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CrypticNews Hub
💰 20 hours ago, 2 wallets (possibly belonging to the same whale) just transferred $3.38 million worth of $RNDR to Coinbase (~$36.27 million). 7 months ago, these wallets accumulated these $RNDR at an average entry of $2.3. If sold at the current price, their realized profit would be $28.47 million (ROI ~ x4.65).

💰 20 hours ago, 2 wallets (possibly belonging to the same whale) just transferred $3.38 million worth of $RNDR to Coinbase (~$36.27 million).

7 months ago, these wallets accumulated these $RNDR at an average entry of $2.3.

If sold at the current price, their realized profit would be $28.47 million (ROI ~ x4.65).

إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. ليست نصيحةً مالية. يُمكن أن تحتوي على مُحتوى مُمول. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
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استكشف المزيد من مُنشِئ المُحتوى

Morning news from CrypticNews Hub 1. Solana Labs launches the Bond customer loyalty platform. 2. Tether CEO plans to launch a new type of digital asset on June 17. 3. Eigen Labs announced the acquisition of Rio Network and intends to open source the code and IP. 4. Layer3 completed a $15 million Series A funding round led by ParaFi and Greenfield Capital. 5. Coinbase: Activity of companies listed on the U.S. exchange continues to grow, with Fortune 100 companies' blockchain projects increasing by 39% compared to last year. 6. The value of tokens issued on Ethereum in 2024 reached $4 billion, with Jupiter and Starknet in the top three. 7. Market news: The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission reported that Terraform agreed to pay $4.47 billion. 8. The Fed's dot plot suggests four rate cuts in 2025. 9. Fed Chairman Powell: If the economy remains stable and inflation persists, we will be ready to keep interest rates unchanged where necessary. 10. People familiar with the matter: Biden's campaign is considering accepting cryptocurrency donations through Coinbase Commerce. 11. ZKsync faced a massive Sybil attack on platform X, with a large number of bot accounts spreading false information. 12. Paxos laid off about 20% of its staff to focus resources on potential opportunities in areas like tokenization and stablecoins. 13. Coinbase CEO met with several senators in Washington to discuss creating clear regulations for the crypto industry. 14. The official DTCC website listed the Invesco and Galaxy Ethereum spot ETF under the ticker QETH. 15. LayerZero CEO: We plan to release a full list of Sybils for public view over the weekend and then check the passes within 24 hours. 16. Riot Platforms criticized Bitfarms for adopting a "poison pill" plan that is not beneficial to shareholders. 17. The Taunton Firefighters Guild (USA) added bitcoin to its balance sheet.

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