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The hacker who stole $68 million through "address poisoning" contacted the victim. The hacker returned 51 ETH (~$153,800) to the user with a message to contact him on Telegram. This is evidenced by on-chain data on the Etherscan platform. "Please leave your Telegram, I will contact you," the scammer wrote to the victim twice. Communication was conducted through the Input Data field in the Ethereum transaction. The message from the scammer came after on May 5, the victim requested a large portion of the funds. The 51 ETH represents only 4.2% of the requested amount. "After this, there is no turning back," the victim wrote, adding: "We both know that it is impossible to launder these funds. You will be traced." The user urged the hacker to keep 10% of the stolen amount, returning the rest by May 6.

The hacker who stole $68 million through "address poisoning" contacted the victim. The hacker returned 51 ETH (~$153,800) to the user with a message to contact him on Telegram. This is evidenced by on-chain data on the Etherscan platform.

"Please leave your Telegram, I will contact you," the scammer wrote to the victim twice. Communication was conducted through the Input Data field in the Ethereum transaction.

The message from the scammer came after on May 5, the victim requested a large portion of the funds. The 51 ETH represents only 4.2% of the requested amount.

"After this, there is no turning back," the victim wrote, adding:

"We both know that it is impossible to launder these funds. You will be traced."

The user urged the hacker to keep 10% of the stolen amount, returning the rest by May 6.

إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. وهذه ليست نصيحةً مالية. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
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