIn the current era of rapid development of digital currency and Web3 technology, Uquid, as a leading Web3 shopping platform, recently released an eye-catching data on social media: In Latin America, up to 48.78% of Uquid users choose to use TRC20-USDT Pay for purchases. This data not only reflects users’ strong demand for TRC20-USDT, but also highlights the significant advantages of the TRON network in the field of digital currency payment. Uquid platform pointed out that the TRON network is known for its high throughput, scalability and low transaction fees. The transaction processing capacity of up to 2,000 transactions per second (TPS) ensures that users can enjoy a fast and efficient experience when conducting digital currency transactions. This advantage is particularly important for users in Latin America and the Caribbean, because low transaction fees allow them to conduct digital transactions in a more economical way.

Transforming the payment ecosystem! Nearly half of online shoppers in Latin America choose TRC20-USDT for digital transactions

In the current era of rapid development of digital currency and Web3 technology, Uquid, as a leading Web3 shopping platform, recently released an eye-catching data on social media: In Latin America, up to 48.78% of Uquid users choose to use TRC20-USDT Pay for purchases. This data not only reflects users’ strong demand for TRC20-USDT, but also highlights the significant advantages of the TRON network in the field of digital currency payment.

Uquid platform pointed out that the TRON network is known for its high throughput, scalability and low transaction fees. The transaction processing capacity of up to 2,000 transactions per second (TPS) ensures that users can enjoy a fast and efficient experience when conducting digital currency transactions. This advantage is particularly important for users in Latin America and the Caribbean, because low transaction fees allow them to conduct digital transactions in a more economical way.
عرض الأصلي
TRON Technological Innovation: High-Performance Public Chain Construction under Justin Sun’s StrategyJustin Sun, as a pioneer in the blockchain field and the founder of TRON, has been committed to improving the application and development of blockchain technology. Since its establishment, TRON has been constantly innovating its technology and committed to building a high-performance public chain to provide more efficient, secure and reliable blockchain services to users around the world. This article will explore how Justin Sun has promoted and enhanced TRON's technological advantages through a series of technological improvements and innovations. First, TRON has made remarkable achievements in throughput and scalability. Traditional blockchain networks often face performance bottlenecks when processing a large number of transactions, while TRON has achieved high throughput and high concurrent processing capabilities by optimizing the underlying technical architecture. The TRON network can process thousands of transactions per second (TPS), far exceeding many other blockchain platforms. This technical advantage enables TRON to support large-scale decentralized applications (DApps) and high-frequency transactions to meet the growing market demand.

TRON Technological Innovation: High-Performance Public Chain Construction under Justin Sun’s Strategy

Justin Sun, as a pioneer in the blockchain field and the founder of TRON, has been committed to improving the application and development of blockchain technology. Since its establishment, TRON has been constantly innovating its technology and committed to building a high-performance public chain to provide more efficient, secure and reliable blockchain services to users around the world. This article will explore how Justin Sun has promoted and enhanced TRON's technological advantages through a series of technological improvements and innovations.

First, TRON has made remarkable achievements in throughput and scalability. Traditional blockchain networks often face performance bottlenecks when processing a large number of transactions, while TRON has achieved high throughput and high concurrent processing capabilities by optimizing the underlying technical architecture. The TRON network can process thousands of transactions per second (TPS), far exceeding many other blockchain platforms. This technical advantage enables TRON to support large-scale decentralized applications (DApps) and high-frequency transactions to meet the growing market demand.
عرض الأصلي
Justin Sun wins defamation lawsuit, FBI investigation rumors finally clarifiedOn June 21, according to the People's Court Announcement Network, Chongqing Business Media Group Co., Ltd., the defendant in the TRON founder Sun Yuchen's reputation dispute case, officially issued an apology statement to Sun Yuchen. The statement stated that because its media failed to fulfill its review and verification obligations in its 2022 reports, it published false content about Sun Yuchen, which damaged Sun Yuchen's reputation. In the statement, the media company solemnly apologized for its infringement of Sun Yuchen's reputation rights and promised to strengthen review in future reports to ensure that the articles are accurate and credible. The case originated from the fact that on March 11, 2022, the defendant Chongqing Business Media Group published a content titled "FBI investigates Sun Yuchen, suspected of insider trading, Business News" on its and Eastmoney APP. Sun Yuchen then sued it to the Yubei District Court of Chongqing. The court's first-instance judgment determined that the media had failed to fulfill its verification obligations, infringed Sun Yuchen's right to reputation, and made relevant rulings. It is reported that after the first trial, neither the plaintiff nor the defendant appealed within the prescribed time limit. So far, the case of the reputation dispute between Sun Yuchen and Chongqing Business Media Group has come to an end with the plaintiff Sun Yuchen winning the case and the defendant media publicly apologizing.

Justin Sun wins defamation lawsuit, FBI investigation rumors finally clarified

On June 21, according to the People's Court Announcement Network, Chongqing Business Media Group Co., Ltd., the defendant in the TRON founder Sun Yuchen's reputation dispute case, officially issued an apology statement to Sun Yuchen. The statement stated that because its media failed to fulfill its review and verification obligations in its 2022 reports, it published false content about Sun Yuchen, which damaged Sun Yuchen's reputation. In the statement, the media company solemnly apologized for its infringement of Sun Yuchen's reputation rights and promised to strengthen review in future reports to ensure that the articles are accurate and credible.

The case originated from the fact that on March 11, 2022, the defendant Chongqing Business Media Group published a content titled "FBI investigates Sun Yuchen, suspected of insider trading, Business News" on its and Eastmoney APP. Sun Yuchen then sued it to the Yubei District Court of Chongqing. The court's first-instance judgment determined that the media had failed to fulfill its verification obligations, infringed Sun Yuchen's right to reputation, and made relevant rulings. It is reported that after the first trial, neither the plaintiff nor the defendant appealed within the prescribed time limit. So far, the case of the reputation dispute between Sun Yuchen and Chongqing Business Media Group has come to an end with the plaintiff Sun Yuchen winning the case and the defendant media publicly apologizing.
عرض الأصلي
Justin Sun: Ten years of ups and downs, opening up a new era of crypto financeJustin Sun, this name is often wrapped in marketing news, immersed in traffic, and the halo of wealth is so dazzling that his face is blurred and he has become the "Brother Sun" teased by netizens in group chats. However, behind the halo, Justin Sun's story is much more than that. 1. Support El Salvador’s inclusion of Bitcoin as legal tender In March this year, 5,689 bitcoins were deposited into the El Salvador national treasury, becoming the first "bitcoin piggy bank" in the president's words. Three years ago, this small Central American country became the first country in the world to recognize Bitcoin as legal tender. At that time, Justin Sun was one of the few people who tweeted in support of El Salvador, and was liked and retweeted by the president.

Justin Sun: Ten years of ups and downs, opening up a new era of crypto finance

Justin Sun, this name is often wrapped in marketing news, immersed in traffic, and the halo of wealth is so dazzling that his face is blurred and he has become the "Brother Sun" teased by netizens in group chats. However, behind the halo, Justin Sun's story is much more than that.

1. Support El Salvador’s inclusion of Bitcoin as legal tender
In March this year, 5,689 bitcoins were deposited into the El Salvador national treasury, becoming the first "bitcoin piggy bank" in the president's words. Three years ago, this small Central American country became the first country in the world to recognize Bitcoin as legal tender. At that time, Justin Sun was one of the few people who tweeted in support of El Salvador, and was liked and retweeted by the president.
عرض الأصلي
Justin Sun: The real power behind traffic, a steady pace in a bear marketJustin Sun, a well-known figure in the cryptocurrency field, is often surrounded by marketing news and hot topics, and is teased by netizens as "Brother Sun". However, Justin Sun's success does not rely solely on traffic and hype. His steady progress in the changing market reveals his deep wisdom and unique perspective as a financial strategist. In March this year, the El Salvador National Treasury deposited 5,689 bitcoins, becoming the country's first bitcoin piggy bank. Three years ago, El Salvador became the first country in the world to use bitcoin as legal tender, a move that sparked widespread skepticism at the time. However, Justin Sun publicly supported the decision on Twitter, which was liked and retweeted by the President of El Salvador. Today, El Salvador's bitcoin reserves have begun to bear fruit, and Justin Sun has once again proved his keen insight into the cryptocurrency market.

Justin Sun: The real power behind traffic, a steady pace in a bear market

Justin Sun, a well-known figure in the cryptocurrency field, is often surrounded by marketing news and hot topics, and is teased by netizens as "Brother Sun". However, Justin Sun's success does not rely solely on traffic and hype. His steady progress in the changing market reveals his deep wisdom and unique perspective as a financial strategist.

In March this year, the El Salvador National Treasury deposited 5,689 bitcoins, becoming the country's first bitcoin piggy bank. Three years ago, El Salvador became the first country in the world to use bitcoin as legal tender, a move that sparked widespread skepticism at the time. However, Justin Sun publicly supported the decision on Twitter, which was liked and retweeted by the President of El Salvador. Today, El Salvador's bitcoin reserves have begun to bear fruit, and Justin Sun has once again proved his keen insight into the cryptocurrency market.
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