Binance Square
Crypto Raven
Few days back, we saw $ETH breaking the falling wedge pattern and the price did shoot up right after that. And for that steady growth the price is currently taking support at the $3800 zone. This could be great for ETH. Not only that, we have Ethereum ETF decision due in a few hours. It's supposed to be at 8.30PM UTC and that will definitely have a great impact on the market. As this is a fundamental move for Ethereum keep in mind this will change a lot of the trajectory of price movement. I obviously hope, this pushes towards more positive and impactful change. #ETHETFS #BlackRock #MicroStrategy #btc70k

Few days back, we saw $ETH breaking the falling wedge pattern and the price did shoot up right after that. And for that steady growth the price is currently taking support at the $3800 zone. This could be great for ETH.

Not only that, we have Ethereum ETF decision due in a few hours. It's supposed to be at 8.30PM UTC and that will definitely have a great impact on the market. As this is a fundamental move for Ethereum keep in mind this will change a lot of the trajectory of price movement. I obviously hope, this pushes towards more positive and impactful change.

#ETHETFS #BlackRock #MicroStrategy #btc70k

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