Binance Square
Whale address 0x444 made a recent deposit of 11,550 ETH ($37M) to Binance at approximately $3,200, realizing a slight profit of $247K (+0.67%) within the past 5 hours. However, examining their trading history since March 9 reveals a less favorable trend. Across 3 ETH trades during this period, the whale incurred losses totaling $4.71M, resulting in a negative ROI of -4.2% and a loss rate of 67%. It's worth noting that this whale shares the same Binance address as Smart ETH trader 0xb82, who, in contrast, earned $16.3M (+12.9%) from 5 successful ETH trades with a win rate of 80%. This connection suggests a potential correlation between them. This serves as a reminder that even experienced traders can encounter losses in volatile markets. ADDRESS: 0x444624b9777e41e648c4019cc86cf0b6738f39bf $ETH #ETH #whale

Whale address 0x444 made a recent deposit of 11,550 ETH ($37M) to Binance at approximately $3,200, realizing a slight profit of $247K (+0.67%) within the past 5 hours.

However, examining their trading history since March 9 reveals a less favorable trend. Across 3 ETH trades during this period, the whale incurred losses totaling $4.71M, resulting in a negative ROI of -4.2% and a loss rate of 67%.

It's worth noting that this whale shares the same Binance address as Smart ETH trader 0xb82, who, in contrast, earned $16.3M (+12.9%) from 5 successful ETH trades with a win rate of 80%.

This connection suggests a potential correlation between them.

This serves as a reminder that even experienced traders can encounter losses in volatile markets.



$ETH #ETH #whale

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