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The #cryptocurrency market operates in cycles, which are inherently beyond our control I'm open to hearing opposing viewpoints regarding why #LTC may not reach the $300 - $400 mark within the span of a year. Personally, I hold the conviction that such a price surge is imminent, hence I persist in adding this veteran asset to my portfolio I've provided a straightforward analysis on the chart above to illustrate my perspective. It's worth noting that this #market pattern is currently prevalent. #LTCUSDT $LTC

The #cryptocurrency market operates in cycles, which are inherently beyond our control

I'm open to hearing opposing viewpoints regarding why #LTC may not reach the $300 - $400 mark within the span of a year.

Personally, I hold the conviction that such a price surge is imminent, hence I persist in adding this veteran asset to my portfolio

I've provided a straightforward analysis on the chart above to illustrate my perspective. It's worth noting that this #market pattern is currently prevalent.


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