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🚨 Notcoin going to zero: should I sell off my allocation? Many people are asking different questions regarding the future of Notcoin, especially newbies that just got their major win through the airdrop. Yes, your concerns are all valid; it's painful watching your asset lose 30–90% of its original worth. In the case of Notcoin, I sincerely believe the future is looking good. The sell pressure we're currently experiencing is from some airdrop winners emptying their bags. Below are a few reasons I think the price will bounce back and even appreciate more: They have a very large community, if not the largest, with 35 million people directly involved in the project. • No VC, private sales, or public sales. • No team allocation. • Completely community-driven. • Paving ways for Web3 adoption. • Active collaboration with other projects. • And a lot more. Reserve some Notcoin for your bag. What's your opinion? Share in the comment section. PS: Your generous tips ❤️ will help us share more informative contents. #notcoin

🚨 Notcoin going to zero: should I sell off my allocation?

Many people are asking different questions regarding the future of Notcoin, especially newbies that just got their major win through the airdrop.

Yes, your concerns are all valid; it's painful watching your asset lose 30–90% of its original worth. In the case of Notcoin, I sincerely believe the future is looking good.

The sell pressure we're currently experiencing is from some airdrop winners emptying their bags. Below are a few reasons I think the price will bounce back and even appreciate more:

They have a very large community, if not the largest, with 35 million people directly involved in the project.

• No VC, private sales, or public sales.

• No team allocation.

• Completely community-driven.

• Paving ways for Web3 adoption.

• Active collaboration with other projects.

• And a lot more.

Reserve some Notcoin for your bag.

What's your opinion? Share in the comment section.

PS: Your generous tips ❤️ will help us share more informative contents.


إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. ليست نصيحةً مالية. يُمكن أن تحتوي على مُحتوى مُمول. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
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