Binance Square
🚀🚀🚀NEW SIGNAL🚀🚀 Join my live stream for premium signal click on my profile to join Coin name - #BONK🔥🔥 signal type- long Why do I think BONK will go upside? 1. I can see BONK breakout it's falling wadge resistance line so that BONK is bullish right now. I will open long now. 2. I can see total3 is bullish so that alts is also bullish that's why I am bullish on alts. my entry price will be - .0000234 1st tp- .000025 2nd tp - .000027 3rd tp - .000031 leverage will be 5x sl- .223 Join my live stream for premium signal of free signal. 1. just click on my profile to join my live stream


Join my live stream for premium signal click on my profile to join

Coin name - #BONK🔥🔥

signal type- long

Why do I think BONK will go upside?

1. I can see BONK breakout it's falling wadge resistance line so that BONK is bullish right now. I will open long now.

2. I can see total3 is bullish so that alts is also bullish that's why I am bullish on alts.

my entry price will be - .0000234

1st tp- .000025

2nd tp - .000027

3rd tp - .000031

leverage will be 5x

sl- .223

Join my live stream for premium signal of free signal.

1. just click on my profile to join my live stream

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