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LUNC Price Analysis: Terra Luna Classic Targets 63% Gain After Breakout !! #StartInvestingInCrypto #altcoins #BinanceLaunchpool #MicroStrategy #BTC LUNC’s price peaks at $0.000120 following a v3.0.1 upgrade.Analyst Javon Marks predicts a 63% price surge for LUNC to $0.00021439.LUNC price has been on the rise in the last 24 hours, fueled by activity within the Terra Luna Classic ecosystem such as Binance burning its token and the release of v3. 0. 1 upgrade. This action has triggered a rally, positioning the cryptocurrency for potential gains. The price movement began with a pre-upgrade surge, a common phenomenon in crypto markets often referred to as “buy the rumor, sell the news The price of LUNC began the day at around $0.0001193 and saw a steady climb, reaching a peak near $0.000120. Subsequently, the trading volume over the last 24 hours has risen approximately 3.89%, totaling about $28.21 million. This rise in trading volume coincides with a 1.81% increase in market capitalization, aligning well with the slight upward trend in LUNC’s price.

LUNC Price Analysis: Terra Luna Classic Targets 63% Gain After Breakout !!

#StartInvestingInCrypto #altcoins #BinanceLaunchpool #MicroStrategy #BTC

LUNC’s price peaks at $0.000120 following a v3.0.1 upgrade.Analyst Javon Marks predicts a 63% price surge for LUNC to $0.00021439.LUNC price has been on the rise in the last 24 hours, fueled by activity within the Terra Luna Classic ecosystem such as Binance burning its token and the release of v3. 0. 1 upgrade. This action has triggered a rally, positioning the cryptocurrency for potential gains.

The price movement began with a pre-upgrade surge, a common phenomenon in crypto markets often referred to as “buy the rumor, sell the news

The price of LUNC began the day at around $0.0001193 and saw a steady climb, reaching a peak near $0.000120. Subsequently, the trading volume over the last 24 hours has risen approximately 3.89%, totaling about $28.21 million. This rise in trading volume coincides with a 1.81% increase in market capitalization, aligning well with the slight upward trend in LUNC’s price.

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PEPE & SHIB Prices To Rally? Massive Buying Hints More Gains Ahead !! #Binance55thProject(IO) #StartInvestingInCrypto #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins #BTC In a riveting turn of events, amidst meme coins’ turbulent price action witnessed in the past 24 hours, a whale has been recorded bagging colossal amounts of Pepe coin (PEPE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) tokens, nabbing investor attention across the globe. On-chain insights reveal 199 billion PEPE and 37 billion SHIB were purchased recently, birthing market optimism surrounding the meme-based investment products’ future movements. Despite the already impressive price rally taken during this year’s bull cycle, Pepe coin and Shiba Inu tokens continue to shine with optimism for future gains. This is further evidenced by the significant accumulations mentioned above. Let’s dive deeper into the current price action and on-chain stats of SHIB & PEPE. Whale Obsessed With Meme Coins Sacks Billions According to the on-chain insights facilitated by ‘The Data Nerd, ‘ the whale 0xa14 has withdrawn 199 billion PEPE, worth $2,9 million, from Binance, the world’s leading crypto exchange. Moreover, the same wallet address withdrew 37 billion SHIB, worth $964K, from the same exchange in another transaction. Data reveals that within a span of 5 days, the trader has withdrawn a staggering 349 billion PEPE, valued at $5.21 million, from Binance. These accumulations have significantly tilted the whale’s portfolio towards Pepe coin, accounting for 82% of the total, worth $10.4 million. The remaining holdings include Shiba Inu, totaling $9.66 million. This data underscores the whale’s immense confidence in the abovementioned meme-based investment products. Also, it’s worth spotlighting that the accumulation ignited bullish sentiments just when the market thought PEPE’s price had topped while the meme coins season waned. As of writing, PEPE’s price fell 1.14% in the past 24 hours to $0.0000147, while SHIB’s price dropped 1.97% to $0.0000256.
Floki Rallies 24%, Hits New All-Time High: Will It Continue To Rise? #StartInvestingInCrypto #altcoins #BlackRock #BTC #bitcoin FLOKI is currently one of the best-performing crypto assets of the last 24 hours. The dog-themed memecoin hit a new all-time high of $0.0003449 earlier today, rallying 24.4% in the daily charts, 13.5% in the weekly charts, 40.8% in the 14-day charts, and more than 68% over the previous month. FLOKI’s incredible rally could be due to the project’s massive burn initiative last month. The team announced that 15 billion tokens would be burnt on-chain. Furthermore, the asset has received several exchange listings, further pushing its expansion. CoinCodex anticipates FLOKI to continue surging over the next few weeks. The platform predicts the dog-themed memecoin to hit $0.0000972 by the end of this month and climb to $0.001213 on July 3, 2024. Reaching $0.001213 from current levels would translate to a growth of about 269%. on the other hand, is bearish on FLOKI. The platform predicts the asset to hit a maximum price of $0.000213 in June, a fall of about 35.25 from current levels. Moreover, Changelly does not anticipate the asset to reclaim its recent peak this year.Telegaon also does not paint a bullish picture for FLOKI. The platform predicts the memecoin to hit a maximum price of $0.000248 in 2024. However, Telegaon anticipates the asset to hit a new peak of $0.000362 in 2025.There is a possibility that FLOKI will face a correction soon, given that the asset does not have a lot of adoption, development, or real-world utility.
Worldcoin Receives Strong Support In Spain, WLD Price Soars 3% !! #Binance55thProject(IO) #StartInvestingInCrypto #altcoins #BlackRock #BTC Worldcoin, led by Sam Altman, has caught the eyes of tech-market enthusiasts amid strong support received in Spain. Notably, this development has led to a 3% increase in the Worldcoin’s native crypto WLD price. This surge indicates the growing optimism amid the positive impact of the recent announcement from Sam Altman’s firm. Worldcoin Gains Robust Support In Spain In a recent announcement, Worldcoin said that it has recently conducted a survey of over 21,000 Spanish users to gauge their opinions on the platform. The results were overwhelmingly positive, with nearly 90% of respondents supporting the return of Worldcoin operations in Spain. Notably, this feedback highlights the growing importance of digital proof of humanness in the country. Besides, according to the survey, 73% of respondents believe that Worldcoin can help create a safer and more secure internet. In addition, 82% see technologies like World ID as crucial for distinguishing between humans and bots online. The survey also revealed that 81% of users feel safe using Worldcoin.These findings underscore the strong support for Worldcoin’s privacy and security measures. The platform said that it uses zero-knowledge proofs (ZKP) to protect user privacy and employs an SMPC system to encrypt iris codes. Notably, this approach ensures users’ data remains secure and private, according to the firm. a Worldcoin contributor, has extended the pause on orb operations in Spain to allow for a thorough GDPR compliance audit by BayLDA, the lead authority in Bavaria. This voluntary move demonstrates Worldcoin’s dedication to transparency and regulatory adherence.
Worldcoin Halts Data Collection in Spain Amid Privacy Concerns !! #StartInvestingInCrypto #altcoins #BinanceLaunchpool #BlackRock The Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD) has halted Worldcoin’s operations in Spain. The agency declared that Tools for Humanity Corporation, which manages Worldcoin, agreed to cease collecting and processing personal data until the end of 2024, pending ongoing investigations into its data handling practices. The AEPD’s decision follows a broader trend of increasing scrutiny over Worldcoin’s operations across Europe. Germany’s Bayerisches Landesamt für Datenschutzaufsicht (BayLDA) also examines Worldcoin’s activities. This probe focuses mainly on how the organization processes personal user data. Reports indicate that a resolution from the BayLDA is expected soon, and it will align with the findings of other European supervisory authorities. The collaborative efforts underline a unified European stance on privacy and data protection, emphasizing the need for stringent compliance by companies operating in the digital identity space. Moreover, the AEPD had previously ordered the cessation of Worldcoin’s data activities in Spain as early as March 2024. This directive was part of a broader regulatory response to the project’s data collection methods, which have raised privacy concerns among various stakeholders. During this period of increased scrutiny, Worldcoin has implemented several measures to enhance user security and data privacy. These include open-sourcing its biometric data system and allowing users to delete their iris codes securely. Worldcoin’s regulatory challenges are not confined to Europe. In May 2025, authorities in Hong Kong mandated a halt to Worldcoin operations over concerns related to the prolonged retention of sensitive biometric data. Worldcoin has significantly grown its user base and transaction volume despite these hurdles. As of April 2025, the platform boasted 10 million users and recorded 70 million transactions, showcasing its widespread adoption across diverse markets.
Shiba Inu Burn Rate Skyrockets 16600%, What’s Next For SHIB Price? #StartInvestingInCrypto #Megadrop #altcoins #BinanceLaunchpool #BlackRock The Shiba Inu (SHIB) meme coin, known for its canine mascot, has recently captured significant attention in the crypto market due to a massive increase in its token burn rate. According to Shibburn, a platform that tracks the incineration of SHIB tokens, the burn rate saw a remarkable surge of nearly 16,600% on Tuesday, June 4.this surge comes amid a decline in SHIB price, offering hopes of a potential rebound. Shiba Inu Community Initiates $21.5M SHIB Burn The surge in SHIB token burning has sparked enthusiasm among traders and investors. It reduces the overall supply of SHIB in circulation, potentially enhancing its value. In the past 24 hours, the burn rate of SHIB tokens escalated by 16593.83%, as reported by Shibburn . the community collectively burned a total of 21.5 million SHIB tokens across multiple transactions. As a result of these large transactions, the cumulative amount of SHIB tokens burned has reached an impressive total of 410.72 trillion. The reduction in supply is a key factor that could potentially drive up the value of the SHIB token. Furthermore, if the demand remains steady or increases, it could be of higher benefit. For context, in economics, a reduction in supply with constant or rising demand typically leads to price appreciation. This principle applies to cryptocurrencies, including SHIB. The recent developments have generated a wave of optimism within the Shiba Inu community. Shiba Inu slumped below the crucial support of $0.000024 today, distancing from the key resistance level of $0.000025. As of writing, the SHIB price lost 3.30% to $0.00002392 on Tuesday, June 4. Whilst, the meme crypto held a market capitalization of $14.09 billion. the SHIB trading volume spiked 42.35% to $659.67 million in the past 24 hours. Though the burn rate has added optimism in the market, a rebound in Shiba Inu price can be noted only if the meme coin manages to successfully breakout from the $0.000025 level

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