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Beware of phishing: Whale loses 1155 $BTC , learn how to stay secure. On May 3, a major player in cryptocurrency lost 1155 BTC, valued at $71 million, highlighting the critical need for security in cryptography. #Blockchain heist: exploiting vulnerabilities in "whales" A hacker exploited a whale's activity, deceiving it into transferring #BTC by mimicking its address. Swiftly, the hacker redirected the funds, suggesting a well-planned attack. Protecting your assets: key security practices Generate private keys offline, use hardware wallets, and keep backups. Verify addresses, conduct small test transfers, and consider multi-signature methods. Remaining vigilant against phishing is crucial to prevent significant losses like this. Prioritize security measures to safeguard against such attacks.

Beware of phishing: Whale loses 1155 $BTC , learn how to stay secure.

On May 3, a major player in cryptocurrency lost 1155 BTC, valued at $71 million, highlighting the critical need for security in cryptography.

#Blockchain heist: exploiting vulnerabilities in "whales"

A hacker exploited a whale's activity, deceiving it into transferring #BTC by mimicking its address. Swiftly, the hacker redirected the funds, suggesting a well-planned attack.

Protecting your assets: key security practices

Generate private keys offline, use hardware wallets, and keep backups. Verify addresses, conduct small test transfers, and consider multi-signature methods.

Remaining vigilant against phishing is crucial to prevent significant losses like this. Prioritize security measures to safeguard against such attacks.

إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. ليست نصيحةً مالية. يُمكن أن تحتوي على مُحتوى مُمول. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
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