Binance Square
CrypticNews Hub
Currently, there are approximately 2.3 million #Bitcoin held collectively across various exchanges, constituting a fraction of the total fixed supply of 21 million. In the case of #ETH , the situation is slightly different. Approximately 12 million ETH are currently held on exchanges, although the total supply limit exceeds 100 million, with the exact figure undisclosed. This data provides insights into the distribution and liquidity of these cryptocurrencies within the #market . $BTC $ETH

Currently, there are approximately 2.3 million #Bitcoin held collectively across various exchanges, constituting a fraction of the total fixed supply of 21 million.

In the case of #ETH , the situation is slightly different. Approximately 12 million ETH are currently held on exchanges, although the total supply limit exceeds 100 million, with the exact figure undisclosed.

This data provides insights into the distribution and liquidity of these cryptocurrencies within the #market .


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